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Q and A session (Night Three)

Posted: 26 Oct 2017, 03:24
by Storyteller

*Ripper arrives early and sits deliberately next to Amalea, making it blatently aware he has noticed her presence here in the room.*


Enver makes an early appearance, looking over the final arrangements of chairs on the music stage and chairs on the ground a few feet away from the stage. He buttons up the black suit coat he is wearing over the black v-neck t-shirt he is wearing, as he goes to grab a few microphones. He hands one to Amalea, before pointing to the stage, offering one of the few chairs on the stage to the woman. Wherever she sat, he'd sit in the other chair, he wasn't picky.

Doc noticed Ripper with Amalea.. and he purposely took a seat on the other side of Amalea, resting his arm across the back of her chair, while giving Ripper a flat unemotional look.

Amalea had come early to ensure that the demifae had properly secured the location. While they typically behaved once commanded, she wasn't taking chances given the importance of this week. Pleased everything was how it should be, she had taken a seat to wait on Enver to find out how tonight would proceed. A single raised eyebrow was the only indication that she had seen the man take a seat beside her; she wasn't about to engage him in conversation. The appearance of Enver with a microphone for her was a lifesaver that she took with a quiet 'Thanks

'. "Hello and goodbye," the red-head giggled softly to Doc as she slipped out of her seat. She hadn't mentioned to anyone that she had signed up for this so it would certainly be an interesting night. Stepping on to the stage, she took a seat on the right, smoothing her skirt down as she waited for the event to kick off. ( )

Doc gave Amalea a closed lipped smile and lifted an eyebrow at her as she headed to the stage. His smile became a knowing a smirk.

Doc's cell buzzed, and after looking at it, he tapped out a reply and his send. He pocketed the cell and game Ripper a knowing look. It might be construed as amusement. Or it might not. Who knows?

"Ripper." Enver nodded at the guy he was all too familiar with, then waited until Amalea took whatever seat she wanted on the stage, before he followed her up and took the opposite seat. After glancing around at the crowd, smaller than the nights before, which was expected to the Allurist, he turned the mic upside down and flipped the switch to turn it on. He glanced around, cleared his throat and then began as promised at the designated time. "Good evening, everyone. In case this is your first time to Chalktown and the Casino, I am Enver Marshall II. Tonight's event is a little more low key, but doesn't mean it's not as important as any of the other nights. Tonight, I'm here with this lovely young lady, Amalea. We're both here to answer questions that you may have about vampires, from either the perspective of a vampire, that's myself, or a human. That would be the lovely lady next to me. I'll begin by saying that I can't and won't be speaking for the community as a whole, but can and will speak about things I have or haven't done, things that I'm aware of currently and try to address any other concerns that are valid." He glanced to Amalea, and grinned, "Have anything else to add before we open the floor?"

had been unsure about attending tonight's event after her abrupt departure on Monday. Still, some effort was important, especially when it came to the attempts to repair the balance in the city. Unsure of what to expect, Ari stood just inside the door and tried to look relaxed in her tailored work dress. https://i.p i n i m ... e4e2f8.jpg ))

"I think you covered everything nicely," the red-head smiled. "Obviously, I also can't speak for the human community as a whole, but I'll do my best to answer everything best I can."

Enver listened to what Amalea had to say, gave her a few seconds after speaking, before he turned his attention back to the crowd. "On that note, the floor is now open for questions." Enver casually dropped the mic between his seated legs and leaned forward to scan the crowd for any raised hands.

Doc briefly raised his hand and waited to be recognized before merely shouting out how question. This was a evening that called for decorum and respect, for all parties and opinions.

(how = His)

Enver sat up from his casual seated position, flipped the microphone back up so he could speak into it and pointed to the guy with the raised hand. "Yeah. You. What's your question?"

Doc stood once Enver Marshall had acknowledged him, "I know that I, like a lot of people, am concerned about the crime rate in the city of Harper Rock and surrounding areas. Is it your and your cohost opinion, that the press is putting too much emphasis on the disparities between the groups; i.e. .. fake news?.. or is it a legit reading of the situation?"

Enver listened and then nodded his head. "Good question." He stated into the microphone, before glancing at Amalea. "I'll state my thoughts on it and then give Amalea a chance to convey her thoughts after." Enver took a breath in and looked at the woman in black that had entered a few minutes ago. "I actually believe a lot of it is either fake news, or news that is blown out of proportion. I've been in Harper Rock for about...six years. I feel there are some valid concerns, just as any big city has them, but anything suggesting it's vampires doing this, or that...there's been no real solid proof. My house hasn't been robbed. My car's haven't been stolen. My businesses haven't been robbed either. I've never been mugged and neither have any of my friends that I'm aware of. I'm not saying there isn't violence and that there might not be some from both humans and vampires, but I, personaly feel as if I've seen less violence in the city the last two or three years, than my first few years here." He glanced to Amalea to give her thoughts.

Amalea wasn't really surprised to see Doc was the first to ask a question as she inclined her head slightly to acknowledge Enver's comment that it was a good question. Her mind ran off with her thoughts as she listened to her cohost answer the question. As he wrapped up, she gave him a smile, pausing as she considered her own answer, "I think the media tends to sensationalize things in order to line their own pockets with the profits. Not just here in Harper Rock, but everywhere. Unfortunately, most media also seems to have some sort of hidden agenda or puppetmaster so it is unreliable to get information from a single source. I do believe that most tend to place more emphasis on anything negative related to vampires while glossing over the positives - if they even acknowledge them. I don't really see much of a distance between vampires and humans in terms of crime rates, but certainly the media - and by extension, most humans, don't see it that way."

came in looking around she smiled her eyes taking in the people that were there. She found a seat behind the two Males in the audience

Doc who was still standing nodded, "That has been my opinion. So faced with the facts that the 'news' cannot be trusted.. how do we as a city.. move forward?"

glanced at Amalea, then shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I can give my personal thoughts and business thoughts as well, since I tend to be motivated by one or two of those main driving forces." He smirked a little, glanced at the new person who came in and continued. "Stop buying their papers or online media reports. Hit them where it hurts financially. If things aren't selling, they'll have to figure out why. Venture out and make our own sources of news. We live in an era of immaculate possibilities with technology. NO reason why you and I, or anyone can't make news day in and day out. Radio stations can be bought and can become a credible source, so long as someone is willing to not be bought or bribed. Which is the real problem, Amalea is addressing. Finding a source that won't be swayed is the most difficult part, but the rest, we can deal with. Stop watching, stop reading. or go international. I only care about the business section myself, so I can't tell you what today's headline even was." Enver shrugged his shoulders and glanced over to Amalea to take it away.

entered quietly, tucking her hands into the pockets of her jeans as she did so before moving to stand off to the corner, listening for the time being. She caught the tail end of Doc's question, wondering the same and debating on how to work together. She heard her cousin's words, weighing them mentally.

Doc's eyes widened ever so slightly. That wasn't what he was asking. But it was a fair answer. He had no specifically specified that he was referring how did the city move forward as one group, rather than splintered factions due to the media's thirst for the almighty dollar versus the truth. He gave his attention to Amalea for her response.

Amalea nodded in agreement to the man's points as he spoke. "Enver certainly was correct that there are several things that can be done. Declining to patronize their businesses by refusing to purchase their paper or advertising would definitely hurt their bottom line if enough people boycotted. Avoiding their channels or webpages would affect their web ratings and where they place on search engines which is also crucial to such businesses. This sends the message that they need to shape up and report fairly or risk losing everything. To move forward, I think it's important the city has a media outlet that doesn't have a bias. I suppose, one way to do that would be to have a public access channel where all could book time slots. A paper that publishes facts would certainly help. I think as a city, aside from the media issue, we could use other methods to get people together to talk and meet their neighbors. Things like this week, or even casual events open to everyone. It's important that everyone sees that all the city's inhabitants are similar and deserve respect."

Doc nodded, and yielded the floor to other attendees. "Thank you.. I appreciate your candor, both of you. And I agree.. we need news.. that allows the reader to decide.. without personal opinion. Yet, I will say I am hopeful that we as a community can come together despite the news media, and become a strong and formidable community."

nodded his head at the ideas Amalea presented, before listening to anything else the guy in the crowd said. When it seemed as if he had no more questions. Enver glanced around. "Good questions and we can hope. No one likes being lied to, especially from sources that are supposed to be credible. Any other questions?" He shifted his weight in his seat, looking at more people that seemed to trickle in.

lifted her hand as she pushed off her spot. "Respect and common ground would certainly help when it comes to putting ourselves into the future. But unless the media source has a significant amount of varied personalities and views reaching across the broad spectrum, if it's not carefully crafted, it can delve into the territory of biased opinions without intention." And to Enver, she said, "The headlines haven't changed from the last one regarding the issues with the emails, as well as the attacks on Longslade." She might not buy the papers, but she read them in passing. As for a question, she paused and pressed her lips together, "What's the direction that everyone here actually wants to go towards? Getting along, survival and strictly co-existance?"

Retaking his seat, Doc turned to glance at Evee as she stood and got tot he heart of the issue. He could have hugged her for her question. But outwardly, he looked like he was interested, but not necessarily as invested int he answer as he might really be.

Since Every looked specifically at him, he assumed the question was primarily for him. "My stance hasn't changed since the night I became a vampire. I personally want to see the inhabitants of the city getting along, working alongside eachother. It's not an impossible ideal. Most my staff are humans, I pay them, I give them Christmas' bonuses, parties and anything else a boss does. I respect them as humans and my employees. Been that way for years." He shrugged, feeling that if most were the way he was, then the entire city could run as a well ran business machine. More or less.

"Survival is the bare minimum and doesn't really afford anyone any assurances that things won't turn into a second holocaust; something I think most of us want to avoid. I think getting along needs to be the ultimate goal, honestly. As Enver said, it's not impossible but it will take work. There's also never going to be an 100% success rate in that venture given Gideon and his ilk of paladins is sure to always want to cause issues. But even an 85-90% integration rate is a worthy goal. Co-existence is nice in the interim but a single wrong action could be the slippery slope that sends everyone into survival mode. Baby steps towards the overall goal wouldn't be amiss."

raised her hand feeling like a schoolgirl ..."Mr Marshall There are many of us that do the same but find ourselves being attacked by people that only know that we are Diffrent than what they are So i guess my question is How do you combat that type of mass Paranoia ? THe press just feed it cause no matter how many times i dont buy it there are 20 others that do ?

Doc lifts an eyebrow. Amalea just called out someone. Gideon... and she called them paladins.. inwardly he cringed. Most people equated paladins as the good guys.. everyone else as the bad guys. It wasn't like she lied. But it was just her personal view. Someone coming in not hearing the preface saying it was personal opinions, could get the wrong impression. He was going to stick closer to her now more than ever.

Enver's attention shifted from Every, to Mortll. "Valid concerns and points. But let me throw a question back at you. You say the press is wanting to feed into mass paranoia. That may be true. But what have you been doing to put those concerns to rest? For every bad story they put against our kind, we should run two or three good stories. Anything. Donating time or money to a charitable cause. Events like this last week is just the start, but it will be difficult for people, human people to believe there are good vampires out there when really, the only one putting his *** on the line time and time again, is yours truly." He shrugged his shoulders, and looked at Amalea, wondering her thoughts.

lifted her eyebrow slightly as the name Gideon was mentioned, but she knew enough of them in the city, there was a few gunshots on her body that proved it. "And while I'm personally geared more in the area for survival for vampires and humans, I'm more than happy to deal with coexisting. I'm no better than a human, never have actually thought that." She inclined her head, "I'm not saying it's impossible, but rather the best way to work at it. We also can't do it just ourselves." The woman resisted a roll of her eyes as he mentioned putting his *** on the line. With the exception of her aura, she looked like a human. "He's right, when it comes to running good stories to counter the bad."

Doc eyed Enver with an ever so slightly narrowed gaze. Doc have given the city more parking. **** yes! It wasn't a brime prevention bill.. yet.. he had to get elected first.. but parking? By god yes! He laid out his own money and entered into a contract with city to provide rates that he barely broke even on. But yes. Doc was doing what he could to make things better. Road and parking rage were real by god. Very ******* real.

(brime = crime)

Her eyebrow raised as Mortll asked her question of her cohost. It was a fair question, though, and she had to agree with his answer. "A media outlet that balances the good with the bad is key, of course. But the media shouldn't be the only venue used to combat the hysteria. Local businesses could run events open to all, make donations to charities important to humans, offer assistance to groups, or even start a scholarship fund or something of that sort. Individually, we each need to ensure we are responsible with our actions. Confine our internal fighting to private safe spaces rather than open venues, make our own donations, consider volunteering or seeing if we can't help address some issue in the city." She nodded at Every, "You're right, individually, we can't make enough of a dent to see things change in a massive way. But it is a way to get the ball rolling and show everyone that there's other options than having to settle for the current status quo."

Doc nodded. Amalea had made a vital point. Individually it was would be hard as **** to manifest change. But together.. as a group. United enough to get past the petty ****.. that was what was key.

"And, I'll go so far to add on, which won't be a popular notion to most of us in this place about internal fighting and even external fighting....groups fight other vampires, and other species in the city. What is that doing to help our desire for peace?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Areas are owned by certain groups in the city...why? That last part is rhetorical. But if you're, general, are stating your for coexisting with other groups, vampire or humans, then tearing apart city blocks in an area to gain that area for whatever reason, speaks against your supposed vision." He shrugged his shoulders. "It's too late to go back now, like in Longslade, was it? But now that some of us in here own these city streets, do something positive with it."

Does somebody, anyone here, have a message to pass along to the person which currently owns the cure?

Or rather, if they were here now: what would you encourage them to do with it?

Doc couldn't wait to tell Lizzie, this little tid bit. Especially as she defended one against six .. as they tried to gang bang her. And who won? Doc smiled. But that smile faded as Ripper finally spoke up. About the cure. Ripper intimated that someone owned it... someone being who? And if not the company that manufactured it.. how did he know it wasn't with the originating company?

looked at Ripper ... " How do you know this so called Cure wasnt destoryed ?"

I made inquiries.

Doc turned to give Ripper a very intent look. Ripper spoke with such determination .. as though he knew more than he let on. How did he know this? And And how did Doc know Ripper wasnt the one that had it? That would make sense with how Ripper had been badgering Amalea for a meeting.. Was Ripper the owner.. and trying to arrange a deal?

looked at Ripper. "As far as I know, there's not been anything known about this cure, but, if there was a cure in existance still, I'd advise the person, people, or group that had it to test it. Hell, I might even sign up to be a test dummy so to speak." Enver chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

I think there's been quite a bit known

" So you are telling me you know it Exists and who has it ?"

lifted her lips towards Amalea in a smile before she gave a soft shake of her head in the direction of Enver, "Some of the species within this city aren't good for humans, regardless of their capabilities. Yeah, it might look hostile, but if they get caught in the wendigo forest and are clueless, or ferals, wild vampires, what are we going to do? The emails that were leaked implied the Lionelli are careless, as well." She then looked towards Ripper, lifting her eyebrow. "I'm actually trying not to be rude for this but, you've also been known to speak out of your ***."

"I've never seen a treatement get passed through the FDA so fast. I do. " *he answers Mortll's question*

"People in this city tend to do three things when it comes to secrets in this city. Brag about it, keep it a secret, or destroy it."

Keeping secrets is different from respecting privacy.

Her eyebrow raised, "Before I answer your original question, I'm curious how you seem to know if someone has it and who it is?"

Considering your all's "terrorist attack" I would be hesitant to point any finger at the owner.

"If you were respecting their privacy, you wouldn't have announced any piece of having an acknowledge of said owner in a public discussion but rather privately."

Like I said, Amalea, I made inquiries and I got a response. The person would have no advantage over me to lie.

And I'd suggest being careful whom you call terrorists when you have no way of knowing what side people were supporting.

What I SAID was:

nodded his head. "We're not really here to discuss hyphotheticals." His eyes narrowed at Ripper. "Don't include me in 'you're alls.'

if anybody every actually listens

Doc continued to look at Ripper, as his thoughts went point by point. No one has said 'boo' about the cure.. stilol be ing about and slash or.. a viable thing.. until now. Ripper has quite adamantly insinuated that someone .. not the originating manufacturer h as the cure. How would Ripper know this? Inquiries? **** that ****. Ripper knew because he or.. someone he knew .. has it. And Now he speaks from the point of 'privacy'. Pfft. ******* smoke. Ripper misspoke and was now desperately trying to cover his and his cohort's ***.

is what would you encourage them to do with it. It is possible to have your desires or suggestions made know to them...

I was speaking yes, to the majority of the room

but it's public record where you stand on the CFB.


Doc snorted. Audibly. Now Ripper was obfuscating .. did Doc really expect anything else from him? No. But now the cat was out of the bag. Apparently .. someone has the cure. Thanks for that, Ripper. Doc said silently. Doc raised his hand once more, waiting patiently to be called on.

moved to a seat, tucking her hair over her shoulder. "Public records, for one, can be manipulated into biased opinions. Who controls it? Who actually knows with the exception of specific individuals who did what in there?" With that, she rolled her eyes and couldn't help but agree with Doc's snort. It said it all.

Since Enver already gave his thoughts on the cure and what to do with it, he looked to the hand that was raised. "Yeah. You again."

The red-head rolled her eyes at Ripper. She had to self-edit her answer a couple times to make it acceptable as she was more inclined to shoot him at this moment, "Given we don't know what happened to the cure or the research after the disaster at Longslade, the best we can do is speculate. One would hope that the research remains with the cure so that information has not been lost. It certainly would need to be tested on *willing* subjects. Though I would sincerely hope that it would only ever be used voluntarily. Should it be weaponized, the response would be swift and drastic - of that I have no doubt." She glared at the male, "It is certainly not public knowledge where I stood at the facility nor on this cure. So, your information in that regard is incorrect."

Not you, Amalea. I know you were with the invaders.

but it's not recorded anywhere but on CCTV

and blessed if I know what you think about anything

unless Doc tells you to

...really knowbody thought or took the time to gather intel first before leaping into the fray

it's even worse than the Brossaurd complex raid.

Doc stood up, again being polite and giving due respect to the panel. "Thank you Sir. To bring the conversation.. back to what can be substantiated .. as opposed from what could be classified as a distraction method," He pauses as Ripper continues to bleat while Doc was given the floor. Doc paused to let Ripper finish. "If I may continue?"

was he talking?

"Just ignore him, Doc."

Doc looked at Evee, "No.. that would be lowering myself to his level.. I prefer not to."

yes, please say something clever and relavant

snorted. Apparently there was no way Ripper was going to persuaded away from his line of thought. And he had to wonder why she didn't want to speak to him without knowing precisely why.

lifted her eyebrow, "If you could reach that level, I'd actually be rather impressed."

*after lowering it]



Enver cleared his throat and then tried again." I think there was a question. If we could keep the infighting to a minimium..." He looked at Doc again. "What was your question?"

"So you want us to belive you but all you give is Trust me .. Instead of what you actually know ... Sorry I dont belive you Ripper .. The days of beliving what you say blindly wont ever happen so if you want belived you better come up with actual facts instead of suppositions and Trust me

shh! Doc has the floor

" Kiss my lilly white *** Ripper and Sorry Doc "

Doc barely refrained from winking at Evee. He turned back to Enver, "There is .. " He glanced at Ripper, before looking back at Enver, "A distinct 'us versus them' attitude at play. I would submit that we are a community. There are those that would distract and try to divide us.." He glanced at Ripper, "But I firmly believe that we can come together and show the world our city is one to be envied.. not pitied."


if there's an us versus them attitude...

*shuts up and stops further from then*

"Says the one that tried to derail the discussion... "

we are not united nor do we even agree on how best to proceed. would that be a valid statement?

"Sure. Absolutely." Enver said in agreement. We've got the best of both worlds, in reality." Enver nodded his head. "We could be a city that is booming in a multitiude of ways. One way is business or economically. A city that truly never sleeps. Humans working day and night, while vampires work at night. That's just one of many ways we can work together to build a stronger community and lucrative city for all who reside within it."

turned his attention back to those at the podium.

That's a great idea, but it's already been offered to them once.

suppressed a snicker with a cough regarding Mortll's words. Crossing one leg over the other, Every leaned forward as she listened to the words that were stated. "It would certainly be a good thing for our economy, too, showing how we interact that way."

I think we need to show accountablitity to the humans

and that involves policing our own from outrageous and destructive behavior

...or electing something else to govern it

'us' once, *he amends*

so who really is holding back the progress here?

*Jason walked in. Looking around to see what's going on. Watching, listening, just waiting to find something interesting, or even something mundane, to get into.

Doc's cell buzzed, and though he was loath to answer it, he knew most did not message him without due cause. Reading the message, he tapped out a reply. Standing once more, "Apologies. " He nodded toward Ripper for interupting, "I would love to continue this.. but I must .. " He pulled a card from his pocket and flicked at Ripper. "Should you choose to further this later." He nodded politely to Amalea and Enver before slipping out.

Amalea coughed lightly, "'United we stand, divided we fall'. Americans are weird but that single statement is likely one of their best and holds much truth. This community and city is much stronger as a whole than individually. There's so much potential here to make this a thriving city that's the envy the world around. As Enver said, we could truly be the city that never sleeps. We have many citizens here capable of extraordinary things. Could you imagine what could be done with the healing powers some possess? The community *must* unite or risk loosing everything - even the humans. The government would not hesitate to bomb a single city into oblivion if it meant the safety for the rest of its nation." She shook her head at Ripper, "Vampire governments don't work, history shows us that. And there shouldn't be a separate one for them anyway. The city should be governed by a mix of humans and vampires."

notices the newcomer in the room. With a twitch of amusement he turns to note how the others assembled will react in a changed manner now.

Enver nodded at Every's thoughts. "That's just one way. Economically or financially. We could be leaders in other ways too. Vampires are stronger, can test limits and boundaries and surpass those that humans can't touch or dream of." Enver cleared his throat and shrugged since Ripper seemed to ask. "We're our own worst enemy, it's true. What's done is done, as I've said not that long ago, but before it gets any worse, and it's pretty bad people, we need to start thinking like rational beings and not scared children, before we act.

let's hope then that the past stays buried, like many others in this room.

It was hard not to be interested as he heard the name vampire, and healing powers, thrown around so much. And political issues along with it. He walked over to the side, not bothering to hide the fact he was now paying attention to them as he sat smiling with interest at their conversation.

couldn't really argue the fact that Americans were weird - she was one, but she was a citizen of Canada, too. "We can also patrol the more dangerous creatures inside this city, protecting humans against those such as wendigo or demi-fae. Loupgarou." She bounced her foot idly, "I wouldn't call it a past governed rule of vampires. Not being biased - either, but at that point, some of us were trying to avoid getting to this point. Needing to question how we're going to work together, when the majority to remain secret was best. But, I concur. We do need to work together. Different species as a whole."

"No need for the threats," Amalea shook her head. "This week is supposed to be about coming together to celebrate humanity in all its forms. Tonight was for questions, so... does anyone have one?"

*opens his mouth again* (big surprise)

Does everybody here know each other?

I'm known as Ripper and I am a living vampire.

*looks pointedly at Doc* >.>

Lockland realized this was going to be a bit more interesting then he first figured. And decided to actually speak up just to see what the response to his question would be, "What is there to say about that so called cure that showed up? It caused considerable trouble? And I'm fairly certain a lot of it came from vampires, not that I'm entirely against them, but it's still a point I think should be made."

It did not come from vampires, good sir, but was developed by the fae through their agents in the human goverments.

"I was reffering to the trouble" Lockland said with a raised eyebrow

"Well, staying secretive or remaining secret might have been best years ago, that's one theory, but now there is no point in it. Someone knows you're a vampire, if you're a vampire. So, now it's up to you to stay hidden and hope someone else paints a good picture, or stay in the shadows and hope some idiot doesn't paint us in a bad light."

However, many were quite shocked and dismayed to have learned of it's existance: that's the trouble you reffer to."

More like how many of them attacked the facility. I can understand being shocked, but I'd assume it'd be a relief, at least if I were a vampire.

and many of these citizens have not reached that point altogether willingly

many are sired who once again long for life to return at first

Do you mean vampirism?

"Let's flip it back on you. What did you or didn't you do? I didn't see you defending this supposed cure." Enver looked pointedly at the one who seems to know something about the cure, but wasn't actually there.

no, let's not....

Oh, no. I actually agree with Enver.

please, I beleive this is relevant and this is our first 'guest'

let's set a good example

It'd be nice to hear.

Well I didn't even have a gun or anything at the time, much less any combative abilities.

what did I do?

not so much as liked, my timing was off.

"So, big fat nothing. But now you care? Everyone cares when it's too little too late. Same song and dance."

"I dare say it wasn't the existence of a cure that was the problem. The problem was that it was developed in secret and only came to light in a security breach." She looked at the newcomer, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. But not everyone sees being a vampire as a curse. And even those that did wouldn't likely rush to accept this cure until they knew what side-effects could occur and what price it would extract from them."

well somebody's song and dance routine got them through 8 floors of armed guards

so which tune are we whistling tonight?

"It's Lockland, sorry about that." He said nodding, "Did you expect it to be forced on them? Then I could absolutely sympathise with it, still though, but quick."

they did, and weaponized.

but the point is...

"Believe it or not, Ripper. Tonight isn't about you. Nor was my question. I was talking to that guy who seems so focused on this cure, but was no where to be seen." ENver pointed to Lockland.

*waits around for somebody else to provide the point*

looked a little green at the words give the fact she'd actually agreed with Enver twice in one night. It was pressing a borderline of too much in a day. "Not every vampire could have been fighting on either side, or specifically one side. Information came out as fast as it could and people changed their minds - and it doesn't specifically mean a vampire has it. Considering as I said earlier, there's usually a manner of how things are taken in the vampire community."

I will ******* shut up Sir since this is YOUR venue

and God knows I will not make that mistake twice

*mouth closed*

"I do have another question actually, directed towards any vampires. So, if you require blood just to survive, does it have to be human?"

No. We can drink from animals. It tastes differently.

"When a government develops something in secret, historically, it hasn't been something good. So I'm not surprised that it was assumed to be forced or weaponized." She laughed, "I'm not a vampire, but I can answer that. It does not have to be human blood."

"No." Enver said with a shake of his head. "I've not had human blood in years. If you want to know anymore about what vampires do and do not need, feel free to buy my book. Think of it as a beginners guide to dispelling myths and theories. 19.95." He winked with a chuckle.

"Ah ok, well, I suppose I just didn't expect it to be weaponized instinctually, since either way I wasn't at the wrong end of it at the time." Lockland said apologetically. He turned to Enver Marshal, "Perhaps I will, that might be very helpful. Always good to know more, especially if it's about people you may walk by everyday."

gave a look in regards to the advertising, "I'm going to hit you with the book later." She muttered under her breath, but loud enough that she knew he'd hear it. "I don't think it's weaponized, at least not yet. The tidbits I've found regarding the email clips haven't pointed anything towards it."

"Do you think they may have just not wanted it known to avoid, well, exactly what happened?"

"Weaponized? I'm not sure where anyone is hearing that from, but all us vampires here don't seem to be affected by any 'cure.'" Enver shrugged. Conspiracy theorists. AKA nutjobs. Great.

"Yet is pretty much the key word. The possibility that it could be is a concern. But I think the majority of the community were afraid it'd be a forced thing." She shook her head at Lockland, "No, if it was meant as a goodwill thing, they should have been publicizing it. To hide it, implies they had other reasons for wanting it to exist."

nodded towards the last bit to Amalea's words. It was something she had suspected from the beginning.

"Well when you consider vampires aren't exactly considered the most peaceful, no offense, it wouldn't be surprising to expect at least one to think it'd be wrong for any vampire at all to be human again, and thus attack them."

frowned at what Lockland said. "I'm curious to know what your interactions with vampires are. Do you have specific examples of vampires not being peaceful? Because for everyone one, I probably have two or three to counter it."

lifted an eyebrow.

Lockland eyed him for a moment, "I'm certain not all vampires have managed to feed on only things other then humans like you. And feeding on humans usually ends in a fight, and the more one fights, the more they get used to it. Also, there's the fact insanity wouldn't be surprising for a vampire, as they're physically altered in the first place right?"

"Insanity for a physical altercation is a stretch. Otherwise everyone who has plastic surgery, every paladin, every sorcerer, etc would also then have to be classed as insane."

lifted her gaze towards the ceiling as if silently asking, 'Really?'

snorted. "I see, you're one of those people who believe the tabloids, right? Well, let's flip the switch for a minute on vampires being the more...angry, insane species between humans and vampires, shall we? Are you aware vampires haven't really been a thing for a while? But, who is bombing Syria? Which species is going around killing their children? Which species is going around kidnapping kids and enslaving them to sex rings and who knows what else? You call vampires insane and agressive, but I beg to differ, sir. Which group of people, or species is in America starting race riots?"

had been sitting quietly for awhile listening " Are you a Vegitarian ?" She asked of the newcomer

"World War One and Two...didn't start because a vampire started it."

Oh no humans are crazy to occasionally. But humans don't desire human blood, well, there are cannabils, but they have their own problems as well. And if you're starving, and blood is what you need, then there you have that.

quietly snorted at Enver's line of questioning. He had some very good points.

Lockland turned to Mortll, "No...why?"

lifted her hand. She felt like she was almost five years old.


"Animals are to humans as blood is to vampires."

"I see, so it's okay to excuse humans who do more henious crimes than take a little bit of blood on the rare occasion. That's stellar thinking there, buddy."

nodded at Every, curious what her question was.

"I dont have to kill what i eat how about you ?"

Lockland calmly responded to Enver, "Quite sarcastic aren't you. Or maybe it's passive agressive. In any case, I never excused humans from crime. But vampires, proportionally, are more prone to it."

Prove that.

I'd like to see it.

The cure event did it for me.

"Lay out your data for me. Set a meeting with me and prove it, as Every says."

"Were you present in the city for that event, sir?"

"One event. How many people died in that event, again? How many Jewish people died when a human, more evil than any vampire I've ever seen, got a wild hair up his *** about a specific group of people."

Were any of you present for world war 1? did you still know it happened?

Being present doesn't make you infallible. And not being present doesn't make you wrong.

From my own personal experience, as a vampire who has hunted vampires, for nearly six years of being one, I've seen more attacks on each other rather than on humans. Yes, we feed off them, but we don't snap their necks or murder them strictly because we can. Not to mention, it can be a pleasurable experience.

"No, but not having your facts right makes you wrong."

"Well thus far you actually haven't given me facts, just statements, which i have also given."

If anything, since the event that happened in Longslade, I've been attacked more by paladin in three weeks than I have in my time here as a vampire by other vampires.

"Fact. Tens of thousands of people died due to Hitler's hate of a group of people. Did our city lose tens of thousands of people during one event?"

"That's not surprising. Although I think it probably made the situation worse when the military threw in so much. More trouble for both humans and vampires."

You're asking us to give us facts and not giving any of your own, but referring to things that may or may not have happened.

"Fact, human traffiking has been on the rise long before vampires existed."

"And tell me, where do vampires come from?

"Fact, humans have children, but humans sell their own children, or do disgusting things to children."

And what of vampires?

We can't have children biologically. And from what I've seen, the majority of us draw the line at harming them in any manner.

"What of them? I've yet to seen a paper run a story on some pedo vampire, but I can open a paper up today and pick out one or two stories of some dad or daycare worker." He shrugged

I've seen a vampire kill a person however, and while pedophilia is a horrific thing, so is murder.

smiled at Every, "That matches my own experiences. Vampires tend to fight among themselves rather than with humans. I honestly have no fear of being a lone human in a room full of strange vampires. Feeding on humans isn't the issue. It's feeding on unwilling humans that is; which is something that seems to be occurring less and less." She wasn't about to touch on the comment about it being pleasurable given she didn't want to answer the inevitable questions that would follow.

nodded, and she then glanced to Lockland, "And my stepfather murdered my father. What's your point?"

"Perhaps, your implication of where do vampires come from is something to take into consideration. Perhaps, as you implied it, intending it to be used against us, is the reverse. Maybe, we're better for some things than the shell of our former selves." Enver narrowed his eyes, hating to think that way.

You didn't answer the question at all now did you. Do you know?

I don't even believe our elders know.

then gave a nod towards Enver's statement, "I have to agree... which, please stop making me do. I'm going to end up really wanting a bottle of scotch and I'll be unable to drink it."

"But even then, humans aren't completely sure where they originated, so I don't think the origin of vampires is an issue. You aren't going to 'catch' vampirism from being around vampires. That much is certain."

quietly laughed at the cousins.

bent down to remove a knife out of her boot, sitting up properly to hold up her hand before pressing the knife to her flesh. In a swift movement, she allowed the smoky black blood to disperse, "You can't really explain this, to be fair."

"I know where she came from." Enver muttured to himself, imagining a warm place where Satan roamed.

Lockland grimaced, "Well, yeah not really." he said to Every.

heard that and reached over to smack the male lightly upside the head.

glanced over at Amalea and shrugged. "So, moving past this idea of a cure...which again, hasn't been weaponized that I know of, and hasn't been heard about in...weeks now? Are there any other final questions?"

wore that title proudly, damn it. She then tucked her knife away, "And to answer your question about our physiology, it depends on the vampire you are. I'm a shadow, thus the black blood. Had I not announced it, you wouldn't have been able to tell I was a vampire, to be fair. We're not all that different." She then inclined her head, thinking, "If we can't reach coexistence, what are we going to do?"

raised her hand

Lockland grinned, knowing full well there was a way to know she was a vampire, since he was a paladin with the right power for it, "Then one species is going to die, but hopefully that won't happen."

"It's not an option. We have to reach it. Otherwise, as Amalea said, surviving isn't really a way to live our life. Then, we become as bad as humans have in the past. Possible Genocide of both species." Enver stated flatly. "SO the real question is, what are you, generally speaking, going to do to bring about coexistance? Stay in the shadows, or show the city and world that there are vampires that are 'good' and not something they see on Netflix." He glanced at Mortll. "Yeah, Mortll?"

Lockland shrugged, "I have no political power, nor any influence of any kind for that matter. Up until recently I had almost no importance at all. Might get involved if someone else brings up something though, as long as I still think there isn't anything instinctively evil about vampires."

"Well i was kind of thinking we needed this to be a little Twilighty So are you going to Voulenteer to be Edward or something since your *** is on the line and all of that good **** ?"

"He starts sparkling in the sun and I'll stake him myself!"

Turns away to hide amusement, "Let's not reenact that show."

lifted a shoulder lightly before she stared at her cousin, "I'm here, aren't I? I'm not out dealing with the constant pains in my *** regarding two hunters who keep shooting me - one of which I'd never met before." She then snickered, "That was my entire argument about wanting to shoot him for ages."

facepalmed and shook his head. "Sorry, don't sparkle, sweetheart." Enver winked at Mortll. "What I meant by my *** being on the line is, I'm open about who and what I am. Have since day one or two of being this way. People aren't going to believe there are nice vampires out there, if all they see is ONE of many nice vampires doing things. If you need some ideas though...I'd be happy to meet with you privately, Mortll." Enver winked.

"Well that didn't sound weird at all." Lockland said chuckling.

shook her head, "No, in reality, Twilight is a horrible example of vampires especially Edward his stalker tendencies. If you a really want a literary or movie reference, I might suggest the Anita Blake series, at least in those, vampires and humans live together in relative peace."

stretched her legs idly, she'd been sitting for too long. "You're open about everything, Enver. If you swung for the other team, no one would even think to look for you in a closet." She muttered. "My next question is how are we going to be able to get people to believe that it all isn't for show?"

"It has to become a way of life rather than periodic events. It's going to take a while to change public opinion and have it take hold and stick."

"That's certainly true."

"They might think that at first. We keep at it. People know me. I'm not suggesting you have to write a book, or make a movie, but in time, seeing the contributions you make in whatever way that is, will put those thoughts aside. It's going to take work, especially since that compound thing, but we're fighting an uphill battle. Put on your boots and get ready to trudge into some **** for a while, before we find a flat, even surface where we don't have to struggle so hard."

nodded at what Amalea said. "Work and time, but we have time on our hands. It's just being willing to work at it."

still was of the opinion that had it not been for the masquerade falling, they wouldn't be in this mess. She could still go to her day to day activities and deal with at least ******* paladin irritating the piss out of her. But no. "The events show that there is at least a chance for us all to make it."

"Well I guess all I can do is little tidbits here and there in conversation. Good luck to you however." Lockland said.

"We can only make it if we put our best foot forward and we're all capable of doing that. We just need to do it and openly do it." Enver said quietly with a shrug of his shoulders. "Well, that's it for me tonight. I've got dad duties to get to..." He looked at Amalea appreciatively. "Thank you for your input and desire to help tonight."

[For Peace]

smiled, "It was a pleasure."

straightened up, putting her arms above her head before she eventually stood, "Amalea, might I borrow you for a quick second before taking my leave for the night?"

"For any further questions...I'm not a hard man to find. Feel free to email, or call me. Thank you everyone for coming tonight and have a rest of a good night." Enver shut off his mic, moved behind the small stage and then left for the night.

"Of course," she nodded at Every.

"I suppose I'll be going then, this was interesting, and somewhat helpful. Farewell! In the litteral sense I hope." Lockland stated as he stood up and headed for the exit, considering all that had just gone on and what he had learned.

This thread was submitted via a live roleplay chat in the Lucky Strike Casino area. Participants and rewards were: Ripper earned 841 RPP. Enver_Marshall earned 3932 RPP. Doc earned 1660 RPP. Amalea earned 2621 RPP. Ariadne earned 103 RPP. Mortll earned 379 RPP. Every earned 2121 RPP. Lockland earned 1239 RPP.