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Chat Logs - Moderator Thread

Posted: 23 May 2016, 07:48
by Pi dArtois
I'm going to see how this thread works out, and whether it acts as the heads up I hope it will. The chat mod & Developers have access to chat logs.

When chats start to slow up, the chat mod archives, then clears logs so it keeps chats running tickety-boo. However, we do try to keep RP logs longer so players can access them to pull RPs to post. I thought a thread might be a good idea, to give people a heads up when that may happen.

Chat Archive Schedule

OOC, CN & Phone call Logs
  • These are cleared each month, with an archive copy kept so we will have access to all logs as normal. They'll just be archived off-site
RP Logs
  • Scheduled to clear around the four month mark so they remain available to owners of buildings to pull off for posting purposes.
  • These will be archived too, so even you find logs are not there, there should be an archive copy
I expect it's the RP copy of logs which people will miss when they're eventually archived, so I'm going to use this thread as a heads up to players about when the next archive is scheduled. We're going to see how this goes.

If there's been a lot of chat RP, sometimes chats bog down sooner and it may need to be cleared earlier. For now we'll clear every four months and see how we go.

Re: Chat Logs - Moderator Thread

Posted: 23 May 2016, 07:53
by Pi dArtois
Last RP Chat Archive
  • 9 March 2016

David cleared logs due to bug, September 2016 - no logs were saved at this time.

Next Archive
  • Middle January 2017
The plan is to give a one week heads up in this thread before they're cleared.

Re: Chat Logs - Moderator Thread

Posted: 12 Sep 2016, 22:34
by Pi dArtois
For those who asked where this thread was. Usually I only have to clear logs once each four-six months (depending on traffic), so expect a clean up in about four/six months from now, since David has done the super clear of them this month.