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West Towers not spawning apt [x]

Posted: 21 Feb 2019, 14:12
by Alexandrea
Wasn't West Towers supposed to auto-spawn apartments as they sold? None there that I could find are available and the only real estate listed on the properties page is at Pi's Sanctuary.

Corvidae Flats also should be spawning I think?

Re: West Towers not spawning apt [?]

Posted: 21 Feb 2019, 19:04
by Cliff Worthington
Galleria should be spawning too

Re: West Towers not spawning apt [?]

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 09:07
by Every
I don’t think West has been spawning apartments for ages.

Dragon, Barri, Corvidae, Sanctuary and Galleria I believe were the only ones the last time I looked.

Re: West Towers not spawning apt [?]

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 18:23
by Alexandrea
I had thought West Apts. used to but I put question marks in my post just in case... I've started forgetting things more. :( I could swear it did though... ? >.< lol

Re: West Towers not spawning apt [?]

Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 19:42
by Every
I know it did at one point, but I vaguely recall it being one of the reasons that Corvidae and Sanctuary were put up?

Re: West Towers not spawning apt [?]

Posted: 24 Feb 2019, 16:10
by Mooncalf
Some no longer spawn, as they've reached a cap. Some do, but only when 2 or 3 apartments remain unbought in the whole building.