The Kitchen
Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 12:56
Mortll: Mortll was in a deep sleep when she sensed it she wasn't alone .... Enzo was out of town on business again. Jane was staying in her flat across town. So who the **** was in her apartment. She moved slowly cracking an eye open she could see a guy rummaging through her drawers he was moving stealthly and quietly. No one could move quite as fast and quiet as she could. Mortll was behind him in a flash Her hand wrapping around his throat Her mind entering his raging through his memories He struggled against her as she forced his head aside and sunk her fangs into his neck . He slowly quit struggling and she let him slump to the floor . Well now she thought to herself she had been bored lately with Enzo gone and opportunities like this rarely fell into one’s lap. Then it struck her suddenly if she was bored Doc must be going ******* insane having to be a good boy for the public. She walked over to the nightstand her fingers wrapping around the cell phone and hitting Docs name . He would get a kick out of this and it was about time her Kitchen got a little use .
Doc: Doc had been on his very best behavior since the masquerade fell. Well best ‘public’ behavior. He was still an asshole ******** to anyone who had to deal with him on a daily basis. He wasn’t suddenly ‘man of the year’ overnight; however he was frustrated and on a constant state of biting someone’s head off. Grace his assistant put it down to the fact he lost his parents last Christmas. Yeah Right. That was a present all by itself. Chub didn’t get that he was frustrated, she wanted to think he was fine. But Doc knew better. He was in withdrawal. He hadn’t killed anyone in weeks. He was under a sense of hyper-insecurity. The masquerade had fallen. If Doc was sloppy and killed someone and got caught.. He could be single-handedly responsible for the slaughter of all vampire kind. So he had abstained from hunting down and killing. Which brought him back to Chub, who was inundating him with ‘poor pity me.. You yelled at me’ mind thoughts. He wanted to strangle her to shut her up. But if he did,.. He knew she would just guilt him that much more. ******* females. He was in the midst of counting, in order to control his anger and building frustration when his phone rang. “What?!”
Mortll: “What?!” Mortll started to chuckle Yep he was tense and she had something better than a hot stone massage. “Hello Charles” She said sweetly “ I think i have something that you might enjoy Can you meet me at my West Towers apartment right away?” She knew he would be curious he might even think she wanted to take a roll for old times sake .... You couldn't beat Docs ego for a bit of humor .
Doc: At the sound of the laugh, Doc relaxed. It was Mortll. Meaning it wasn’t a spawn, employee, Grace or Chain. Which meant, that it was going to be something entertaining at the very least. “Sure, .. should not be a problem.. Will Enzo be there?” He didn’t really care if Enzo would be there or not, but forewarned is forearmed, just in case. Mortll was someone he liked spending time with,.. But she wouldn’t be opposed to putting a bullet in him if need be. And currently, he could not remember if they were ‘even’ or not. He thought so.. But he could be wrong.
Mortll: Enzo well he was out of town again she had to pick someone as driven as she was didn't she ... Oh well "No he’s out of town on business. I’m all alone here. I’ll see you when you get here. Ok I’ve got to take care of something real quick.” The dude on the floor had started to moan and come around. Mortll hit the button disconnecting the phone. She walked over to him and gave him a sharp kick in the ribs. She went into the living room and retrieved her Rolling Desk chair. She hoisted him into it and snapped the handcuffs onto the metal arms of the chair. He realized what she was doing and started to struggle. It brought a smile to her face as she unrolled the duct tape placing it over his mouth and she started to wind it around his torso fastening him securely to the chair. Couldn’t have a "Nope you’re not going anywhere my friend. I can't have a present like this getting away now can i?" He probably thought she was raving mad . She laughed to herself He might be right
Doc: “Right. I will be there in,..” He glanced at his watch, “seven minutes.. Feel free to time me.” Doc read his tome, bounced from that portal to another that took him to his private lodgings in Eyrie. He took precisely two minutes to grab a fresh gun, knife and magazines for the gun, before jumping into another portal that took him within two blocks of West Towers. Shoving past the people that tried to get in his way, he made it inside the apartment building. Doc bypassed the elevator and took the stairwell up to Mortll’s floor. He carefully opened the door from the stairwell to the the hallway to make sure no one was waiting for him. Once he was sure it was clear, he made his way to Mortll’s apartment and knocked. If she played him for a fool, he would give as good as he got, as his hind gripped the 40 caliber automatic inside his jacket.
Mortll: Mortll hadn't even had time to check the front Door yet to see what damage the ****** had done to it she assumed it was unlocked . She hadn’t even gotten dressed yet she was still in Her nightgown which silky thin layer left a little to the imagination but not too much . She raked a hand through her untamed curls and yelled "Come in " he still had keys to the place she hadn’t bothered to change the locks on him if he wanted to kill her he would find her whether he had a key or not she didn't see the use . The man was struggling in the chair Trying desperately to loosen his bonds. Mortll just watched him making sure he didn't roll too far. or break her chair it was one of her favorites .
Doc: Doc heard her order to come on in.. but **** him, he was suspicious. Sure he had keys, but he frowned he couldn’t use them. This is Enzo’s ‘wife’. Not girl friend. Not light skirt. No. This was Enzo’s -wife-. That put a whole new spin on things. His cavalier attitude toward females could NOT be ascribed to Enzo’s wife. No. His own sense of honor dictated that. “Woman.” He called through the door, a door he could easily burst through with no problem. “You know I cannot do that.” And what he said was true. She would know he couldn’t. Yes he pushed certain borders. But he would not push this one, because of several reasons. One, she was now bound to another. Two, the one she was bound to, was someone he saw a brother. There was no way he was coming in without more qualification.
Mortll: Mortll pretty much growled when she heard him saying he couldn’t do that she didn't think she just yelled back at him as she blocked the dude from flipping the chair over and shoved him back upright "Get the **** in here I’ve got my hands full i'm not going to be your ******* maid you You can open a door "
Doc: Doc snorted. It was an amused snort. He used his key. Yeah he wasn't giving this key back. Enzo would want him to have it. ‘Fine!” he called as he pushed his way though. “Woman! I am not cleaning up after you!” a comment purposely said because she said she wasn't a ******* maid. “What the **** is the issue..?” She did not sound scared. Or even upset. She sounded irked.
Mortll: "I’m in the bedroom I've got a present for you get your *** in here and see for yourself." She knew where his mind was probably going to go. Hell hers would go there. But it was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment she had a agenda and it had nothing to do with Doc seeing her naked again. This guy was going to die ... and she was going to have fun Watching Doc do it .... If he didn't want the present **** it she would do it herself either way this was going to be fun .
Doc: Bedroom? Doc paused. He wasn’t about to move toward that room, without a bit more information. He had clearly pissed Mortll off in the last few months. This could be a ruse to set him up. “Mortll? Where is Enzo?” His voice was skeptical and hesitant. There was a muffled sound, some grunting, and a crash. He frowned. “Mortll?” He grimaced and against his better judgement, he headed to the bedroom. Pushing the door open, he was greeted with a scene he did not expect. There was a twenty-something dark haired male, clad in nothing boxer shorts, gagged and tied to an up-ended computer chair. With a final push, Mortll had righted the chair back to it’s wheels. From the wild look in the guy’s eyes, it was clear he was making a last ditch effort to flee before backup arrived. “Ah.. Dinner.” Nodding, Doc looked pointedly at Mortll, “We cannot do” The look of relief flashed briefly in the male’s eyes before Doc added, “Too much fabric. Bathroom or Kitchen.”
Mortll: Mortll grinned " Well i was thinking my kitchen in Gullsborough I don’t kill here blood stains are a ***** to clean out of fabric. You are so right ,so i mostly do it elsewhere. This dude just happened to drop into my lap literally . He decided to break in and raffle through my valuables " She saw the man's reaction when he realized Doc wasn't going to save him from the crazy lady. It was a look of Jesus i'm fucked, " Watch him for a moment will you i need to get some clothes on. Either wheel him into the living room or get yourself a eye full it's nothing you haven’t seen before . She started to disrobe not wasting any time .
Doc: Oh right.. The last thing he needed was Enzo coming home unexpectedly with him, and some tied up guy in Enzo’s bedroom with a mostly naked Mortll. Not going to happen. Doc grabbed the make and rolled him down the hallway to the living room. He had to swat him on the back of the head a couple of times before the guy behaved and stopped trying to impede their progress. As he pushed ‘dinner’ down the hall, he called back to Mortll, “Gullsborough? Did you buy a new place?”
Mortll: “ I've had it for awhile it's something i found in the sewers. I turned it into a place to get my special ingredients for my specialty fertilizers. It's quite an efficient set up you will like its got all the bells and whistles for a good dismemberment and a few toys you will like. Makes disposal quite easy. It has everything you need from meat grinders to bone saws.” She made sure her shoulder holster was loaded and fastened the belt of her overcoat. She took out a cam scrambler “ Lets go i have a van down in the parking garage just for this and i'll scramble any of the security cams they have in the service elevator. The sewer entrance is by the back parking lot of the voodoo so we won't be seen transporting this dude. Unless you want to just telle over ?”
Doc: Doc was dubious about using a van. “I think teleporting is the way to go. Less physical evidence left about the better. They can find DNA all over the place now. Even weeks and months later. I wouldn’t chance it. He broke in,” Doc hit upside the back of the guy’s head again, “He is bound to have a police record.” He paused, and said in an aside, “Also, you need to make a note of the break in, in a journal or something, should the cops come calling later. Not that I think it will be a thing. What ******* idiot,” Doc hit the guy on the back of the once more, “decides to break and enter in a city where Vampires live? He’s just asking for it. We’re doing society a favor by removing him from the decent folks that live here.”
Mortll: Mortll snickered as Doc hit the guy on the back of the head again “ Sounds like a plan “ Can you port or do you need me to send you over? Either way one of us will go first then send him and then can follow ... Boy he picked the wrong time to pull some **** like this.... Well wrong for him at least . I was bored out of my ******* skull. Enzo is in Europe again last minute business came up and i've been having to be good ... This new Masquerade is cramping my style if you know what i mean ....” She winked at Doc. She knew he was probably going stir crazy too ... If you couldn't scratch your sadistic urges every now and then Someone would end up regretting trying to tame the tiger .
Doc: Doc nodded as she asked if he could teleport, “Yes I can teleport.. But I need a little better instructions than just Gullsborough but the sewers. Maybe it would be wise to have you send me first; then send the dinner through, and come in next.” He paused and gave Mortll a look, “What the **** is in Europe that he has to drop everything and head there? You two aren’t fighting are you?” He smirks, “Because if you are.. I told you so.. I win the ******* bet.. And Enzo owes me money.” He shrugged, “And if you aren’t fighting.. I feel your frustration. Hey…” He stopped, “You think Enzo would care if I took a change of his clothes. I like this suit. It’s Italian. I would rather not have to burn it..”
Mortll: Mortll shrugged they were just clothes to her but Enzo loved his suits as well and she knew it .” Um go take a look there may be some sweats or something in there for all i know some of your things may still be stuck in the back of the closet “ Mortll wasn't sure she had gotten everything and burned it. She wasn't the best housekeeper in the world every now and then she would take the time to go through junk and get rid of it but most of the cleaning happened by either Jane or the maid. She looked over at the rolling lunch he had stopped struggling. His skin had went pale and sweat was beading on his brow despite it being rather cool in the apartment since Mortll hadn't the time to build a fire. She guessed he was doing quite well in the circumstance most would have **** their pants by now.
Doc: Doc needed no second request, He move to be the bureau and pulled out a tee shirt and pair of jeans. “No Sweats but this will work.” He dumped his borrowed clothes on top of the guy strapped in the computer chair. “Better hope these do not get lost bloodbag,” His voice was dry as he spoke, “because I will make your death ******* painful as hell.” He intended to in any regard, but the blood bag didn’t know that.
Mortll: Mortll was ready to get things started, quite anxious actually. She looked over to Doc . “You ready? You go first and then i'll send him through. Telle to the back parking lot of the Voodoo the sewer entrance is right there beside it .I think i can even telle the chair since it's so connected to him. If not you will be there to nab him before he can run ....” She looked at the dude “... Though it might be fun hunting him down and catching him . There isn't anywhere in this city he could hide from us.“ She didn't know if she wanted to hunt him or not but the guy hearing it, would have the desired effects of Terror she wanted instilled in him. She looked at Doc .”I'm ready when you are.“
Doc: Doc nodded, “I am good.” He said to Mortll before looking at the male, “Do not lose my clothes.” Concentrating, he dispersed from Mortll’s apartment and coalesced just behind the Voodoo as Mortll had instructed. He didn’t get to see the male’s full reaction to him just disappearing, but the initial hint of reaction he did catch, made him smirk. Doc scanned the area behind the Voodoo to ensure that the wasn’t any prying eyes that might see. Once he was sure the area was clear, he sent Mortll a telepathic message, ~It’s clear, send the package.~
Mortll: The dude freaked when he saw Doc disperse into nothing, vanishing before his eyes. He started to thrash against his bonds violently. Mortll took a cue from Doc and smacked him on the back of the head. It didn't do much good but she felt a little better for it. Docs thoughts letting her know the coast was clear filled her head. She retrieved the spilt clothing and did a little mind speaking of her own. “Ready or not here he comes he's freaking out so be ready to nab him “ She grabbed ahold of the guy's shoulder and the chair it was going to take a little extra oomph to send them both through she closed her eyes and visualized where she wanted them to go. She felt her hands suddenly empty as he vanished on his way across the city. She then did the same for herself and reappeared in the Voodoo back parking lot. It always took a moment for her to orient herself after she did that particular trick. She turned looking for Doc and the midnight snack .
Doc: As the male,, and then Mortll coalesced in front of him, Doc recognized the tell tale look of someone about to lose his cookies. Dryly he told the male, “Throwing up while gagged.. Is a great way to die a ******* horrible death. You choke on the vomit that can’t be expectorated, and what you do manage to expectorate is forced through your nasal passages. If I were you..” he canted his head to the side, “well I wouldn’t be so ******* stupid as the be a burglar in a city full of vampires..” Doc smiled coldly, “But hypothetically if I were you, I would choke it back so hard..because vomiting through the nose is grossly disgusting for you and those of us that have to witness it. So butch the **** up.”
Doc sighed and shook his head as he looked at Mortll. “People are ******* morons. I fully expected to get a call from you about Jane. I can’t believe you put up with her. I am continually surprised when I see her from afar in the city. Somehow she has managed to keep you happy..” he pushed the Blood bag to the back door of the Voodoo, now intent on ignoring the male as being nothing more than garbage that will need to be taken care of. “How does she do that? Grace is getting on my last nerve, and she’s not a ditz.”
Mortll: Mortll laughed as she lead the way to the sewer entrance “Well she is deathly afraid of me .... Remember she has seen me survive a gunshot ***** shot me herself and shoveled **** until her hands were bloody plus i had her haul bodies on a body clean up for one of your spawns ... She knows what i do and well ... i just don't have any pretenses with her she knows ill kill her. Besides The one thing she is good at is being a waitress. So she can work just about anywhere i need her. Yeah she screws up but not when it counts ... Though i have been thinking about marrying her off to some rich old dude then offing him after she spits out a kid by him “ Mortll stopped and pulled open the heavy grate that covered the sewer entrance effortlessly and slipped down into the hole. Doc would have to push the chair down and let him drop or she would have to catch him. “ Hey Doc you want to Drop him chair and all or uncuff him ?”
Doc: Instead of answering, he just called out, “Fire in the hole!” right before he unceremoniously kicked and thus dumped the blood bag, still bound to the computer chair down the open sewer hole.
Well. That is what would happen in a perfect world. Doc’s world was far from perfect. The Blood bad got caught by the computer chair before he could fall through the hole.
“**** me.” Doc sighed one of his long-suffering, the universe hates me sign, as he stomped repeated on the computer chair until broke and let the guy finally fall through the gap. “Someone somewhere hates me!”
The burglar would have argued who the universe hated more, since he could see his life flying past and ending sooner than he expected. But unfortunately for the burglar, Or fortunately if one were to think about it… when the chair broke, it twisted, allowing him to fall in such a way that he hit his head against the concrete of the sewer floor when he hit the bottom, knocking him out into blissful ignorance.
Doc climbed down after the blood bag and groaned. “Dead weight.” He pulled out a pocket knife and started cutting the burglar free from the broken chair. “Not ******* dragging the broken chair through the muck.” He paused and looked at Mortll. “So Jane is earning her keep.. When she stops.. Can I have dibs?”
Mortll: Mortll fished the handcuff key out of her pocket. She smirked as she walked over to the mass of man and chair lying on the damp sewer floor and started to undo the cuffs they had cut into his wrists leaving bloody ligature marks. She pocketed the keys and cuffs “Well i think shes mine to kill i've put all the time and effort into scaring her shitless. She owes me her death.” She stood up and gestured to the passage that ran to the right and crooked back south “It’s just over here just a few feet you want me to hoist him or we going to drag him Oh and that phone of yours wont work down here once we get to my place i have a cell jammer so i hope you don't have anyone trying to get ahold of you for something important”
Doc: Doc had been on his very best behavior since the masquerade fell. Well best ‘public’ behavior. He was still an asshole ******** to anyone who had to deal with him on a daily basis. He wasn’t suddenly ‘man of the year’ overnight; however he was frustrated and on a constant state of biting someone’s head off. Grace his assistant put it down to the fact he lost his parents last Christmas. Yeah Right. That was a present all by itself. Chub didn’t get that he was frustrated, she wanted to think he was fine. But Doc knew better. He was in withdrawal. He hadn’t killed anyone in weeks. He was under a sense of hyper-insecurity. The masquerade had fallen. If Doc was sloppy and killed someone and got caught.. He could be single-handedly responsible for the slaughter of all vampire kind. So he had abstained from hunting down and killing. Which brought him back to Chub, who was inundating him with ‘poor pity me.. You yelled at me’ mind thoughts. He wanted to strangle her to shut her up. But if he did,.. He knew she would just guilt him that much more. ******* females. He was in the midst of counting, in order to control his anger and building frustration when his phone rang. “What?!”
Mortll: “What?!” Mortll started to chuckle Yep he was tense and she had something better than a hot stone massage. “Hello Charles” She said sweetly “ I think i have something that you might enjoy Can you meet me at my West Towers apartment right away?” She knew he would be curious he might even think she wanted to take a roll for old times sake .... You couldn't beat Docs ego for a bit of humor .
Doc: At the sound of the laugh, Doc relaxed. It was Mortll. Meaning it wasn’t a spawn, employee, Grace or Chain. Which meant, that it was going to be something entertaining at the very least. “Sure, .. should not be a problem.. Will Enzo be there?” He didn’t really care if Enzo would be there or not, but forewarned is forearmed, just in case. Mortll was someone he liked spending time with,.. But she wouldn’t be opposed to putting a bullet in him if need be. And currently, he could not remember if they were ‘even’ or not. He thought so.. But he could be wrong.
Mortll: Enzo well he was out of town again she had to pick someone as driven as she was didn't she ... Oh well "No he’s out of town on business. I’m all alone here. I’ll see you when you get here. Ok I’ve got to take care of something real quick.” The dude on the floor had started to moan and come around. Mortll hit the button disconnecting the phone. She walked over to him and gave him a sharp kick in the ribs. She went into the living room and retrieved her Rolling Desk chair. She hoisted him into it and snapped the handcuffs onto the metal arms of the chair. He realized what she was doing and started to struggle. It brought a smile to her face as she unrolled the duct tape placing it over his mouth and she started to wind it around his torso fastening him securely to the chair. Couldn’t have a "Nope you’re not going anywhere my friend. I can't have a present like this getting away now can i?" He probably thought she was raving mad . She laughed to herself He might be right
Doc: “Right. I will be there in,..” He glanced at his watch, “seven minutes.. Feel free to time me.” Doc read his tome, bounced from that portal to another that took him to his private lodgings in Eyrie. He took precisely two minutes to grab a fresh gun, knife and magazines for the gun, before jumping into another portal that took him within two blocks of West Towers. Shoving past the people that tried to get in his way, he made it inside the apartment building. Doc bypassed the elevator and took the stairwell up to Mortll’s floor. He carefully opened the door from the stairwell to the the hallway to make sure no one was waiting for him. Once he was sure it was clear, he made his way to Mortll’s apartment and knocked. If she played him for a fool, he would give as good as he got, as his hind gripped the 40 caliber automatic inside his jacket.
Mortll: Mortll hadn't even had time to check the front Door yet to see what damage the ****** had done to it she assumed it was unlocked . She hadn’t even gotten dressed yet she was still in Her nightgown which silky thin layer left a little to the imagination but not too much . She raked a hand through her untamed curls and yelled "Come in " he still had keys to the place she hadn’t bothered to change the locks on him if he wanted to kill her he would find her whether he had a key or not she didn't see the use . The man was struggling in the chair Trying desperately to loosen his bonds. Mortll just watched him making sure he didn't roll too far. or break her chair it was one of her favorites .
Doc: Doc heard her order to come on in.. but **** him, he was suspicious. Sure he had keys, but he frowned he couldn’t use them. This is Enzo’s ‘wife’. Not girl friend. Not light skirt. No. This was Enzo’s -wife-. That put a whole new spin on things. His cavalier attitude toward females could NOT be ascribed to Enzo’s wife. No. His own sense of honor dictated that. “Woman.” He called through the door, a door he could easily burst through with no problem. “You know I cannot do that.” And what he said was true. She would know he couldn’t. Yes he pushed certain borders. But he would not push this one, because of several reasons. One, she was now bound to another. Two, the one she was bound to, was someone he saw a brother. There was no way he was coming in without more qualification.
Mortll: Mortll pretty much growled when she heard him saying he couldn’t do that she didn't think she just yelled back at him as she blocked the dude from flipping the chair over and shoved him back upright "Get the **** in here I’ve got my hands full i'm not going to be your ******* maid you You can open a door "
Doc: Doc snorted. It was an amused snort. He used his key. Yeah he wasn't giving this key back. Enzo would want him to have it. ‘Fine!” he called as he pushed his way though. “Woman! I am not cleaning up after you!” a comment purposely said because she said she wasn't a ******* maid. “What the **** is the issue..?” She did not sound scared. Or even upset. She sounded irked.
Mortll: "I’m in the bedroom I've got a present for you get your *** in here and see for yourself." She knew where his mind was probably going to go. Hell hers would go there. But it was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment she had a agenda and it had nothing to do with Doc seeing her naked again. This guy was going to die ... and she was going to have fun Watching Doc do it .... If he didn't want the present **** it she would do it herself either way this was going to be fun .
Doc: Bedroom? Doc paused. He wasn’t about to move toward that room, without a bit more information. He had clearly pissed Mortll off in the last few months. This could be a ruse to set him up. “Mortll? Where is Enzo?” His voice was skeptical and hesitant. There was a muffled sound, some grunting, and a crash. He frowned. “Mortll?” He grimaced and against his better judgement, he headed to the bedroom. Pushing the door open, he was greeted with a scene he did not expect. There was a twenty-something dark haired male, clad in nothing boxer shorts, gagged and tied to an up-ended computer chair. With a final push, Mortll had righted the chair back to it’s wheels. From the wild look in the guy’s eyes, it was clear he was making a last ditch effort to flee before backup arrived. “Ah.. Dinner.” Nodding, Doc looked pointedly at Mortll, “We cannot do” The look of relief flashed briefly in the male’s eyes before Doc added, “Too much fabric. Bathroom or Kitchen.”
Mortll: Mortll grinned " Well i was thinking my kitchen in Gullsborough I don’t kill here blood stains are a ***** to clean out of fabric. You are so right ,so i mostly do it elsewhere. This dude just happened to drop into my lap literally . He decided to break in and raffle through my valuables " She saw the man's reaction when he realized Doc wasn't going to save him from the crazy lady. It was a look of Jesus i'm fucked, " Watch him for a moment will you i need to get some clothes on. Either wheel him into the living room or get yourself a eye full it's nothing you haven’t seen before . She started to disrobe not wasting any time .
Doc: Oh right.. The last thing he needed was Enzo coming home unexpectedly with him, and some tied up guy in Enzo’s bedroom with a mostly naked Mortll. Not going to happen. Doc grabbed the make and rolled him down the hallway to the living room. He had to swat him on the back of the head a couple of times before the guy behaved and stopped trying to impede their progress. As he pushed ‘dinner’ down the hall, he called back to Mortll, “Gullsborough? Did you buy a new place?”
Mortll: “ I've had it for awhile it's something i found in the sewers. I turned it into a place to get my special ingredients for my specialty fertilizers. It's quite an efficient set up you will like its got all the bells and whistles for a good dismemberment and a few toys you will like. Makes disposal quite easy. It has everything you need from meat grinders to bone saws.” She made sure her shoulder holster was loaded and fastened the belt of her overcoat. She took out a cam scrambler “ Lets go i have a van down in the parking garage just for this and i'll scramble any of the security cams they have in the service elevator. The sewer entrance is by the back parking lot of the voodoo so we won't be seen transporting this dude. Unless you want to just telle over ?”
Doc: Doc was dubious about using a van. “I think teleporting is the way to go. Less physical evidence left about the better. They can find DNA all over the place now. Even weeks and months later. I wouldn’t chance it. He broke in,” Doc hit upside the back of the guy’s head again, “He is bound to have a police record.” He paused, and said in an aside, “Also, you need to make a note of the break in, in a journal or something, should the cops come calling later. Not that I think it will be a thing. What ******* idiot,” Doc hit the guy on the back of the once more, “decides to break and enter in a city where Vampires live? He’s just asking for it. We’re doing society a favor by removing him from the decent folks that live here.”
Mortll: Mortll snickered as Doc hit the guy on the back of the head again “ Sounds like a plan “ Can you port or do you need me to send you over? Either way one of us will go first then send him and then can follow ... Boy he picked the wrong time to pull some **** like this.... Well wrong for him at least . I was bored out of my ******* skull. Enzo is in Europe again last minute business came up and i've been having to be good ... This new Masquerade is cramping my style if you know what i mean ....” She winked at Doc. She knew he was probably going stir crazy too ... If you couldn't scratch your sadistic urges every now and then Someone would end up regretting trying to tame the tiger .
Doc: Doc nodded as she asked if he could teleport, “Yes I can teleport.. But I need a little better instructions than just Gullsborough but the sewers. Maybe it would be wise to have you send me first; then send the dinner through, and come in next.” He paused and gave Mortll a look, “What the **** is in Europe that he has to drop everything and head there? You two aren’t fighting are you?” He smirks, “Because if you are.. I told you so.. I win the ******* bet.. And Enzo owes me money.” He shrugged, “And if you aren’t fighting.. I feel your frustration. Hey…” He stopped, “You think Enzo would care if I took a change of his clothes. I like this suit. It’s Italian. I would rather not have to burn it..”
Mortll: Mortll shrugged they were just clothes to her but Enzo loved his suits as well and she knew it .” Um go take a look there may be some sweats or something in there for all i know some of your things may still be stuck in the back of the closet “ Mortll wasn't sure she had gotten everything and burned it. She wasn't the best housekeeper in the world every now and then she would take the time to go through junk and get rid of it but most of the cleaning happened by either Jane or the maid. She looked over at the rolling lunch he had stopped struggling. His skin had went pale and sweat was beading on his brow despite it being rather cool in the apartment since Mortll hadn't the time to build a fire. She guessed he was doing quite well in the circumstance most would have **** their pants by now.
Doc: Doc needed no second request, He move to be the bureau and pulled out a tee shirt and pair of jeans. “No Sweats but this will work.” He dumped his borrowed clothes on top of the guy strapped in the computer chair. “Better hope these do not get lost bloodbag,” His voice was dry as he spoke, “because I will make your death ******* painful as hell.” He intended to in any regard, but the blood bag didn’t know that.
Mortll: Mortll was ready to get things started, quite anxious actually. She looked over to Doc . “You ready? You go first and then i'll send him through. Telle to the back parking lot of the Voodoo the sewer entrance is right there beside it .I think i can even telle the chair since it's so connected to him. If not you will be there to nab him before he can run ....” She looked at the dude “... Though it might be fun hunting him down and catching him . There isn't anywhere in this city he could hide from us.“ She didn't know if she wanted to hunt him or not but the guy hearing it, would have the desired effects of Terror she wanted instilled in him. She looked at Doc .”I'm ready when you are.“
Doc: Doc nodded, “I am good.” He said to Mortll before looking at the male, “Do not lose my clothes.” Concentrating, he dispersed from Mortll’s apartment and coalesced just behind the Voodoo as Mortll had instructed. He didn’t get to see the male’s full reaction to him just disappearing, but the initial hint of reaction he did catch, made him smirk. Doc scanned the area behind the Voodoo to ensure that the wasn’t any prying eyes that might see. Once he was sure the area was clear, he sent Mortll a telepathic message, ~It’s clear, send the package.~
Mortll: The dude freaked when he saw Doc disperse into nothing, vanishing before his eyes. He started to thrash against his bonds violently. Mortll took a cue from Doc and smacked him on the back of the head. It didn't do much good but she felt a little better for it. Docs thoughts letting her know the coast was clear filled her head. She retrieved the spilt clothing and did a little mind speaking of her own. “Ready or not here he comes he's freaking out so be ready to nab him “ She grabbed ahold of the guy's shoulder and the chair it was going to take a little extra oomph to send them both through she closed her eyes and visualized where she wanted them to go. She felt her hands suddenly empty as he vanished on his way across the city. She then did the same for herself and reappeared in the Voodoo back parking lot. It always took a moment for her to orient herself after she did that particular trick. She turned looking for Doc and the midnight snack .
Doc: As the male,, and then Mortll coalesced in front of him, Doc recognized the tell tale look of someone about to lose his cookies. Dryly he told the male, “Throwing up while gagged.. Is a great way to die a ******* horrible death. You choke on the vomit that can’t be expectorated, and what you do manage to expectorate is forced through your nasal passages. If I were you..” he canted his head to the side, “well I wouldn’t be so ******* stupid as the be a burglar in a city full of vampires..” Doc smiled coldly, “But hypothetically if I were you, I would choke it back so hard..because vomiting through the nose is grossly disgusting for you and those of us that have to witness it. So butch the **** up.”
Doc sighed and shook his head as he looked at Mortll. “People are ******* morons. I fully expected to get a call from you about Jane. I can’t believe you put up with her. I am continually surprised when I see her from afar in the city. Somehow she has managed to keep you happy..” he pushed the Blood bag to the back door of the Voodoo, now intent on ignoring the male as being nothing more than garbage that will need to be taken care of. “How does she do that? Grace is getting on my last nerve, and she’s not a ditz.”
Mortll: Mortll laughed as she lead the way to the sewer entrance “Well she is deathly afraid of me .... Remember she has seen me survive a gunshot ***** shot me herself and shoveled **** until her hands were bloody plus i had her haul bodies on a body clean up for one of your spawns ... She knows what i do and well ... i just don't have any pretenses with her she knows ill kill her. Besides The one thing she is good at is being a waitress. So she can work just about anywhere i need her. Yeah she screws up but not when it counts ... Though i have been thinking about marrying her off to some rich old dude then offing him after she spits out a kid by him “ Mortll stopped and pulled open the heavy grate that covered the sewer entrance effortlessly and slipped down into the hole. Doc would have to push the chair down and let him drop or she would have to catch him. “ Hey Doc you want to Drop him chair and all or uncuff him ?”
Doc: Instead of answering, he just called out, “Fire in the hole!” right before he unceremoniously kicked and thus dumped the blood bag, still bound to the computer chair down the open sewer hole.
Well. That is what would happen in a perfect world. Doc’s world was far from perfect. The Blood bad got caught by the computer chair before he could fall through the hole.
“**** me.” Doc sighed one of his long-suffering, the universe hates me sign, as he stomped repeated on the computer chair until broke and let the guy finally fall through the gap. “Someone somewhere hates me!”
The burglar would have argued who the universe hated more, since he could see his life flying past and ending sooner than he expected. But unfortunately for the burglar, Or fortunately if one were to think about it… when the chair broke, it twisted, allowing him to fall in such a way that he hit his head against the concrete of the sewer floor when he hit the bottom, knocking him out into blissful ignorance.
Doc climbed down after the blood bag and groaned. “Dead weight.” He pulled out a pocket knife and started cutting the burglar free from the broken chair. “Not ******* dragging the broken chair through the muck.” He paused and looked at Mortll. “So Jane is earning her keep.. When she stops.. Can I have dibs?”
Mortll: Mortll fished the handcuff key out of her pocket. She smirked as she walked over to the mass of man and chair lying on the damp sewer floor and started to undo the cuffs they had cut into his wrists leaving bloody ligature marks. She pocketed the keys and cuffs “Well i think shes mine to kill i've put all the time and effort into scaring her shitless. She owes me her death.” She stood up and gestured to the passage that ran to the right and crooked back south “It’s just over here just a few feet you want me to hoist him or we going to drag him Oh and that phone of yours wont work down here once we get to my place i have a cell jammer so i hope you don't have anyone trying to get ahold of you for something important”