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Photobucket links/tiles [known-keep open]

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 13:53
by Roderic
I know corv flats is player owned but that ugly pb image shows up on apt Floors. It's REALLY REALLY hard, damn near imposs to know which apt is which number (at least it is mobile). Can someone just make the squares a wood floor one please?

Re: Photobucket link thing

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 13:55
by Azraeth
Yeah, I'll do that now.

Re: Photobucket link thing

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 13:58
by Hannah Lynn (DELETED 8242)
Thank you. It took me like..three mins to find my one apt. Heh couldn't see doors. Loool

Re: Photobucket link thing

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 14:24
by Azraeth
This is done. I'm leaving this thread open for other locations with the same issue.

I've left the second floor as is, because for some reason, it uses imgur, and I can update the other floors at a later date to reflect that decor.

Eventually, we are going to be hosting images, so that you guys don't have to work with third party hosting sites for things like grid graphics. But since the photobucket images are super ugly (and super offputting to new players), I'll just replace them with wood images (for public places only).


Re: Photobucket link thing

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 14:34
by Amalea
Sanctuary Main floor and I believe, each apartment/basement floor, is having this issue.

Re: Photobucket link thing

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 16:26
by CharlotteC
Flats other levels are having problems too.

Re: Photobucket links/tiles [known-keep open]

Posted: 08 Apr 2018, 21:36
by Azraeth
I'll be doing an image link grab and flooring update for the Sanctuary tomorrow. I'm going to be replacing basically anything that has a photobucket image, so just a heads up.

Corvidae should be fine now.

Re: Photobucket links/tiles [known-keep open]

Posted: 08 Apr 2018, 21:55
by Amaranthia
I have the original images for Corvidae Flatts, since I did them for Sammuel if you want them?

Re: Photobucket links/tiles [known-keep open]

Posted: 08 Apr 2018, 22:28
by Azraeth
That would be awesome. It'll take me a bit of time to place them all, so I wouldn't be able to fix it up immediately, but having them on hand for when I do would be really cool.


Re: Photobucket links/tiles [known-keep open]

Posted: 08 Apr 2018, 23:17
by Amaranthia