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Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 20:33
by Habren Ashe
Calling all Elders and/or lineage heads, as well as humans with ties to media!

Cash and I were chatting about this newest revelation, i.e. secrecy down the tubes.

Habren and Mircea have been traveling the world, but news of this has reached them and they have a plan/hope to help keep history from repeating itself.

How vampires are perceived by humans is tantamount to their continued prosperity, progress, and success. Now would be the time for elders and younger lineage heads to come together to protect their progeny, present and future. Habren and Mircea, having lived through the first apocalypse, are extremely worried about a repeat and are willing to come forward to help stem this turn of events before tragedy strikes vampire kind once again.

This is where the humans with media ties come in:

Habs and Cea propose a live interview or press conference to allow humans to ask what questions they have and open up the lines of communication to avoid misunderstandings and hopefully win some much-needed public approval. Location would be top secret and likely somewhere in Europe or in a quiet area of Canada (though this is open to debate - there are obvious pros and cons to being held outside Harper Rock).

Invites will be sent to any and all who want to be there. We're working out the hows and wheres now.

If you're interested, reply here with your character(s) who want to participate, as well as any contact info we should be aware of (with Y!M going poof and all in the midst of this) and we'll get the ball rolling!

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 23:12
by Azraeth
Stamping this thread with some love. I don't have any lineage head type characters, but I really really really look forward to seeing this play out!

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 23:15
by Alexandrea
Azraeth wrote:Stamping this thread with some love. I don't have any lineage head type characters, but I really really really look forward to seeing this play out!

This from me too. :) Alexandrea is just a second gen vamp with no media ties.

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 00:20
by Alaric von der Marck
Alaric might. Maybe. As you know I haven't really played him much yet so he might still be too out of it to really be aware/able to do much.

But this looks fun! Maybe I can talk to Kat and if it's something Isabella would help with, she could drag him along. XD

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 02:35
by Kaspar
Kas has SOME media ties, and might be willing to help. He is a vampire but has very much kept attached to his human life, he's a musician and growing in popularity. His father is famous worldwide, a rock star, and due to this Kas was often in the public eye growing up.

He'd still be in contact with media, has been interviewed etc about his up and coming projects.

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 04:03
by Cordelia
Cordelia's no lineage head, but she is planning to start up a vlog/makeup channel on YouTube. I was thinking she could invite vampires (male and female) of the various variations and she could do makeup tips while discussing what's good and bad about their lifestyle and particular brand of vampirism, as she's labeled it. She would be all for inviting an elder onto her thing for a tutorial of contouring and makeup and such while discussing life and vampiness, as well as history!

Just puttin' it out there. <_<

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 05:02
by Enzo Dragomir
Dragonal is a major Marketing firm with many pathed humans in its employ and on the board. Any board member would be of service to this.

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 09:03
by Mircea
Azraeth wrote:Stamping this thread with some love. I don't have any lineage head type characters, but I really really really look forward to seeing this play out!
But Niko does >.>

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 10:46
by Azraeth
Are you guys just looking for bloodline heads, or are you looking for other politically influential figures in the vampiric community?

Re: Side Story Impact Thread Proposal

Posted: 23 Jul 2016, 18:28
by Habren Ashe
Politically influential vampires would also be good, as well as those in the public eye already or with media savvy. Initially we'd thought elders/lineage leads, but I'm all for including anyone who is interested!

Elders were thought of because, though this game has grown and the community become incredibly varied, its those elders and first gens who, I suppose, initially "started" the mess and would have a pretty big stake in trying to help clean it up the best they can to avoid another apocalypse. Habs in particular went on a siring spree when she was first awakened, turning anyone she fed upon without killing, because she was out of her mind. She's got some responsibility for the exposure, she figures.

So yes - tl; dr version: pretty much anyone with media savvy, influence, or a stake/responsibility for and to building favorable public opinion, definitely!