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Thrall on a new character [f]
Posted: 09 Nov 2018, 00:21
by Mooncalf
Reported by: Sean.
Reported time (GM): 2018-11-09T00:21:57Z.
Encountered time: 6:17 pm Central Time.
Bug location: On my character, Sean in the QZ.
Bug type: other
Bug details: The new character, Sean, is only a week or two old. He is an Allurist. When I logged into him this evening, I noticed he had the thrall icon on the right side of the screen. Naturally, I clicked on it to see what would happen and got this message:
You do not have the required power to control this thrall anymore, or the thrall was summoned with a higher tier of the power.
When hovering over the thrall icon, it also says that the thrall's name is Seth hunter.
Further information:
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 09 Nov 2018, 00:40
by Alexandrea
I wonder if there was another Sean before... is there anyone listed on the relationships/allies page?
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 09 Nov 2018, 01:25
by Sean
There is nothing listed on his relationships/allies page.
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 09 Nov 2018, 01:49
by Alexandrea
well it might not be this BUT there WAS another Sean once before ... ile&u=6788
and the thrall ... h%20hunter
shows as Sean's with an appraisal.
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 09 Nov 2018, 15:04
by Sean
Well, would it be possible when one of the Devs has some time, to remove the thrall off my character please?
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 09 Nov 2018, 19:42
by Alexandrea
I'm sure one of the guys will do exactly that as soon as they have the chance. :)
Is it interfering with your gameplay?
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 10 Nov 2018, 00:44
by Sean
Not a bit, that's why I said whenever they get a chance. :)
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 13:54
by Sean
In four days, this issue is going to start affecting my gameplay. Sean will have the power to bewitch a human and the Thrall that shows up under him currently is a Tier 2, which means he wouldn't be able use it.
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 14:17
by Caligrace
If he has the ability to control a thrall, then he might be able to access the current thrall he has, by clicking on the button that pops up on the side. If it's possible, you should be able to go to that thralls setting page and delete it.
I'm not sure if being a tier 2 will affect that or not - I know that when this happened for me before, that it didn't matter the tier. I was still able to at least access it and delete it.
This is, of course, an option to try in case the guys don't get around to it. :)
Re: Thrall on a new character [B]
Posted: 21 Nov 2018, 14:32
by Sean
Thank you, I'll try that in a few days. :)