Paints and Questions [Alexandrea]

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Paints and Questions [Alexandrea]

Post by Castalia »

"Now where did I put it?"

There was a soft thud followed by a squish that had the allurist pause and seem to turn a shade of green as she realized one of the fadeling corpses she had stashed away fell from its place onto her recently mopped floor. She didn't like messes, and she liked messes involving anything revolting even less. Normally, she would have asked her childe to touch it, but with Cedric yet to arrive for several hours, and Rhys no where to be found, the woman let out an unhappy sigh. "Merde." Castalia tucked the pencil that she'd been holding behind her ear.

The notebook would have to wait.

Grumbling to herself, the brunette rolled up the sleeves of her blouse and silently prayed that the container the dead creature was in hadn't leaked too much when it fell. She really needed to get a box of some sort to put them in. Her heels clicked against the wooden floor as she walked - normally, they would have been off by now, but she hadn't planned to stay very long. Castalia had planned to take her notebook with what she had translated of the fae language and return back to The Vanilla Bean.

As she opened the door of her hall closet, she was expected to find dead creature spread out, but it was a bit of a relief to see that the fadelings hadn't fallen. Instead, the various types of plants that she and Rhys had been collecting were the culprit of the thud. Kneeling down, she picked up the lid of the old shoebox they were contained in, beginning to put them back into their proper place when a tin of oil she'd gotten for Kika previously caught her eye. The brief sight brought a small smile to her lips before her false brown gaze fell upon a piece of paper underneath. A name Alexandrea was scrawled in her hurried scratch, followed by something illegible.

"I remember you."

She murmured, reaching for the piece of paper and carefully pulled it out from underneath the can of oil - not particularly wanting that to land on her either, before she freed it. Sure enough, she found the name of the woman who had sold her the oil, as well as the information of her shop. It wasn't too far of a walk, really. Castalia set the rest of the plants back into their place, tucking the shoebox away for the time being. Afterwards, she checked the container of fadelings to be positive they wouldn't fall if a door were slammed too hard and wedged them in further of her closet before straightening up.

With the piece of paper still in hand, Castalia brushed off her skirt and removed her phone from her pocket to send a quick text to her childe about possibly being late when he arrived before she collected her jacket. Maybe this woman would be able to give her some more advice about rituals - she'd be damned before she asked Ambrose for help, and her connections in this city regarding vampirism were far and few in between. She'd been kind enough to help her before with the oil, too.

It didn't take her long to get to QCC, removing her jacket and brushing off a bit of snow from it as she adjusted the diamond quaver necklace she wore before stepping a bit further inside the shop. The gallery was nice, her gaze moving over the pieces quietly as she took it in. She'd wait if the woman was busy.
sire of three || Cedric's || everhart matriarch
take me high and i'll sing "oh, you make everything okay"
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