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Sunrise and business not right [known]

Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 12:20
by Elizabeth
Sunrise in: 23 hours and 41 minutes

Okay, but how come when business ran, I got this as I was moving:


06.21.16 You were caught outside when the sun rose, and suffered serious burns!
06.21.16 Your business (The Flower Pot) earned $4343 profit today.

Sunrise should have been 19 minutes ago, not at the same time as business.
Cheers for the tan


Re: Sunrise and business not right

Posted: 01 Jul 2016, 16:17
by Mooncalf
It's a known issue. It happens because sometimes nobody is online when sunrise is scheduled, so sunrise happens a little late. It's something I've wanted to fix for a long time, but it's not an easy one to fix.

Re: Sunrise and business not right [known]

Posted: 07 Jan 2018, 19:16
by Alexandrea
Now that businesses run at a different time, should this fixed? Or is it an x (non-issue). Or could it be related to the clock/game time issue?