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Audio Record

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 04:54
by Varo Ricci (DELETED 9075)
The date is twenty eighteen, April third. Easter just passed, and I'm concerned that I've made a mistake. It's been a little under two months since I was human again. Already too many times my shade has gone on rampages. I have managed to defend myself relatively easily, only getting injured once, which I can now heal as I've become a sorcerer. But I'm not the only one who's been attacked. Others have, all the time. It's like whatever that thing is never takes a break, it's always somewhere doing something. Cops and soldiers fire at me all the time and I'm constantly in pain. I don't know what it wants or what's going on, but I don't know how long I can...let this go. I just don't want to be a vampire again, but I also don't want to let people get hurt as often as they are. I want to...tell everyone what's going on. Let them know that I used to be a vampire, why I became human, and...if it comes to it, why I may go back to being a vampire. I can only assume that all this is occurring because I'm human and was once a vampire, maybe if I turn'll just go away? Or maybe, at least then, I can more easily confront it, I can go into the shadow realm and fight it there maybe? I don't know. It's like no matter what I do I end up punished for something that's not my fault. Like there is no way out of all of this chaos. I just wanted to live a normal life. But, I'll never get that, I'll never even know what it's like.