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UPDATE: Linked Character Accounts and Quick-Switching

Posted: 12 May 2016, 18:08
by Mooncalf
If you go to the main page of the game, you'll see a new drop-down menu which says "switch character". You'll now be able to use this to quickly switch to any of your other characters, without logging in and out of each. In addition to this, you'll be able to do the same on the forum (forum dropdown will show up to the right of the banner when you've linked any accounts.

To set up a linked account, go to the account settings page, and where it says "Link character accounts", enter the details of the account you wish to link with. To keep things simple for yourself, you should do this while logged into your favourite account or main character, but you can do it in whichever order you like, really. The "master password" is the password of the character you're currently logged in as. The "linked character" and "linked password" are the username and password of the account you wish to tether to your main account.

You can link as many characters together as you like, and then you'll be able to quickly switch between all of those characters on forum or grid with as little as two mouse clicks, at any time.

If at any time you delete your main account, your linked characters will become unlinked, so be sure to tether them to another main account afterwards.

This system will also be used to make the character slot limits more reliable in future.