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(alts) Able to exchange Items and Cash [f]

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 22:08
by Ruby
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. But, I was able to exchange Items and cash with another character of mine. I know that we were not able to do that, but if its a thing now, it's awesome. I posted here because I did not want to be accused of cheating. But, I don't see how exchanging items between your characters is cheating, it's actually a good idea. you can make great weapons with one character, the other can't then you can exchange.

Thanks, Ruby.

Re: Possible Bug. Able to exchange Items and Cash

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 22:15
by Alexandrea
were either of these characters transplants from blood of the vampire?

Re: Possible Bug. Able to exchange Items and Cash

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:06
by Amalea
To answer the question, no, you cannot pass items or money between characters that you control here in Path. I’m mobile or I’d link it, but it’s in the game rules.

Re: Possible Bug. Able to exchange Items and Cash

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:46
by Ruby
ahh okay, and to answer Alex yes. I am from the blood.

Re: Possible Bug. Able to exchange Items and Cash

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:49
by Alexandrea
I have to wonder if it's related to that, then.
Amalea wrote:To answer the question, no, you cannot pass items or money between characters that you control here in Path. I’m mobile or I’d link it, but it’s in the game rules.
>.< Oy! lol I thought I addressed that too, sorry! I was rushing and using the phone to post but that's no excuse! :(

Re: Possible Bug. Able to exchange Items and Cash

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:58
by Ruby
Alexandrea wrote:I have to wonder if it's related to that, then.
Amalea wrote:To answer the question, no, you cannot pass items or money between characters that you control here in Path. I’m mobile or I’d link it, but it’s in the game rules.
>.< Oy! lol I thought I addressed that too, sorry! I was rushing and using the phone to post but that's no excuse! :(
It's Okay Lov. I'll go and find it myself and then I will as David if he can return them back. Or Josh whichever comes first. thank you again, as always Nice and fast..

Re: (alts) Able to exchange Items and Cash [a]

Posted: 08 Oct 2018, 20:57
by Alexandrea
bumping this.

(Blood charries moved over able to trade with path charries)

Re: (alts) Able to exchange Items and Cash [a]

Posted: 01 Nov 2018, 14:13
by Mooncalf
It should correct itself fairly soon after the transfer. Should be okay now, as there aren't more transfers being made.