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How to do enchanting

Posted: 04 May 2016, 14:01
by Daisey Broken Feather (DELETED 8016)
I made a Sorcerer because the idea of enchanting runes into weapons and even people was enticing. I had never played this game before and even now I find myself at a loss.. There was no training tutorial for enchanting on tutorial street but worse yet is I have found nothing inside harper rock either. I dont understand how to work on enchanting or how it is done. The ritual altars give no options like the work shop areas give for making weapons or traps or craft items. Can some one tell me how it is I am suppose to use this stat? I mean it is on my character sheet Enchanting and it is how Morganna Made King Arthur into the first Paladin (According to the mythos in the wiikii) but I dont see any way to do any enchanting in the game what so ever. Can some one please point me in the correct direction?

Thank you so much in advance for helping me with getting answers and navigating the system everyone i have had the pleasure of meeting has been super helpful and sweet!

Tpo Daisey

Re: How to do enchanting

Posted: 04 May 2016, 15:11
by Amalea
Enchanted hasn't actually been coded/added to the game as an usable skill yet. It's slated to come later after masteries are ready.