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HR Community Website [Forum]

Posted: 07 Dec 2016, 03:52
by Amalea
I've suggested this before, but I can't find the thread to link to it and with the falling of the masquerade, I figured it's a good time to bring it up again.

Essentially, the forum I'm suggesting would be listed under 'CrowNet & HR City Websites (IC)' - more specifically likely under 'HR City Websites' and accessible to all characters.

My thought is to have it be a community-run website for the town where residents could post ads (jobs, items, housing, etc), discuss current affairs, announce community events and other things that affect the community as a whole.

I realize there's a HR business forum, but that's only accessible to vampires. Fact or Fiction really isn't suited to this kind of thing, and there really isn't anywhere else for the city's community to interact in an online setting as a whole.

I'd think it'd be beneficial in helping to create more interactions between characters.