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Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 03:52
by Kira
Kira sent her wraith into the nut house to look for Nimrod. She waited impatiently a few blocks away, having already been near the place before when one of their patients made a run for it, she sure didn’t want to attract attention.
“Found him.” Marcus said, “He’s in a room by himself, he’s tied down to the bed and I couldn’t get him to wake up no matter how loud I yelled at him. Course now other people think they are hearing things.”
Kira frowned, “He...has to be so scared.” she said, she knew how upset he was with the mere mention of a doctor when he had the flu when they first met. He distrusted all medical people and from what she learned, with good reason.
“So what exactly is the plain?” Marcus asked.
“Pose as a worker, use my charms, break him out. Simple.” Kira replied, heading away from the area.
“With no backup?” Marcus asked.
“I don’t need backup. Dave can be nearby with the getaway van.” Kira said, thinking on what kind of worker she could get in as. A new therapist maybe the easiest. She could just use her charms to get someone’s security badge and keys.
“You make is sound so simple.” Marcus said.
“What could go wrong?” Kira said waving her arms. Famous last words.
Later she was going through the plan again in her head. She wondered if her new childe Oscar would have any insight on how things work in there, maybe some people’s weaknesses. Then again, he may not want anything to do with it which she couldn’t blame him. She took out her phone, sending him a text message.
“Hey Oscar, hope all is well. I was wondering if you had any insight on how things work at that asylum. Do you know any of the people who work there, their names and such? I have a friend who is being held captive there and I plan on busting him out. So any information you have would be helpful. Let me know if you need anything btw.”
She had given him a cell phone so they could keep in touch, some money to start off with and some weapons.
She was going to break Nimmy out as soon as possible. If Oscar didn't want to get involved, that would be fine. She would go in without more information.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 01 Jun 2018, 05:50
by Nimrod
Nimrod wasn’t sure how long he had been in this place, time meant nothing here. His mind was so foggy, he tried to remember how he ended up here in the first place. Had he gotten sick again? He had been having a hard time. All his friends were gone, the human ones anyway. He wasn’t sure what happened to them and he didn’t exactly have a real home either, he would stay with whoever wanted to put up with him. There was always that bank, he liked hanging around that bank, behind the plants. He hoped no one found Trappy. That robo plant was the only thing he had left from Mike Barone. His only company other than Peter, his strange doggy. He wasn’t sure where he was at.
Yeah...he had gotten sick. People were trying to take him to a doctor. He freaked out. He ended up here.
Not again. Not again. They were going to do things to him, just like the last place. It was only a matter of time. Any time he came out of the drugs they were using, he would start to scream. Then they would put him under again. He would just cry, he didn’t want to be here. He was missing work. The one nice blonde lady Alex would be disappointed that he wasn’t doing his job.
He heard someone calling his name. He wasn’t sure who it was. They didn’t call him Nimrod here, they called him John Doe. This was someone who knew him. The brought up a name he did know though. Kira. Another nice blonde lady, the one that sings songs. She was coming to get him? wishful thinking. Why would someone do that?
He heard the door open, someone was checking the room. He felt a couple of fingers jab him in the side which made him wince. “Oy, why you yelling Nimrod?”
Nimmy could barely open his eyes, the drugs were wearing off again. “I wasn’t..” he said softly.
“Lair. It came from this room. It had to be you. You were using a different voice though. You just get crazier and crazier.” the worker said, “Time for some more drugs.” he headed out of the room.
“No! No more!” Nimrod pleaded as the man returned with another worker with the needle of evil stuff. “I just want to go...I want Trappy, and Peter and go to work. No more sleeping. I want candy!” he said, pulling on the straps that kept him from moving. They came closer with the needle and he started to scream bloody murder. The needle went into his arm and slowly the sleepy stuff went into his body. “” he muttered before his eyes closed again.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 03 Jun 2018, 09:36
by Oscar Grayling
I am the absence of time. I am nothingness. I have become nothingness. I am the observer on the outskirts of chaos, watching humanity be dragged and hurled toward nothingness. But they won’t inhabit the nothingness like I do. They will be consumed by it.
Insanity was a set of clothes. Literally. Oscar had been stamped as unstable on so many different pieces of paperwork; paperwork was God, that was how the world now saw him. Unstable. And yet, Oscar knew the difference between unstable and stable; he knew that if he didn’t groom, if he didn’t shower or brush his hair or wash his clothes, he would inhabit the label that he had been given. People would look at him and say freak.
So when he woke every night he groomed. He clipped the stubble upon his face, he brushed his hair, he put on clean clothes. He tied his shoelaces. For all intents and purposes, he looked sane. He looked like a stable occupant of the human race.
And yet, independence was not a thing that Oscar should have been granted.
The disgraced academic lived in an abandoned trailer, somewhere in the Southwest of the city. He vaguely remembered a house. An apartment even? But when he tried to go back, the doors would not open. Had he been given a key? Maybe he had. Maybe he’d lost it. Maybe it had never existed; maybe it blinked out of time, because wasn’t as linear as everyone thought it was.
He was sitting cross-legged on top of the trailer when the message came through; it was a peculiar twitch at the corner of his brain, an electric signal that zapped his synapses. His eyes rolled, revealing the whites. His sire.
Is she my sire? What is a sire? Maybe she isn’t. Another timeline, another universe…is she or isn’t she? Doesn’t matter…
- I don’t think I need anything. Do I need anything?
The message was sent directly to her mind; easier than constructing the zeros and ones that form a text message.
- I can try remember. Is he max security or? Where is he? Where are you?
Oscar would help. He had nothing better to do.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 04 Jun 2018, 04:52
by Kira
Kira tilted her head, not expecting the messages to her mind. Maybe he didn't need a cellphone. "Max?" she said, he shouldn't be. The man was harmless. She looked towards where her wraith had been. "You don't think he was in max right?"
"It seemed kind of laid back. Other than the locked door and the fact he is tied down." Marcus replied. Kira then asked him to explain where Nimrod was at.
"He isn't in max. He's on the second floor, four rooms down from the right of the stairs." she replied to Oscar. "I'm a few blocks from the place. I had my wraith look around to see if he was there and where he is."
Kira was now texting Dave for him to get ready with the van. "Do you want me to summon you to me so you can explain what you remember?"
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 14 Jun 2018, 13:35
by Oscar Grayling
Oscar hadn’t ever been in max.
He was a tame sort; they let him have a room with a door that wasn’t locked; he could wander around the halls in his robe and his slippers and was even allowed to keep a few books. They didn’t worry for his safety, though of course anything that could be turned into a harmful implement was kept secured. It was pretty sterile, prison-like, but he’d never been tied down, at least.
If he’d known they were keeping vampires locked up in there, he might have tried to track them down.
Didn’t matter. His goal had been reached; he was here now, he’d got what he wanted.
That was all he offered in regards to the summoning; he didn’t mind, though was glad that Kira had asked first. Would have been a bit awkward if he’d been in the shower. That was about the most awkward thing he could think of. But he was dressed, and ready to go.
Sure, he had his reservations about going back to the place. He had broken out, and they would recognise him. But Kira was his sire, and she was trying to break someone else out. He had to be confident that she’d do the same for him, should anything go awry. Right?
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 20 Jun 2018, 03:55
by Kira
Once Kira got that one word, she summoned him to her. She waited a moment, some people didn't like being summoned or teleported, like it felt weird to them. She leaned against the stone wall, "Alright, tell me what you know." she said, "I'm not asking for you to take part in anything else than that." she added, she wasn't sure how he was emotionally when it came to that place. "Course, if you ever get recaptured or something, I could just summon you out."
In the meantime, Dave was getting things ready. Made sure the van was stocked with what they might need, like blood bags just in case something goes wrong.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 03:11
by Oscar Grayling
Oscar hadn’t been summoned before; he may as well have blinked, and he was somewhere new. The air was different. And there was his sire, relaxed but determined. He was grinning ear to ear, but tried not to when he remembered what she was trying to do.
”Uhm, they’re not fast,” he said, thinking about how he’d managed to escape. ”They rely on drugs to keep us sedated and slow so that we don’t run,” he said, recalling the drugs he’d hidden and flushed and spat out. They’d check to make sure drugs were swallowed, but they weren’t very good at it. They’d check under tongues, but not tucked up between cheeks and teeth.
”I hid them. I pretended to be slow. I know the schedules—when the time was right, I ran,” he said. To be fair, the place hadn’t been too highly monitored and where they’d kept him, the security hadn’t been too tight.
”But… I don’t understand. If you could summon me out, why can’t you summon him out, too?” he asked, head canted to the side.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 06:29
by Kira
Kira tilted her head, "Breaking someone out is far more fun." she replied. "Just kidding. You have to think of the person as an ally in order for that person to be summoned. Nim, I don't think he knows my name but I thought he thought of me as an ally. Or maybe it's all the drugs they have him on. Pretty much all the people he did trust are gone. Have no idea what kind of mental state he is in."
"He sure wasn't saying anything when I was trying to talk to him." Marcus added.
"He's a blood thief, maybe some vampire blood will perk him up." Kira said, though drugs sure as hell still worked on her. "Or may have to wait around. Make sure they don't drug him."
"Doesn't sound like the people who work there are in good shape, rather just keep everyone on drugs. So getting out won't be a problem." she said, she gave a confident nod. "Yeah, this should work."
"I really think you should have more backup." Marcus piped up.
"I don't need any backup. Stop worrying so much." Kira replied, she went to double check her things to see if she was ready.
Marcus sighed, well if she wasn't going to ask for backup, he would just ask for her. He floated off to try to find Aden but it might take him awhile to find him.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 14:26
by Oscar Grayling
Oscar glanced between the two of them, intrigued and curious. The plan, with all its basic threads, was sound. Yes, certain things needed to happen, and making sure the one they wished to break out was no longer on drugs might definitely help. Yes, if he was a blood thief, getting some blood to him might help dissipate the effect of the drugs. To give a thief vampire powers, too, if selective, would help with the escape.
"What powers would he get if he were to have some of your blood, Kira? Would they help him to escape? How will you find him? How will you get there?" he asked. He had so many questions about the plan that didn't seem like much of a plan yet.
"I can provide you with a map, if you can tell me where he's located. Can you send me images? To here?" he asked, pointing to his temple. If she had a way in, if they could somehow communicate telepathically -- even if she had a camera that he would be able to watch her progress through -- it might work.
"Because I shouldn't. Go in, I mean. Not because I'm afraid to but because I might be recognised. It wouldn't help," he said, his speech rapid and yet concise.
Re: Breaking Out! (Saving Nimrod)
Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 05:27
by Kira
Kira thought for a moment, "Who knows. I have so many powers from all the paths. He might end up with some killer powers like jump or tunnel. He might end up with teleport from the mystic path. He might be able to calm the guards down with allurist, who knows." she said. She knew Nim liked feeding from her because it gave him all sorts of powers to play with. "He might end up with some powers that will help him get out of there, hopefully. If I can reach him, I could teleport us both out."
"My wraith explained to me the basics of how the building is set up. I think I'll be fine, a map wouldn't hurt." she said, she tilted her head. "Yes, I can send you images to your mind." she added, she used that to teach people to dance, showing them what the next move was.
"I plan on just walking through the front door. I could hide in the shadows for awhile.." she said, was pretending to be a new worker the best way to do this or just sneak in like she was stealing something. Well, someone.
Kira nodded, "I wouldn't ask you to come in. But yes...someone might recognize you and that would be bad." she said.