RP ROULETTE No. 1 (Skoll)
Posted: 25 Aug 2016, 19:17
Doc was in the mall, picking up some much needed items that had to be replaced, when he lost all his luggage in the recent fiasco of a vacation. For all the stress and aggravation he went through on a night to night basis, that type of vacation made work seem like a picnic.You hear a man saying that all vampires should be hunted down and thrown into concentration camps, or at the very least given mandatory electronic ID bracelets. - Skoll & Doc
The downside of vacations, was the catch up later. You go away from your normal routine, you have to get back into it. It can be hard. Not arduously so, but mentally. The body wants to rebel at times, and just sleep more, maybe not sleep, just relax and not have to go somewhere, meet someone, do something. It was the day to day ruts that could be the most wearing him. He hated routine. He tried to shake things up so he wasn’t predictable.
However, coming back this time was compounded, by his binge. He still had the residual fall from it, but he forced himself to ignore. Push through it. Soldier on, as it were. And in doing so, he berated himself because he missed the biggest announcement of the century. The masquerade was broken. The humans knew. He had spent the last week in a alcohol induced haze, and missed the original announcement.
Doc didn’t know how it had happened, the lead up.. The culmination of the big reveal, nothing. He had missed it all. Yea he had spent time on the internet trying to find the timeline, what was the tipping point.. Who had actually done it, but that information was nowhere to be found. He had his suspicions. The government had been tracking blood thieves back in early 2013, when he had, before he was turned. So the government knew something was up way back then. Hindsight told him, it was just a matter of time before it was out. But it did not stop him from doing his damnedest to keep it hidden.
At the checkout, he was fifth or sixth in line. It was hard to tell, some woman had brought all her spawn and half the neighborhood with her. Luckily she only had a handful of items.. At least that was what he thought, until each child had to pay for own ******* pack of gum themselves. The woman explained it a was teaching moment, and acted like she should get a ******* medal for it. Fine teach the little miscreants how to count.. But do not do it when there was only one ******* register open. Why the **** did stores go to the expense of installing seven ******* registers if you were never going to use them all?
As little Billy the idiot tried to count out 87 pennies, for his gum, Doc raked a hand through his hair, and tried to take his mind off of putting a bullet through the ******* kid’s head. He stared at the magazine rack, at the lurid headlines about some huge assed female whose only claim to fame was having sex in front of a camera. The world was fucked. It was going down faster than.. And that was when Doc heard it. Someone behind him, saying that all vampires should be hunted down and thrown into concentration camps, or at the very least given mandatory electronic ID bracelets.
Billy was now forgotten, as Doc turned his attention to the male, who seemed to be quite adamant and emphatic that his idea should be implemented. There were several nodding in agreement with the man. Doc could envision a mob being formed then and there, pitchforks and shovels being collected from the hardware department and the local mall would become the staging center for a hysterical mob to be formed.
Doc knew, from first hand knowledge, that yes some vampires would be easy to spot. Some gave off no shadows, others havs that eerie aura they gave off; and the Necromancers, they looked creepy. But the Allurists and those like himself that had a natural human glow.. They were not so easy to spot. That would be their saving grace, should things ever digress to mob rule.
Doc spoke to the man trying to rile everyone up. His voice passive, non combative, and almost wary sounding, as he spoke, “I haven’t seen one.. I don’t know what they look like..” He looked at the group in line with him, “But who is to say there isn’t one close by .. listening.. And not liking what they hear..?” He gave the man a very pointed a look, that clearly said ‘I would not want to be you if there is one listening..’