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LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 14 Aug 2016, 13:50
by Enver Marshall II
When: Sunday August 28th
Where: Oldtown Theatre
Time: 3 p.m. central until 10:00 p.m. central
Description: Enver's coming back to Harper Rock after his book tour is done and has decided to throw a party ending it (for now). Anyone and everyone is invited. Vampires, humans (any and all paths). There will be a no violence policy, which will be enforced via ritual. There will be door prizes (to be determined and re-announced when sorted out).

Note: I'd like to post the entire script if I can...I will be in the chat with him this whole time, back and forth. I will of course be separating the chat script between those who come to be posted at some stage in the Side Story thread (we need to play catch up and so forth, but it will be posted in time for the ending of the chapter/side story thingier)!

Any questions, feel free to pm me, or ask them here.


Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 14 Aug 2016, 15:07
by Adley Reed
Whyyyy are live RP events always on Sundays?!

They're my Monday. I canna go. D:

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 14 Aug 2016, 18:30
by Enver Marshall II
Yeah, I know it kinda doesn't work for australians, sorry. But it was then or sometime in sept, and idek how my sept is gonna look atm with two jobs once again...well three sorta as I do online sales for a book company too. So.

and school starts up again, so I'll be in classrooms again. It just gets to be too hectic after the first week in sept.

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 15:05
by Every
I hope I'll be able to have Eve pop in, but it'll depend if my boss let's me leave. :(

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 15:07
by Azraeth
I'll try to have one of my boys there!

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 17:34
by Doc
Wilson may not be able to make this. I have plans that day. =|

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 19:02
by Indigo
I will be there after work ( after 3pm central)

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 02:32
by Alexandrea
I'll try to have Alexandrea there if I can! She's still a huge Enver fan! :D

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 03:16
by Kaspar
Wah, i'm in classes =/! I might be able to peek in on my break.

Re: LIVE RP EVENT: Wrapping up the big tour

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 08:30
by Lancaster
You're in classes from 6am Andie? Goodlord.