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Oops I did it again...

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 01:52
by Kira
Kira looked at her bank account, the money she made from that raid team was nice but she was going to need a lot more in order to get her master powers. She set that as a goal, she needed something to work on. She went to go check on her occult shop, she let the employees run it unless she was needed for a reading or something.

"Where the hell is the security camera? Are you ******* kidding me right now?" she hissed. No one had noticed it was gone? The thing was rigged to blow up because people had sticky fingers. She closed the shop down and went next door to Lexy's shop to use her workbench only to find she was missing a few items. This made her more annoyed.

She went home to get ready for some good old fashion B&E. She went to the first building, didn't have what she needed. By the third building, she found the computer and pulled up the list for what shipments they had in. Finally, there was something she could use. She used her shadows to get around the guards up until she broke into a door and that power dropped.

She pressed herself against the wall, listening to the footsteps. She took out a noisemaker and tried to get the guard to move away from where she wanted to go. She moved around the corner and hurried down the hall only to come face to face with the guard. Well ****. "Hey, I was just dropping off a late shipment.." she said, trying to use her allurist charm. Course this was also coming from a bare footed woman wearing a Lady Death outfit, complete with white hair and glowing eyes. It was made to scare them but that sure didn't work this time.

And once she was in a fight, it was a fight to the death. There was no hold up let's not kill the human who was just doing his job. She blamed Warrior for it every single time. She tried to hurry to the next door before the cops showed up, no such luck. Another one bites the dust.

As soon as she got what she needed, she quickly used a smoke bomb to make sure no one else died. She hurried away from the building. "**** **** ****.." she kept saying all the way home and even as she changed out of the outfit.

"57 fucks and counting. Think you can stop now." The cold voice of warrior sounded in her head. Kira turned towards the mirror, "**** you!" she growled at the woman.

"Good thing you have no childer to see just what a disgrace you are."

Kira glared, that was a low blow. "******* *****." she said simply and walked out of the bathroom. The animals were all hyped up because she was. She took in a deep breath and quickly looked at the wanted list. "Damn it!" she passed the two that were already on the list.

She took out her phone, she knew hacking was a way to get rid of the evidence against her and her go to hacker was gone but Lexy was doing the hacking for the team. She sent a message to her, "Oops, I'm on the Wanted List <.<" Surely Lexy would know of more ways to get her off the list.

Sof swatted at her hand. "What?" Kira said, the cat meowed at her. "Did I forget to feed you or something? Or you know who I just texted you want a play date.." Artio was beside Sof, staring at her as well.

Re: Oops I did it again...

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 03:14
by Alexandrea
Was it bad that when Alex read Kira's message that she laughed? The blonde couldn't help but grin, it was just like old times. Well, almost. These days Alexandrea was hunting bounties, not raking one up. "Kiwi! You should know better!" Kitty looked around as Alex spoke, there was no sign of the other blonde Allurist but the human had learned that just because her eyes told her something, didn't mean that it was true.

Alex caught her thrall checking out the room suspiciously and chuckled; "No, sorry. There's no one else here. Well, at least no one that I know of... I was just thinking out loud." The young woman almost replied; 'so what else is new' but thought better of it at the last second. If her 'employer' was in the wrong mood, Kitty might have to end up listening to the blonde ramble on for hours about how many things she thought about that she never voiced out loud.

"I want you to grab Harry and head for the flats. Kira needs a lot of ears. Dave will meet you there." The thrall didn't ask, it wasn't worth the risk of getting a long drawn out explanation. She just texted the other thralls the instructions and went on her merry way as Alexandrea's nose dipped closer to the screen of her computer.

As Alexandrea worked on the hacking, she exchanged some light-hearted ribbing with her friend and one-time co-conspirator...

*Kiwi....* The blonde sent into Kira's mind; *what have you been up to??? haven't you outgrown shooting up random gangsters in public? I've got help on the way but you owe me a drink and the full story... *


Re: Oops I did it again...

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 11:00
by Kira
Kira was having a staredown between her cats when she got a text from Dave.

"Why am I being asked to get ears...again?"

Right, she had him out on the first-floor gathering zombie ears during the raid or at the flats as she needed them for a ritual. Her eyes widened, she still had a bunch left. She quickly grabbed the bag that had that loot in it. Oh right, she took her phone and replied. "Stop asking questions and go get those ears."

She heard Lexy's voice. She wasn't too sure what to say. The devil made her do it. Warrior was pretty close to a devil. "Well it wasn't gangsters...I have at least grown out of that yes. Had a bit of a mishap with some guards.." she replied sheepishly. "Will do, I'll be in the area in a moment with a bag of ears."

Re: Oops I did it again...

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 00:41
by Dave Carson
Dave was hoping for a peaceful night of doing nothing. But when your master was Kira, that was no such thing. The only time he had peace was when she is passed out during the day. He looked at the message about getting ears. It wasn't even from Kira, it was from Alex's thrall. Women ruled his life but yet he was single.

He grumbled and got up, asking Kira why he was getting ears. He got a vague reply back to just do as he was told. He put on his 'It's going to get messy' clothes and headed off to the flats. He was used to his life being put in danger but the normal zombies weren't that tough.

After chasing zombies around the flats and a bag full of ears, he slumped down in the nearest chair to rest.

"You coming here to get them?" he sent Kira

Re: Oops I did it again...

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 02:43
by Alexandrea
Alex had been starting to feel like she wasn't doing anything but hack anymore these days. Helping fix her Kiwi's 'little situation' wasn't the problem though, it was just the feeling that she was the only one in the city that was bothering to do anything anymore.

Helping out her friends and family or someone new and inexperienced was one thing. Spending all her time and energy cleaning up other people's messes when she didn't even know them was quite another. Some of them she contacted but most she didn't. She remembered all their names though. And if she kept finding evidence on them, they would be for sure hearing from her.

The blonde had laid down in the dark after 'speaking' with Kira, to finish up looking through the LEO's database for files on her friend in her head. There were plenty of them to be found, unfortunately. But there were also a lot of other files that Alex had to look through that had nothing to do with Kira. They all got deleted anyways, just like always. The timing was bad though, Alex grew a bit resentful, feeling like these strangers were slowing her down. Some of them weren't even vampires, so why did it fall to Alexandrea Quartermaine to take care of the problem?

The blonde sat up quickly, pushing those thoughts and all the negativity aside. She might have taken off her rose coloured glasses but she hadn't completely turned to the dark side yet. She was doing what she was going because it was the right thing to do. Period. Harper Rock was her home and she loved it. warts and all. And she had been able to work fast enough, only about a half an hour had passed since Kitty had left.

She looked at her phone and brought up the app that showed her views from all her security cameras and picked a spot near the exit of the 8d mall where she could teleport without being seen. The walk to the old QZ gate was a short one and yielded a few more zombie ears on the way. **Still there?** She sent to her fellow Allurist, knowing that Kira would know what she meant.


Re: Oops I did it again...

Posted: 23 Aug 2019, 07:16
by Kira
Kira distracted the animals with some treats so she could sneak out the door without them trying to come with her She would take them for a walk later she suppose. She quickly made her way to the gate of the QZ. She went to the militiaman who would buy the ears. She was part of their group, fighting back the zombie threat. Part of the money from the charity concert was to help the homeless and displaced families who had to leave their homes because of the zombies spreading out.

She eyed her phone, Dave must be over at the flats still. She didn't reply to him but instead, she made her way over to the flats. It didn't take long to spot the man resting. She dropped a hand on his shoulder which made him jump.

"I swear I will have a heart attack one of these days.." Dave said with a sigh. He handed over the bag of ears.

"Heart attack? You're too good in shape for that and you've seen some ****. I think you'll die in some other way." Kira replied simply, not very comforting to Dave at all.

"True. I'll most likely be eaten by something or that darker side of you will snap my neck or something." Dave muttered.

Kira blinked, well, she couldn't really deny that might be how it might go. Warrior was rather unpredictable and hated Kira. "I'm going to go turn these in.." she said, turning and headed out the building.

Dave thought her lack of saying anything about what he said a sign that it was a legit thing to be scared of. He shook his head and went back to resting.

Kira turned in the ears and also quickly banked the money from it. She returned to the gate to check on what her wanted level was. Almost there. Maybe a few more ears would do it. Lexy's hacking mostly did she was sure.

She wished she understood hacking. Dru tried to teach her about it but it really just made her head hurt. She thought she would always be able to count on Dru for all her hacking needs... She closed her eyes for a moment and let out of breath. She stopped thinking on all the people who no longer were here when she heard Lexy's voice. She was about to reply but spotted her friend instead.

She headed over to her, "Thanks for the help. Guess this is as close as bailing me out as a vampire gets." she said with a small grin. Cops had no hopes of locking one of them up but the prospect of being killed and sent to the shadow realm was as close as it got.