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Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 14 Jan 2017, 18:31
by Urchin
I thought I remember a conversation where blood thieves taking blood was considered an 'attack'. Is this true? Because Urchin was fed off of and he's only lvl 9, and if I can't shoot a character who isn't lvl 10 or higher, then I'm not sure why characters under level ten can be fed on.

I'm not really bothered or complaining, but I don't think it's fair that someone can 'attack' in one instance and not the other. The blood was easily replaced, it an 'attack,'? If it's not then it's not a bug. tx

ETA: However, come to think about it, I don't think anyone under level ten should be fed upon, as it's hard enough to feed and such for a newbie-like a legit newbie, to have to worry about another added issue/difficulty. Mebbe?

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 08:02
by Roland (DELETED 9189)
Level 5 to feed of a vampire as a blood thief. Vampires can bite humans before level 10. My charrie was bitten in retaliation for a feeding today and he is @ lvl 8.

Addition: Blood thieves can only gain PXP after feeding from a vampire. Since they can only feed after level 5 this makes it the only class which has to level up at all in order to gain any PXP outside of the small gain (7 total points) from tutorial checklist tasks without leaving the tutorial hub to find NPC vampires to feed from.

Making it level 10 to feed would definitely make it more difficult for new blood thieves to compete early on even if it's only for a few days.

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 08:39
by Urchin
Hmm. I see your point, but there are tons of vampire npcs to feed off these days to get pxp, one just has to leave the tut.

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 12:50
by Roland (DELETED 9189)
Most def! But only people who have played before would know that or where to find them. Possibly adding a wild vampire into the tutorial hub would solve the issue?

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 15 Jan 2017, 12:58
by Prudence
Yeah. I think that's a great suggestion. I thought about that myself a few weeks ago in passing because I've played a fair few bts (love, love, love)..

Anyways,, you can bite urchin again, idc. I was just surprised cause lvl ten thing. I think the happy medium is your thought tho for true newbs

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 21:24
by Mooncalf
Hmm I'd like to hear more opinions on it really, because I see both sides. Also, stealing money is still allowed against low level characters, which isn't that much more fun than being fed on really.

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 21:32
by Roderic
Well, I thought I remembered (again, might be incorrectly) that it was sorta an attack. But, I had no idea that you had to be lvl 5 to feed, which is fine, yet seems weird?
Is that right?

I mean, if someone starts as a blood thief, why can't they just feed asap?

But, in sticking with the attack idea (I don't care that urchin was fed on, I was just surprised it happened and thought that wasn't right-incorrectly), what if someone doesn't like being fed on? And wants someone to know...uh, physically? That person who was being fed on might have to wait days/weeks to return said 'attack.'

AGAIN! I am not mad or wanting to attack Roland, but I know some people who would, so I am posing what people might complain about for those that do consider it to be an attack and want to hit back.

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 22:09
by Roland (DELETED 9189)
They could (and have!) bitten me back for both successful and failed attempts so far. No feeding leaves a wound though. BT -> Vampire or vampire > BT/Other. Vampires do gain a small amount of cash from the act of biting a human but BT's don't. They only gain the ability to use what powers the vampire has that their own powers allow them to steal.

Since a level 1 vampire can bite any human (BT or other) and BT's can only feed after level 5, neither leaving wounds when they do but the BT getting teleported all over the map, it's fairly even. There was another post though that showed a BT feeding repeatedly from a vampire. That could be used to get around the attack limit (unless there is already a limit on how many bites or attempt the BT has).

If not then a gang of BT's could cause some serious havoc... not good (for vampires).

Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 22:12
by Urchin
Do you get cash from biting human PC's? I honestly can't remember.

Or do you mean NPC humans being bitten.

I actually don't think it's fair for blood thieves to not start out feeding right away. I think that maybe a suggestion to change that might be a good idea?


Re: Levels and Blood thief bug

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 23:18
by Megan (DELETED 9014)
I think that in the beginner guide Josh is so diligently working on, there could be a few added tasks (not in the official tutorial) for pathed humans to explore a bit more before leaving the tutorial. One of these tasks could be targeted to the paladins and blood thieves, wherein they go to the Warehouse to [attack] [feed on] an NPC vampire (regenerates like the feral vampire does in the flats). This will allow BTs to gain PXP w/o leaving the tutorial (since we've established that it will screw you over for the checklist....), and it will give paladins a goal to attain - they can kill zombies in the morgue with ease, but a little practice needed before getting the NPC vampire.
