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Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 21:41
by Adelita (DELETED 5973)
Velveteen - had never replied to the last email. If she did she didn't remember it but she had not forgotten either and as she entered the Academy, she wasn't even certain that Adelita would in fact be there. If not she could always text or whatever. If the meeting had been forgotten it would serve her right. The building seemed rather empty though and instead of wandering aimlessly through the large space she made her presence known by calling out. "Hello? Anyone home?"

< Adelita > had two dozen or so random gun parts lying around her and the portable crafting bench Adelita more or less left at Lumen while she worked in peace. There was a female voice that caused her to look up from her work, and look at the woman who was wandering around. "Uhm...hello?" Lita extended a hand to collect the parts that were the furthest from her, to move them closer to her. "Are you looking for Blake?"

Velveteen - tilted her head curiously and silently appraised the vaguely familiar female. It shouldn't have amused her that despite being so closely related blood wise that neither really knew the other yet it did. She shook her head and crossed the floor in Lita's direction. "No...I am here to see you. You really don't know who I am do you?"

< Adelita > The woman kept approaching, Lita's eyes bounced between the dark haired woman and the weapon parts she attained in a variety of ways. Her eyes finally stayed on the woman who said she was here to see her, making Lita laugh. "No, I don't. Well, yes. I know your name now. You must be Velveteen." Lita slowly stood up and carefully combined all the parts to one pile with a few gentle nudges of her left foot. "And I'm Adelita, as you know. Or, just Lita." Lita made no move to abandon the parts, even though they were close together now.

Velveteen - A warm smile spread across the Necro's reddened lips and she dipped her head slightly. "It is nice to finally meet you face to face. We did not get off to the best start, my fault and I sincerely apologise for that." Her eyes took in the pile of gun parts and she smiled inwardly. It seemed the two had more in common that missing sire/childe. "I was perhaps too harsh. I often am."

< Adelita > snorted and rolled her eyes before shrugging. "Well, if we're being honest, I was a ****." There was a glint of amusement in her eyes. "I wasn't quite myself. For a few reasons." Lita looked around and finally side stepped from the guns to make her way around them. "So let's start fresh?" Lita offered with an outstretched hand in Velveteen's direction.

Velveteen - took the proffered hand and gave it a small shake and squeeze, "I like that idea. It is nice to meet you. I am Velveteen...your Grandsire for lack of a better term."

< Adelita > Lita returned the shake and then dropped the hand to her side. "Nice to meet you too." Lita looked around the white walls of Lumen and then back at Velveteen. "I actually don't know what we're supposed to do at these sort of things." She laughed lightly before letting her arms cross at her chest. "Should I have made a flan or that promised burrito, was it?" It had been so long ago, Lita couldn't honestly remember what she offered to make Velveteen should they ever meet.

Velveteen - shrugged as her hand returned to her side. "Just talk." She made her way closer to the bench and leaned against its edge, casually crossing one ankle over the other. "I can't eat either ...or anything for that matter so unfortunately your efforts would have been wasted but these however....." She picked up a random part from the that had been destroyed and was no longer fit for much besides scrap metal. "I see we share a passion. How long have you been doing this?" She waggled the degraded gun barrel in the air for emphasis.

< Adelita > eyes watched Velveteen grab a barrel and hold it in the air. "Not very long. I started putting together cameras and sensors first, then moved to swords and finally guns. I think about three months now? I was just playing around with the parts of both types of weapons before I joined Blake's school. When he wanted to sort out our...futures, I guess? I decided to focus on making this a full-time hobby for its benefit." Lita looked at the parts. "They aren't very good parts. Just average, but a gun is a gun is a gun, right? Especially if it's free?"

Velveteen - squinted one eye and kinda nodded but there was obvious hesitation. 'Well...technically I guess you are right. But the better the gun the better it works. Like...if you use a **** gun it's more likely that your shot will be **** too. And then of course different kinds of guns achieve different results and what you use will depend on what you are hunting." She replaced the barrel and allowed her fingers to gently roam over other smaller , less important parts that didn't make the pile that the younger woman had been protecting. 'It's all about practice though. I love crafting the guns and traps. I have been working on playing with metal shaping and such too, hopefully one night I will make quality swords as well." She smiled at Lita. "Both can bring in good money too."

< Adelita > nodded her head. "You're right. I hope to make much better guns in the future, to replace the average ones I've passed on to be used to others. The same with the swords, in future." She mused silently to herself, looking at the gun she had just finished a couple minutes before Velveteen showed up. "Don't you miss it? Food?" She shook her head and laughed. "Probably a stupid question. I mean, I can eat a burger and fries any day-but it doesn't really do anything for our kind, right? How can you miss something that isn't needed?" She scratched at her arm. "Good to know about the money thing. Thank you." Lita would definitely keep working on perfecting both crafts if that were the truth. "So, how long have you been like this? A vampire?"

Velveteen - listened and nodded encouragingly and was about to offer some encouragement when the subject changed causing her to pause thoughtfully. "No. Not really. I think I did at first but the only thing I really miss are the numbing effects that a good stiff drink can provide. Probably more so now than ever before.' The dark haired vampire laughed and cast the younger woman a playful wink. "As for how long? not really sure. Going on five years maybe? Or is it four?" She laughed again and shook her head. "Somewhere around there. I have kinda lost all concept of time to be honest. It doesn't seem as important as it once did. Ya know?"

Re: Assemblage

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 21:44
by Velveteen
< Adelita > pursed her lips in thought. "Maybe. I don't know. I've only been like this for a year. Time seems the same as it did last year, now." She admitted honestly, having not thought about things in terms of forever and eternity. "I think personally, for me, the day that time or the year stops mattering, will be a sad day. It is like saying there is nothing to look forward to." Lita laughed and then shrugged her shoulders. "Probably too deep of a conversation on an initial meeting." Lita looked down at her red tipped fingernails as her lips twist in thought. "You know, even though I said to start fresh-I do want to apologize. For the things I said. You and your family-the majority didn't do anything to me. It wasn't right."

Velveteen - Silver orbs watched her face as she took in every word. Adelita had her full attention and she wanted her to know that. Her shoulder rose and fell in a noncommittal shrug. "I didn't say it didn't matter. Ask me about things that matter like...How long I have been bound and I have no worries telling you that it is just weeks past three years now. Important things I know. I guess in the grand scheme of things how long I have been a vampire isn't as important. It" She shrugged again, her own turning a story she rarely shared with many. "They....We are your family too, Adelita, and I was perhaps not thinking especially straight myself. Micah and I have worked hard to make Andras what it is. I cut ties with Docere a long while back and I don't consider them any sort of family to me or mine. I get very protective of those I consider mine and that you guys were over there kinda pissed me off. Like what you already had wasn't good enough or something. It sounds childish when said out loud...but I can't be any more honest than I have"

< Adelita > "It's not childish. I get it. But I didn't feel like I was part of anything. Godric and I weren't trying to be malicious, at least not at you. Maybe I was, but not at you. I didn't even know you." Shoulders lifted and dropped again. "I had a lot going on then and Remington was nowhere to be found. Godric and I were just being stupid and having fun. He's the closest thing to back home I have. Had. Whatever. We were just trying to find a place. Together. Not that it matters anymore." Lita started putting the parts in two piles. Crap and useable. "Nothing I said or did was focused at you. Or Micah."

Velveteen - nodded and took up a small part that lay on the bench, not seemingly belonging to anything. The object was turned in her fingers for pure distraction really and little more. "Well....I don't know. Maybe that is on me. I waited for Remi to introduce us....he disappeared. I did not know how to approach you guys or what I was supposed to do about it. Not trying to make excuses I just really suck at dealing with such things. Business? No worries. But other social type things, not so great."

< Adelita > The Mexican woman laughed and then looked over at Velveteen. "It's okay. I think things turned out alright. Maybe a lot of crazy at first and probably some more later on down the line-but-" Lita pulled out a bag from under the table and deposited the bad weapon parts into it for her to sell for petty cash later. "Besides, we're as equally guilty. Godric or I could have looked for you guys too. I just don't-I think we are the same. With social things. My life was sort of..." She pondered the right word to say. "Controlled. I don't have mucho- a lot of experience with doing things for myself. It was sort of done for me. Maybe different, but sort of the same. I've only recently learn to approach people for assistance." Her eyes moved to various cameras strategically placed around the main floor. "I tend to have no filter, or don't know what to do in new scenarios. I suck at social type things too." Eyes landed back on Velveteen, finding some small amusement in yet another shared trait.

Velveteen - The other woman’s laugh put the Necromancer more at ease and she allowed a smile in response. “Well...You have a good excuse. You guys were young. Newly turned and then just kinda abandoned and left to your own devices.” her shoulder hitched a little and a contemplative grimace possessed her pale features for a fleeting moment. “I reacted badly none the less and….I should have been a little more understanding or something. Just cause I know things doesn't mean others are going to know...especially when I keep it locked up here…” A hand came up and she indicated her temple for a moment before letting her hand fall away. “And don’t communicate them.” She followed Adelita’s gaze for a moment, noting the cameras. She wasn’t surprised by the amount. Blake was not unlike herself, in fact the thought raised a moment of amusement. “Godric. Yes. I have heard of him, never had the pleasure there either. Apparently Micah has though. He is still around too?”

< Adelita > Adelita hoped that Blake’s camera’s didn’t have sound, but knowing him, she imagined they did and there was going to be a lot of things he would hear, that didn’t put her in the best limelight, but it was the truth. Awkward. The awkwardness dissipated when Velveteen asked about Godric, the small woman’s shoulders raising as she gave a small shrug. “No lo sé.” She shook her head. “I haven’t seen him in a long time. I think he’s dead. Maybe. Or hiding very well. But...I think he is dead.” It was a conclusion Adelita had come to months ago, because he literally had disappeared in a single night and was never seen or heard from again. “Or maybe he went back to Mexico or some other place for a job.” Godric was and always had been difficult to understand, he didn’t share much about himself or the things he got up to. “It’s okay. What happened. It wasn’t easy, but life seems to be okay now. Blake’s helped me a lot and shared some things that I didn’t know, since I joined the academy. I’m sure there’s still a lot of things I don’t know, but I take it a night at a time. That method seems to be working out.” Lita smiled, then shifted some parts around, in order of what was needed to work on some designs later on after this conversation.

Velveteen - Her brow rose slightly as Lita spoke of Godric and she couldn’t help but wonder exactly when the guy went missing and if her husband might not know something about that. From the little she had heard Godric had not endeared himself to Micah at all and for all she knew he could be laying in a bathtub of cement buried somewhere beneath the Eyrie right now. It wasn’t very likely but maybe. She decided to ask later just in case.

“I am glad Blake is helping and you have been able to benefit from what he has had to teach. But I would like to make myself as well. Just in case you cannot find him or need a different perspective on something.” One shoulder lifted and fell back into place in the slightest of movements. Though the woman would never say it out loud she felt like she owed this woman and was attempting to try make amends for not having been more helpful in the beginning.

< Adelita > Lita looked up from the parts she placed together and stared at the woman. She wasn’t sure what to make about the offer, as it seemed to come from out of the blue. She mulled Velveteen’s words over again, picking them apart one by one. “Blake would probably appreciate someone else being able to help me.” Adelita said casually, because unfortunately for him, he was her private encyclopedia of all things vampire and related to vampires in Harper Rock. How he managed to not grow irritated with the Mexican woman was still a mystery. “That would be okay, if you don’t mind the burden.” Adelita concluded slowly, still keeping her gaze on the other woman as her hands shifted some barrels around. “And appreciated. From Blake, I’m sure, and myself.” She laughed, thinking about how Blake might appreciate some quiet nights to himself again.

Re: Assemblage

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 01:19
by Adelita (DELETED 5973)
< Adelita > Lita looked up from the parts she placed together and stared at the woman. She wasn’t sure what to make about the offer, as it seemed to come from out of the blue. She mulled Velveteen’s words over again, picking them apart one by one. “Blake would probably appreciate someone else being able to help me.” Adelita said casually, because unfortunately for him, he was her private encyclopedia of all things vampire and related to vampires in Harper Rock. How he managed to not grow irritated with the Mexican woman was still a mystery. “That would be okay, if you don’t mind the burden.” Adelita concluded slowly, still keeping her gaze on the other woman as her hands shifted some barrels around. “And appreciated. From Blake, I’m sure, and myself.” She laughed, thinking about how Blake might appreciate some quiet nights to himself again.

Velveteen - Velveteen kind of laughed and shook her head. The sound not one of complete amusement as it was laced with the guilt that she felt at the younger female’s statement. “You are family, Lita. Not a burden. So please don’t ever feel like that.” Her silver orbs fell to the parts that the brunette seemed unable to leave alone. “And where do you get your parts from? I can help with those as well and of course anything else you might need. Do you have somewhere safe to stay and all that?” The questions and concern at this point were likely more than just a little redundant but still she asked. More out of a need of of something to say than anything else. She never was really any good at this sort of thing. No wonder her own tended to disappear on a regular basis. At times like this Velveteen couldn’t help but feel envy at those who formed instant bonds with virtual strangers.

< Adelita > Adelita listened to the other woman, thinking about all the questions and the initial statement spoken about family. Family was a funny thing, to the woman, long before she became a vampire. Or, about five days before she became a vampire. It wasn’t every day someone let slip that a member of your family-make that two members of your family betrayed another, was it? “It’s why Remington probably screwed off. Godric and I….I know we’re a handful. I try to not take it personal. Or think about it. Him especially.” Lita admitted, pushing the parts aside again, as if focusing on that would give her some small dose of courage somewhere. To say what was actually on her mind-but not wanting to insult Velveteen’s childe, who might actually mean more to Lita than just some guy who knew some guy she was banging at the time.

“The parts?” She thought about that for a minute. “It depends on the day of the month, I guess. Usually from the ghetto, but sometimes...I have a small connection with a woman in the city. What she doesn’t need or wants, she gives to me, and in return sometimes I help her. Inspire her or whatever. And once in awhile, from Blake. I usually give him the stuff that's the best made. I’ve kept a gun or two, between us girls.” Adelita winked at Velveteen before thinking on the final question. “Kind of. I’m going to move...somewhere. Right now I’m staying in my childe’s place in those Sanctuary apartments-but I told him he can’t have that apartment back since I’ve been paying on it since he left.” Lita lifted her shoulders into a shrug and then laughed wryly. “It’s a little small for me and my thrall, but I’ve stayed in a lot more crappier places than a place that lacks that space I desire.” She confessed before exhaling to allow the hair on her face to move from the big breath outwards, to the side of her face.

Re: Assemblage

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 06:53
by Velveteen
Velveteen - Velveteen shook her head and held up a hand as if to stop the woman right there, though she waited until Lita finished speaking before expressing her own opinion. “Look….I don’t know what happened to Remington. But I highly doubt it has anything to do with you or that other guy and probably everything to do with me and my really terrible sire skills. He isn’t the first to fade into oblivion on me and I doubt he will be the last. It happens.” Velveteen shrugged and stuffed her hands in her pocket as she took a small walk around the area as if to take a better look at her surroundings, though she likely failed to hide the obvious disappointment.

“As for gun parts I can likely help out with those too. Is there anything in particular you look for?” She stopped wandering and turned her full attention on the younger woman. “And a place to stay. I can help you get your own place. More space. Tomorrow you can have a look at a couple of places. I think Veil Towers and Corvidae flats are fairly popular as far prices and such go. And I won't take no for an answer. Perhaps we could look together if you like?” The dark haired vampire gave an uncertain shrug. She didn’t know if that was a thing or not but the offer was thrown out none the less.

< Adelita > Adelita listened to what Velveteen had to say, but frowned. From what she remembered it seemed like everyone in Andras seemed to like Velveteen. They talked to her. Or at her. It was hard to distinguish the difference online. So it didn’t seem possible that Velveteen’s siring skills were terrible or sucked. Then again, Adelita didn’t really know anyone other than Remington who was sired by Velveteen. So she decided not to comment, because what if she said something wrong? Well, she didn’t say anything about the woman’s other childre, or whatever they were called. “I look at it in that aspect as we’re all adults. I imagine everyone you made a vampire is an adult. I sort of get it. Some, most of mine faded into...oblivion, like yours. But I think it’s them and not me. At least I hope so.” Adelita confessed, not entirely sure.

“I seem to have a shortage of barrels?” Adelita said after giving it some thought. “Anything that’s at least minimally damaged. I’m not overly greedy.” At least not on this front, she wasn’t. Beggars couldn’t be choosers in Adelita’s mind. Since she wasn’t much of a fighter-most the things she found were on the ground or in a pocket here and there-if she was lucky to snag a gun or part here and there. The offer about a different place to live threw Adelita off. Veil tower, Lita knew was Blake’s, the other she didn’t know anything about, personally. Who owned it, what type of people lived there-but nothing was stopping her from finding out. She just never had, because she was always staying somewhere...with someone. Not something she was going to openly confessed.

“It sort of is my place…” Adelita said slowly as she started thinking on the offer. “I mean he has a key...but-okay. Sure.” Lita wasn’t sure how to feel about not living in Elighan’s old apartment, but maybe it was a good thing. It just seemed Like a chapter ending. Which she knew wasn’t always a bad thing, but at least Elighan knew for the most part where to find her. Then again, since she had sired him, their...whatever was severely strained anyways. Maybe it was a good thing. To move out. “Do you have a preference?” She tilted her head curiously. “That should be the first place we go tomorrow.” There, she had accepted the offer, without sounding like a complete idiot.