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[Open] Threads Now Get 50% More RPP

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 17:51
by Mooncalf
All posts on public roleplay threads marked as "[Open]" now get 50% more RPP per word written.

To make sure all posts on a thread earn this extra bonus, simply put the tag "[Open]" in your thread's subject line. Only the thread creator should do this, as that way all following posts in the thread will receive the bonus.

If the original post doesn't have [Open] in the subject line, then putting it in a subject line when replying is considered cheating to gain RPP. The idea here is that it shows everyone that the thread is open, so having the open tag hidden in reply posts, rather than the original post, goes against the spirit of it. If the original post has the open tag in the subject line, however, then it's totally fine, no cheating is possible, and you'll always gain the bonus as long as you keep the subject line the same in your replies.

The bonus does not apply on private boards, however, as having an open roleplay on a private board defeats the purpose. There is no extra bonus on the hardcore board, which already earns 50% extra RPP.

Re: [Open] Threads Now Get 50% More RPP

Posted: 31 Mar 2016, 15:10
by Mooncalf
There has been an update to the rules regarding this system. If you've already done something that violates this new rule, don't worry, we won't ask you to edit your posts, as the rules weren't clear. HOWEVER, if your thread wasn't truly open to all, then you must edit it back to remove the [open] tag from each individual post's subject line, as it was clear from the start that only open threads can be marked as "[open]". You don't need to worry if your thread started as a live roleplay, as that was the main part which wasn't clarified properly from the start.

[Open] Threads

Roleplay threads marked with the [Open] tag gain a 50% RPP bonus. As such, if you use this tag the thread in question must be open to ALL, not just select individuals, or races, or faction members.

Closed threads cannot be edited to use the [open] tag after the thread has already been specified as "closed" or similar. This also means that in order for live roleplay transcript threads to be "open", they must be held in a public in-game location, with 24 hours prior notice posted on the planning board. Otherwise they aren't open, they are closed. This rule regarding live transcripts also applies if you're posting a backlog of posts you've written on Google Docs with somebody, or similar. If you want to do that, space out your posts in order to make the thread truly open to all. If you never specified that your thread was closed in any way, you may edit it to use the "[open]" tag as you see fit.

Lastly, you must not use the "[open]" tag in the subject line unless the original poster used it on the very first post. Doing so will be seen as exploiting the system to gain RPP from a thread which isn't properly marked as open.