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Siring slots [f]

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 03:17
by Micah
I had Lachlan moved over from Blood few months back. The player of one of his childer on Blood decided to move her character over, but she'd been purged due to inactivity, so she remade her here on Path. I went to give her his link, but it's saying he's sired the max amount, which isn't true. He's got 2 current childer under him right now, and as a second gen, he should have 4 slots I think? Correct me if I'm wrong there, but I'm pretty sure he was able to sire 4 to start with. And, I had the rit done at least once so he should have had a free slot regardless.

I'm pretty sure it's probably something to do with the move, but I don't want to ritual again in case this can be fixed. Help?

Re: Siring slots

Posted: 24 Feb 2019, 16:27
by Mooncalf
Should be fixed. Sorry for the late reply on this.