Territory Gift Option Broken?

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Territory Gift Option Broken?

Post by Velveteen »

Gifting a territory doesn't seem to be working.

It gives you all the options and the gift button then you are asked to confirm but that button doesn't do anything. O.o

While you are looking at this could you also please transfer all of Tytonidae's territories to the Sirens please. Thank you. =)
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Re: Territory Gift Option Broken?

Post by Mooncalf »

Who were you attempting to gift to? That could be the cause.

As far as gifting them all to the sirens, I can do that, but we're pondering over an update to the system that would make it less buggy and less of a pain for you guys.
- Mooncalf AKA David AKA Moonie
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Re: Territory Gift Option Broken?

Post by Velveteen »

I was trying to gift to the Sirens.

As for the changes it wasn't the system that prompted the decision. With the faction gone its just...time to let go. =P
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Re: Territory Gift Option Broken?

Post by Mooncalf »

I understand. I'll swap them all over manually once we decide what's happening with the system (and I'll fix the gifting bug), but I also invite all of the Ty players to check this thread about suggested changes to the territorial battle system:

http://www.mooncalfstudios.com/pathofth ... 04&t=31096
- Mooncalf AKA David AKA Moonie
- Founder and creator of Path of the Vampire
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