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Evidence hack w/o evidence [b]

Posted: 23 Feb 2018, 06:49
by Charlie
Charlie's gone in to hack an E-system for evidence and found nothing.

It's not the first time it happens, a source claims.




I can't sabotage via the admin node to at least salvage this and get 20 exp for my 4 energy spent.

ETA - Following hack (also an E-system) worked fine, with evidence in node 12-6.

Re: Evidence hack w/o evidence

Posted: 23 Feb 2018, 07:03
by Alexandrea
everyone's been a good little vampire and staying out of trouble. :|

& yesh, I am pretty sure I heard of someone else having this happen before. I poked about a bit but didn't find an open report/thread on it though, will look again in the am.

Re: Evidence hack w/o evidence

Posted: 23 Feb 2018, 07:10
by Charlie
Alexandrea wrote:everyone's been a good little vampire and staying out of trouble. :|
Not everyone, no :))

Code: Select all

+ File "Evidence" has been downloaded.
You found some evidence which implicates Cyrus in a crime. Cyrus's police notoriety is currently extremely high.
Fabricate further evidence to implicate them in other crimes?
Delete the evidence from law enforcement databases?
But yeah, I don't think it affects gameplay to the point of oh my god. But 'tis a weird code hiccup.

Re: Evidence hack w/o evidence

Posted: 23 Feb 2018, 19:09
by Alexandrea
Yeah I didn't really think that was it :)) (that everyone was keeping thier noses clean)

Still didn't find any other reports on this but that isn't uncommon. It prob. means it was fixed once before and then removed.

Marking this a B.
Pretty much any bug that doesn't totally nerf your gameplay will be either a b or a c, cus you can still move and move on to something else to grind on. :|