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Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 01:03
by Aden-OCarrol
What I'm talking about is if you hit the attack button on the forum.
I've only got to do it once to take a hit for story purposes. So I don't know much about it. But absolutely love the idea.
So I have questions.
Are there humans in their? Blood kinda Important.
Are there stores and stuff in case I run out of ammo? Caue it dose happen
Can I lay traps in there? you never know you might need them.
Those are just my current ones that I can think of.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 01:09
by Mordechai
pretty sure is no to all, is just you and them till one runs or dies
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 01:11
by Caligrace
1] There are no humans in there. It's just a small layout for the characters to fight.
2] There are no shops, either. The Patron's Pin was disabled as well.
3] I am not sure on the traps, actually, as I haven't tried to lay any myself. Someone else might know more! :)
My suggestion would be to make sure you're stocked on ammo and the weapons you need - and blood boost will be your best friend for this situation - or lure human. :)
Edit: Ninja'd. :)
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 01:31
by Aden-OCarrol
What if you're being attacked by multiple people that doesn't work out well. They have an extreme huge advantage.
Not everyone has that power it takes a while for people to get around that power tree. Like it might be next year by the time I get my tracking powers just so I can finally fight someone.And just to get that power will take a several months. Because the way the game design I have a whole bunch of powers I don't want to get there. Which is fine.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 01:51
by Mooncalf
If you're outnumbered in a role play thread then it's just realistic that you'd have a very hard time in a fight. However it's not impossible.
As for blood, I've been thinking about making it so that you don't lose blood each day while in there.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 01:53
by Every
Mooncalf wrote:If you're outnumbered in a role play thread then it's just realistic that you'd have a very hard time in a fight. However it's not impossible.
As for blood, I've been thinking about making it so that you don't lose blood each day while in there.
I'd like this, personally. That was one of the bigger issues for me during the battle.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 02:02
by Aden-OCarrol
Agreed, But on the normal gird I run off grab a human or hit a store get to blood back full blood and dont have to waste anima just Ap. Or fight were the lot human for quick snack since I cant carry blood bags. Like hit and move square with a human in it.
The no blood lost form day change sound good to me too.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 04:57
by Charles Crafter
Could the same idea (no daily blood loss) be applied to faction battles?
Also, I really hope traps can be set, that'd be useful considering I have so many I could just litter the battlefield and wait. It would also give people who craft a little extra in a fight, since otherwise they're at the disadvantage.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 10:27
by Azraeth
No daily blood loss would make sense, as the battles should take place, in roleplay, in the space of a pretty short period of time anyway.
Re: Forum Gird fighting?
Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 11:53
by Amalea
If the blood loss is removed from rp battle arenas, which does make sense, it would have to be tempered with something that would keep people from using them to hide or purposely draw out the fight, imo. Perhaps that’s removing PXP gain while in a battle? I could also see some sort of mechanism that autoboots if you’re not really engaging your opponent.