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When the food disappears(Jade)

Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 23:02
by Edenor
Weeks had been spent in his apartment and the building it was housed in, possibly months as he thought about it, and yet in all that time he had never encountered what he did today. He woke up, showered and cleaned up from the previous nights forging and made his way downstairs not bothering to put on more than a pair of shorts with his knife on his belt at his lower back, shoes and a light shirt as he went about sating the slight twinge of hunger that always came with the fall of night. Heading to the ground floor when he exited the place was nearly deserted, the only humans even on the floor gathered together and talking and seeming to have a good time and it instantly annoyed him. Could he go and feed on them still? of course. Would he? Not in the building without an easy target to take.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he realized he would have to go out to hunt again and that meant travel and without any further delay as it would just add to his annoyance he left. Several blocks later as he walked through the city streets not bothering to hide in shadows or lurk and he had yet to come across anyone that was alone, or even a lone pair of people, instead he found small clusters of people or none at all. His annoyance growing a faint hum seemed to follow him, windows shaking as he passed storefronts and he cursed himself for not being able to contain that power to the point of obedience. After near an hour with some of the worst luck for hunting he had ever had to deal with he got on a train and left for another part of town.

At this point in his search he didn't even bother figuring out where to go, letting one stop go by before getting off at the second and immediately cursed loudly as he looked around at the deserted street. Mumbling to himself as he walked away from the station with mounting hunger and annoyance, "The hell is wrong with this place that there's no damn food around or easy to get at?" Maybe there was something going on in the city that was attracting most of the humans. It was a possibility with how little he got out anymore, he certainly wouldn't know even if it was something he might care to go enjoy. Frustration mounting he saw some human bar, if it could be called that with the way it looked, and decided to go inside.

As soon as he entered a breath he didn't need and didn't even realize he was holding was let out slowly as he surveyed the room. Not empty, dimly lit and people dispersed throughout, some sharing tables or the bar but quite a few by themselves. Grabbing a table near a window that was available he sat down and waited for the couple minutes it took for someone to come and get him a drink. He surveyed the man for a moment before shrugging, "Vodka in a tall glass neat." It might be excessive, and it certainly wouldnt do anything for him but since he couldn't taste it anyways the booze that burns the best and he wont miss the flavor of was always his choice, plus, at least then he might be able to pretend to be drunk if it really became needed to lure someone close instead of just actively taking what he needed. At least he might get some amusement from tricking someone after his very disappointing night he had had so far.