Looking for Vampire (Want t Delete?)
Posted: 31 Oct 2016, 13:18
Do you have character that you have been thinking of Deleting ... Don't want t Rp anymore and permanently get rid of ?
Well if you do I have a proposal a one last hurrah battle with 2 paladins outside of Harper Rock rp . Mona and Gideon will be kidnapping a vampire during Daylight hours and killing them outside of Harper Rock . They have a suspicion that Harper Rock is the connection ... So its a experiment of sorts for them . Plots can be altered and discussed via different situations.
Well if you do I have a proposal a one last hurrah battle with 2 paladins outside of Harper Rock rp . Mona and Gideon will be kidnapping a vampire during Daylight hours and killing them outside of Harper Rock . They have a suspicion that Harper Rock is the connection ... So its a experiment of sorts for them . Plots can be altered and discussed via different situations.