A time for a Dragon's gift (Mortll, Yvette) [open]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Enzo Dragomir
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A time for a Dragon's gift (Mortll, Yvette) [open]

Post by Enzo Dragomir »

The sportscar pulled into the parking garage with a soft growl as he eased the accelerator, the vibrations of the powerful jaguar rumbled easily through him while he took a spot and then shut off the engine with a push of a button. He took a moment to answer his texts via the flat screen on the dash before switching his handheld back on, messages already flooding again. His nights had been nothing if not pressed for time between work, the building of his own businesses, real estate endeavors, more illicit yet incredibly lucrative black market deals, forming alliances and contacts, meetings and then his obsession with personal training...

He loved it. The Allurist could not imagine not having a hectic schedule, the pace, the burn of it was like a cocaine fix for a junkie just out of forced rehab. In between it all he had been hunting down his extended family, seeking other Dragons out to embrace with familial arms. Not an easy task by any means but so far it had proved worth it... smiling as he thought about the sisters, Mortll, Merry and Noelle... the mountain of a vampire Mordechai who turned out to be surprisingly soft spoken and thoughtful.. if you didn't cross him or his. Enzo respected that. It's how he himself was. His mind shifted over to his sister Yvette the fae touched.. that is what they were called by humans who came in contact with them, the Mystics, the Seers... he had used the term himself when he was but a lad in the playgrounds of London and had believed in such things. He had lost that magic as the army of Nanny's and Tutors wound their own beliefs and thoughts into his nursery and it all became so absurd that even the child he was could no longer believe.

His sister gave that back to him. He looked to the passenger seat at the pair of custom made ballet slippers laying there, not really meant for dancing as the sole had been reinforced for daily use and walking, but still soft enough that the vampress could put them on and forget she had, the satin mint green looked as ethereal as he imagined her aura did. He had promised himself he would look out for her and had made her promise that she would look after him... though he knew she had seen right through the request for what it was. She had agreed with a soft laugh and kiss pressed so innocently against his cheek. The Allurist was charmed despite himself and had begun to plan his empire to include her, keep her safe and untouched by those that would see her hurt for their own sick amusements... and he knew well the things that could crush her spirit. In fact he was an expert at such things.

Taking the shoes from their shoppes packaging, he put the custom slippers into an antique hat box, the kind aristocratic women used to use when traveling. Rose in colour with metal made of silver trim, he'd had it cleaned and reset when he'd come across it, her name hand painted across the top along with her beloved spirits and constant companion. They shared everything after all. One last look at the gift he stepped from his pet love and locked her, carrying it with him toward the string of shoppes and quaint restaurants that marked this area as 'trendy'. His attire tonight was simply what he had worn to his last work meeting, a three piece suit of dark blue that accentuated the storm gray of his eyes though he kept the Dragon Marked orbs hidden behind tinted glasses, touting light sensitivity for the oddity. His tie was a rich plum with light gray vines and sworls breaking up the colour and leading down to the silver of his waistcoat. He cut a fine figure and he knew it well... not from any arrogance though he had that in spades, but because he had learned at his fathers knee that a man was only as good as his word and first impressions.

Stepping out to the newly cobbled street he turned and headed toward a delivery service of old fashioned design. It was a novelty shoppe that catered to those who wished to step back a few paces in time and offered modern services with a past century charm. He hired a livery service on horseback to deliver the box and shoes to his sister that evening, paid and tipped well before turning to continue his errands. His sister was about to be gifted by a knight in shining armour. Literally. One that bore the standard of Dragons.

After all, the Dragomir were the riders and never the mounts.

Enzo looked up the road, early enough that the humans were still thick along the streets, walking their dogs or just enjoying a romantic stroll hand in hand before the horrors of the later night whispered fear into their hearts and they headed for home. Twinkle lights and hand painted signs marked this part of towne and it was his favourite, reminding him of the home he could never return to except for brief visits... just enough to gut him with what he could never have. He missed London with excruciating clarity... a harsh reality of vampirism, especially for his kind that felt things so keenly. Perhaps one day he would add that to his 'to do' list and find the why's of Harpers Rock so that he could in turn find the 'hows' to get around it.

Seeing his destinations up the pleasing road, one building housing his first destination and his second stop not far beyond, he began the walk, inclining his head to people as he passed, ever the gentleman about town. His manservant Bertram was to meet him at the coffee shoppe midway, bringing a few things that had been requested of him. His butler was efficient and loyal to the point of death and it didn't go unrewarded by Enzo. Happy staff happy condo. Sure enough the thrall was standing outside the deliciously scented store holding a rather large bundle in his suited arms. "Sir." he said simply as his master approached, a half bow before rising, his eyes looking just above Enzo's head respectfully. He handed the now squirming bundle to the Dragon and then gently brushed non existent fur from his uniform. Morbido was too well groomed to actually leave any shedding traces.

He smiled his thanks as he took the enormous blue angora rabbit from the manservant, adjusting the sapphire studded harness and leash as he easily cradled the monstrosity, a gift from his sire Nikolae Dragomir, under his arm. 'There will be packages arriving this evening Bertram, I've left a list and addresses on my desk." he didn't need say more, the butler would see it done. The thrall bowed from the waist and took two steps backward to avoid showing his back to his master, then turned and made his way home. Enzo watched for a moment as he idly stroked his finger over Morbido's head, the dragon formed ring glinting with each movement.. also a gift from his sire and one he never removed.

Enzo had grown fond of the fat rabbit, and the gift had the added benefit of softening shoppe keepers... especially females... so it was no burden to take the little ******** with him. He was becoming very good with negotiations and haggling... his sire had told him it was because of his path and that sat well with him no matter the reason really. His sire could be an odd duck on the surface but underneath was a keen intelligence and will of steel, a leader from the soul whether he was behind the lines or leading the charge. He was also a shadow with an extremely nasty sense of humour.. unless it wasn't you he was gifting... then it was hilarious. Enzo knew his sire had no fondness for Allurists but he had soon discovered that his childe epitomized the paths humour and found Enzo an amused recipient of whatever cracked the elder up at the time.

Reaching the first of his stops he made his way through the small 'mall' Morbido for his part content to rest quietly in his owners embrace. Walking into the place he stepped to the counter and smiled at the young employee. A shoppe that catered to art, be it ready made or custom, he knew that it was owned by another of his kind, Alexandria Quartermaine. She had been highly recommended for what he had in mind and he gave his name over to her employee. "Of course Mister Dragomir." she said, obviously having been waiting for his pick up. She left him then to wander the gallery, and he took the time to make a list of other things he wanted sent round to his home. By the time she had returned Enzo had quite the purchase order and she smiled dazed and happy at what would amount to an enormous commission for her. "I'll have everything wrapped and sent round Mister Dragomir." He smiled at the charming young thing "Excellent, just have them left with our doorman." Enzo could tell the woman wanted to touch Morbido, was fairly thrumming with the natural desire to bury fingers into soft fur, but to her credit she remained professional to the end. Handing him his original reason for being here, she then took one of his myriad cards and had him paying for it without fuss.

"Have this delivered to the Voodoo Lounge." he said simply and slid her a tip for her troubles. Once he had her agreement he walked out, his next destination already replacing this one in his thoughts.

Later that evening a small package was carried into the Voodoo lounge to be delivered to one Mortll Worthington Dragomir. Nestled inside was a hand made locket, crafted from titanium and platinum, near indestructible, a Dragon and a Rose coiled together in beautiful diamond dusting. Inside the locket was the real treasure. He had commissioned from photographs two miniature paintings, one of Mortll's sister Merry, and one of Noelle. Now if the dragonesse ever lost either again... well she would have them against her heart forever.

The attached card read simply, "I will always bring them back to you. Forever and a night. Enzo."
CEO Dragonal Corporation/ARES/Dragon Court/The Midnight Court
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Enzo Dragomir
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Re: A time for a Dragon's gift (Mortll, Yvette) [open]

Post by Enzo Dragomir »

The silence in the room became deafening, each tic of the large wall mounted rail road clock seemed to take forever as Enzo did nothing to ease the other man's discomfort. Instead he amped the tension by small increments, allowing a very light portion of his blood's magic to set the mood of intimidation. As he thought, it did not take much longer for the well clad Austrian to shift in his seat and clear his throat, ready to do anything to get the younger man to unpin him from his seat using only his gaze.

For his part, Enzo sat at the end of the large board table, everything from his black power suit to his pomaded nod to a 50's business cut, chin resting on unmoving fingers, screamed danger to his guest. He did not break the silence, well practiced in societal mentality he just directed his keen stare at Harbor James Lectenstein the third, contact lenses covering his odd pupils but keeping the swirling gray color. His eyes were unnerving before he was turned... now they were downright frightening.

"I really think there is no need to become overly concerned, we can find another building..." the older man began, a faint note of pleading in his accented voice did nothing but stir Enzo's hunting instincts and his eyes narrowed imperceptively before he regained control of his bloodlust. Well, the bloodlust that wanted to literally rip the mans throat out so he could bathe in Austrian Aristocracy. He imagined it tasted like a symphony. Mozart perhaps. His lips thinned in a rather cruel imitation of a smile and he made a show of slowly lowering his hands to fold them on the table before him, leaning just a little more into Harbor's personal space.

That did the trick. The man practically toppled over as he leapt to his feet, trying to cover his discomfort with the opening of his briefcase, files of various real estate transactions spilling over the table between them as if they could become a fortified wall keeping Enzo from storming Austria so to speak. "See, here... I've done the demographics, several of these locations have the numbers and traffic you are looking for..."

Enzo cut him off with the wave of a hand, the Dragon's ring he always wore catching the light and spilling a prism over the reddening gentleman. "Harbor... Harbor, Harbor tsk." He did not rise from his seat, as he again silenced the agent. Some would think this put him at a disadvantage as Lectenstein had obviously thought.. incorrectly... the Dragon simply held his ground and used his... soul.. to push forward, making him seem larger than life. Not that he wasn't described as such by those he had crushed, but this was even more "I am not interested in choosing another location. I have told you the building I will be purchasing. Your job, which you appear to be failing, is to make.." he fully smiled then, punctuating his words with a killers gaze "It..." he stood then and leaned toward the trembling Harbor "So."

With that he walked around the desk toward the door Bertram was holding for him, ah good at least some of his orders had been carried out successfully. Stopping he did not turn or look at Lectenstein "If I do not have the papers on my desk by end of week ready to sign I'm afraid I'm going to have to withdraw my ... support."

Enzo's face had no expression other than bland disinterest even as he tightened his fist around the man's throat... if he withdrew his support there would be some very drawn out and ugly deaths in the Austrians immediate family... not that it mattered either way to the Dragomir. He waited until he heard the intake of shocked breath and the beginnings of stutters before leaving the man to do whatever it took to get his client what he wanted.

As the door closed behind him, Bertram stepped easily to his side, already handing him another folder with his instructions conclusions. "Thank you Bertram." he said "Of course sir. Shall I have the packages delivered?"

He smiled fully now as he inclined his head, "Yes, the Opera is on Friday, we shall be picking her up at 8:00 sharp. This package should be waiting her last stop on business rounds." The package in question was a bit deviated from what one would expect of Enzo Vaughn Dragomir... if you didn't really know him. He had spent quite a bit of time debating letting her in even this far but had decided the risk was worth the gain. "I have already procured the remaining nights deliveries, each to be sent separately." As his manservant absorbed his newest instructions Enzo continued "Also please have delivered the package to Merry Dragomir at midnight... and the painting I had commissioned for Nikolae." his lips twitched as he imagined Cordelia's scream of outrage as she got a good viewing of the thing. An 1800's cityscape done in oil... beautiful really, with the Staypuff Marshmallow man storming the towering buildings. His sire would love it. He'd had that done for him at Alexandrea's gallery as well and would most certainly patron her from now on as she had not disappointed.

Satisfied at least one of his damned minions would do as asked, he patted Bertram on the back "Good man." and strolled off leaving the preening butler to his duties. He had an appointment with a winery and he wasn't about to be late.

Later that evening as instructed, the packages were delivered. The painting taking a place leaning against the altar in the Dragomir Temple waiting Nikolae's return. The card was signed Your doting childe Enzo.

For Merry Dragomir, it was two fold. A pedigree list with all the appropriate licensing and deeds of ownership for an upcoming yearling thoroughbred, class ranked in the top ten for speed and stamina at the races. Black as her hair and just as noble, proud and beautiful, the spirited mount would help give her the freedom to ride the wind, to find that proud Romanian soul deep within herself as she found her footing back from death. It was an extravagant gift he knew... but he imagined her donning the riding britches and boots he had sent as well, and taking the stallion out to give him his running.. their souls so very similar as they reveled in that moment of soaring free... it was worth every penny. Enzo would not have been shocked to find that the beauty herself was from the great Carpathians where only the finest of horseflesh could be found but never really tamed. Just like it's people.

For Mortll Dragomir it was far simpler from the surface. But if you looked deeper at the gift it began to take on meaning... compassionate, comforting and protective... the box delivered contained three things for the incredibly hard working Dragoness. A pair of luxuriously fabricked yet insanely comfortable pajamas, the bottoms a soft as air flannel in black and white plaid, the top just as wearable in black with a dragon caricature emblazoned on it. Following that was a DVD, Princess Bride set atop a small box of custom oils to scent the room in the incredibly precious ambergris hinted with lavender. The card read simply "For the most industrious, hard working woman I have ever met. Enzo."
CEO Dragonal Corporation/ARES/Dragon Court/The Midnight Court
Yvette Marie
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Re: A time for a Dragon's gift (Mortll, Yvette) [open]

Post by Yvette Marie »

Yvette arrived at her apartment, her blonde hair and dress covered with feathers and blood. Her dress made it less noticeable, but still she got a few odd stares from people as she passed by them on the way to the elevator.Thankfully, her floor didn't have many residents, and she passed through unperturbed.
A feather fell from her hair at her door, and had she been less- well, her- she would have been worried, but instead the girl wondered if blood had different colors according to type, and if which would be better to use as a base paint, animal or human. She unlocked her door and moved inside, locking it behind her. Mackinsey floated around her, chattering away about her messy appearance, which brought her from her musings to focus on him. Anyone looking at her would not see him, however, but a girl bloody and covered in dirt and feathers, standing pale and thin in her living room, her blue eyes losing focus as she talked to thin air. "Yes, well, I can't see myself, can I, Mackinsey?" She stood swaying slightly as she continued to argue with her specter. Her lips thinned as she stopped to watch Mackinsey's movement, his words sparking a streak of anger within her. "Well, if you wouldn't have -died- we wouldn't be in this mess, would we?" She paused for a moment, then looked at the ground, ashamed as the ghost began to fade. "Mackinsey, don't do that. I'm sorry. I am grateful for what you gave to me, and I always will be. You are forever my favorite. It's just if you're going to fuss, then help me get them all out. You can be my eyes since I cannot see in the mirror."

Yvette's eyes regained focus, and she moved to the bathroom, feathers and dirt falling from her as she went. Her bathroom was one of the few things she had splurged on when she bought the small apartment, the other being the glass enclosed gas fireplace monstrosity sitting in her living room, whose warmth could be felt through the apartment. The blood and muck covered clothing went into the metal laundry basket, and Yvette turned the tap as hot as she could, humming at the sound of water falling from the waterfall showerhead. Pulling the last of the feathers from her hair, she smiled at Mackinsey in gratitude, and began the daunting task of washing away the blood and dirt that seemed to stick to her like a second skin. Once her own task was finished, she redressed, and pulled her hair together in a loose plait over her right shoulder. Mackinsey danced just out of reach, hovering nearby and tutting at her like a mother hen. After another round of argument that left each of them cross with the other, Yvette was able to pull on a pair of low heels, and back out the door she went. The blonde had fully intended on getting to the cafe to work on deciphering more of the code that so often filled her mind, but the idea was forgotten when the doorman informed her she had a delivery outside. Thanking the man awkwardly, for she'd never spoken to him before, she moved out into the night.

She blinked a few times in rapid succession when she saw a knight on horseback. Literally. In armor that shone beneath the rising moonlight. Bearing the symbol of her new family, it seemed. Inching forward, she seemed to float toward him, her gaze interested. Was he to be her present? While she wasn't quite as sure she was doomed to feed from animals, it seemed rather silly to give the human a metal casing to resist her in. Mackinsey floated down from the floor their apartment was on, and she shook her head, both at her resident ghost and at her own musings. No, the man must be carrying something for her, a note perhaps? She saw nothing but the reins in his hands, and the horse kept stomping it's hoof and chomping at its bit every time she drew nearer. Frightened, she drew back, and the knight swung down from his horse, drawing a pink box from a bag set against the saddle. The clinking of his armor and stiffness of his gait caused laughter to spill from Yvette's lips, especially when the human dropped to a knee to present her the delivery. After exchanging a few words, and signing a slip verifying the delivery of the package, the knight returned to his horse, and Yvette returned inside, amusement still dancing in her eyes.

Thanking the doorman for his notice, she got into the elevator. This time of night, it was quiet, and by the time it arrived at her floor, she was the only one within. Stepping off, she returned to her apartment, wondering whom would have sent her a gift. She knew it must have been on of her lovely family, but really didn't think of who she could have been such an impact on to merit presents. Closing her apartment door once more, she moved to her round chair, stopping to increase the temperature of the gas fireplace along the way. Mackinsey called her name as she went to look more closely at it, and she turned to look at him, pulling the lid from the box as she did so. Exasperated, she called to him to return to her side, and turned back to look what was inside.

The satin of the slippers gleamed from within the box. An inhaled breath was let out in a sigh of admiration as she pulled them from the box. And as she looked at them, she knew whom had sent the gift. Delightedly she laughed, admiring her new brother's taste. She would have to find a pairing for them now, which meant more dresses. She wondered if she could hire someone to take her along, because despite her social nature as of late, people made her uncomfortable, especially when they looked at her as if she were mad. And you're not sure if the next one that annoys you won't end up with their blood and bone decorating their shop wall. Out loud, the waif whispered, "I wonder if I could do it anyway and pose it as avant garde artwork." Delicately, she placed the shoes back into the box, and admired both the detail of the box, and of it's contents. Remembering she had desired to venture to the cafe, she reluctantly placed the lid on the box. As she looked at the lid, however, all thoughts of leaving fled her mind.

Seeing both her name and that of her dead companion painted across its surface, she burst into tears.
Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so.... but let me tell you a secret. All the best people are.
Pretties by: Myk-mun and the ever wonderful Josh ♥
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Re: A time for a Dragon's gift (Mortll, Yvette) [open]

Post by Mortll »

Mortll looked up the surface of the pool rippled and gleamed in the light She did not breath or move the water surrounded her pale white skin and her raven hair floated around her with the movement of it. It was a habit she had developed when she wanted to get away from everything. It sure as hell beat the shadow realm it was no where near as cold and she cold and depressing.

She unfolded her legs and kicked up from the bottom and made her way to the side of the pool with sure delft strokes. She wrapped the large fluffy robe around her bare skin and started to towel her hair dry. Her bare feet padded across the cool tile transporting her to the comfort of the pile of silken cushions in front of the roaring fire. She was not expecting the knock that came on the door. She reluctantly got up and opened it slowly glaring at the delivery boy. She took the small box from him and signed for it then turned back to her fire closing the door quite roughly.

Mortll curled her legs under her once again and examined the package and gave it a little shake she peeled the bow off looking curiously at the card. She flicked it open with her thumb and raised a eyebrow. It was from Mr Vaughn she had not known the young vampire but a few days and he had seemed to have entered her life with a bang well most of that was her fault she had to admit . Gifts on the second day of knowing someone was laying it on a bit thick though even with all his charm .

She pulled the lid off slowly her eyes meeting the flash of silver and jade the beautiful not silver she caught but titanium dragon in the center of the jade locket . Mr Vaughn had good taste . She looked at the card and read the cryptic message . What did he mean by that ... She looked at the locket once again and flipped the tiny claps open . She caught her non existent breath. Inside were two finely detailed paintings of her sisters. Mr. Vaughn it seemed was very adept... Mortll let her fingers trace the fine engraving on the locket as she closed it and held it in her hand . She placed the locket back into its silken lined box . Mr Vaughn was a anomaly and a intrigue so far and was quickly getting much much more interesting . She closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

Mortll awoke the next eve. Twilight still grazed the evening sky , Mortll opened her door to retrieve her news paper to just find it buried under even more packages... Mr Vaughn and her were going to have to have a talk it seemed ...
Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
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