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Business Not Running (delay in alert or trigger) [c]

Posted: 04 May 2018, 13:29
by Amaranthia
I didn't see this specific anywhere but I've noticed for the past two days, businesses are not running until you go to the business page then go back to the grid and then you get the pop up saying "Necropolis did 4000 business today" and then you can go do your questions.

Re: Business Not Running (delay in alert or trigger) [c]

Posted: 05 May 2018, 17:39
by Alexandrea
I've seen (not getting the alerts but businesses did run) this before too but usually at the very top of the hour when the businesses running can first be trigged, they still are running normally but whatever the trigger is hasn't 'hit'.

When I can I do mine at the 2am/game time mark, and that's when I've seen it before. I thought it was my heading to the businesses page that might have been the trigger so I didn't report a bug. When I don't run the businesses until later the next day cus I was crashed, I've never seen it. Also I only ever see it on whichever gal I log into first. Suzette vs Alex. I've never seen it on both on them.

Re: Business Not Running (delay in alert or trigger) [c]

Posted: 10 May 2018, 16:29
by Mooncalf
Aly: Business updates are triggered for each individual nowadays, and not for everyone at day change / sunrise. However, it does still require a daily update to mark businesses as ready to update. Having said that, the business page no longer even triggeers any updates, so my thinking is that this is merely a delay in sunrise when you hit the index page.