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Username already exists... but it doesn't [X]

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 13:52
by Levi DAmico

At the character creation stage, and despite checking to see if the name is already in the system, the error is coming up that the username "Arden" is already in use.

Some support would be awesome. <3

Re: Username already exists... but it doesn't

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 13:59
by Varnava
11.28.18 You sired a new vampire, named Arden!
But... this was on my character in Blood.

Re: Username already exists... but it doesn't

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 14:04
by Levi DAmico
Are Blood and Path connected like that?

Re: Username already exists... but it doesn't

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 14:17
by Varnava
Connected in the sense that my character can be the only "Varnava" at a time between both games. But "Arden" on Blood was just created in the last hour, so I think that's the bug there. Maybe it let you create the character, but it attached it to Blood instead of Path? I'm not sure how that could have happened.

Re: Username already exists... but it doesn't

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 14:30
by Levi DAmico
No, no!

The character was purposefully made on Blood. The understanding that the servers were connected in such a way is the missing information. I'll edit my first post so that it's not really a bug as I don't believe I can delete it.

Thanks for your help! <3

Re: Username already exists... but it doesn't [resolved]

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 14:59
by Varnava
Oh! No problem! I'm glad we got it figured out. :D

Re: Username already exists... but it doesn't [resolved]

Posted: 28 Nov 2018, 20:21
by Alexandrea
Thank you both! :) <3