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Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 20:18
by CharlotteC
Tonight was a pretty chill night for Charlie, she had spent a good amount of time working on improving gun parts and creating more guns (not that she needed them) that she could add to her arsenal. She was the kind of girl that liked to be prepared for the bullies to come knocking because she had somehow said or done something that tapped the stick up their back sides. A slight smirk came to her face as she headed down the streets now, pulling her leather jacket around her a bit more.

She didn't feel the cold anymore, in fact, it was warm to her, she could have walked around in a tank top and shorts if she wanted, but instead, she dressed the part of someone dealing with the winter months in HR, a place that was colder than her native Maine but not by much. Beneath her jacket was a black hoodie, and beneath that was a long sleeved shirt. Her jeans were black, and of the skinny variety and were tucked into her black leather boots. Boots that came up to her knees and had a good 4 inch heel to them. Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose again, she continued to walk down the street.

Every once in a while, she would brush past someone, slipping her fingers into their pockets, pulling out things like cellphones and makeup, she even managed a camcorder. Those were always fun. And then she took in the scent of baked goods and coffee. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the smell. She didn't need to eat, or drink for that matter, and she never actually gained anything from eating or drinking - something that still depressed her from time to time - but she could do it. And often did, if for no other reason than nostalgia and to appear human. She hated obeying the masquerade, was just counting the days when she could be free to be her out in the open without the threat of the bullies trying to bite her head off. Yet, she did it... because while she was prepared for a battle, she wasn't going to go to them and kick their doors in. She was one... they were a legion and all of them older than her.

With another deep breath, she decided to walk into the Voodoo cafe, a place that she normally didn't go to, but she was in the mood for food and drink, plus she could sit at a comp and do some damage as well as using the connections of the city to check on her auctions. Once she had something to nibble on and coffee in hand, she moved to sit at a computer, bringing it to life so that she could see what kind of havoc she could cause online. It was a bit funny to use one computer and then just use her mind as a second one. And then she also had her smartphone as well, three computers at her will. She glanced around, making sure everyone was concentrating on their own things and then her hands moved to the keyboard and began to fly.

She just had to remember to type at her old speed - which was still pretty damn fast - and not at her celerity induced vampire speed. It would be hard to explain how she was able to do a good 1000 words a minute.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 21:02
by Marcus Donald Valentine (DELETED 7799)
It was another late night for Marcus at the Voodoo Cafe, the only place he really stuck to in Harper Rock. Marcus was sitting at a computer off to the side but near the front of the store, easy to keep an eye on anyone who comes in or out and not too far to make a quick break for it. He was wearing a orange heavy jacket, the only one he owned, with a green t-shirt underneath. He wish he had more clothes to layer but he wasn't exactly prepared to be homeless when get got here. Black jeans hugged his slim legs and covered the tops of his black boots. Beside him was a small backpack that carried all he owned to his name, which included another outfit and some basic necessities as well as his only defense against any threats.

Marcus had been on the computer for hours since night had fallen for several reasons. One, he needed to work on his new career as a hacker by running hacking simulations and occasionally popping into random servers. Two, he didn't have a home to go to and the Voodoo Cafe provided warmth and shelter. Three, he could keep an eye out for any easy marks to get his next meal money from. So far he was struggling with the hacking and growing a bit frustrated as he constantly got locked out before getting any good information worth a damn. He leaned back after his current failed attempt and ran his hand through his hair, taking the opportunity to scout the cafe in hopes of finding someone carelessly leaving behind something he can pawn.

As he looked around he noticed a new patron had occupied a computer. Marcus usually kept an eye out for anyone entering or leaving but he hadn't noticed this woman come in. He silently scolds himself for being too absorbed in his frustration as he wonders who else he didn't notice around him. All it took was one curious glance at his screen to get some police on his case. The last thing he needed in town.

After taking a minute to take in any new faces Marcus noticed that the woman who had just sat down at a computer seemed to be really absorbed into her screen and typing at a quick consistent pace. He didn't recognize her as a regular at this hour as he had come to recognize the same faces a few nights of the week. He notices her pockets seem a bit heavy, which meant she could possibly by his next meal ticket. Marcus realizes he has been staring at her a bit too long and hopes no one noticed his evaluation of her. He could only imagine how creepy he might have looked looking at this woman intently as he was. Not very subtle. He goes back to focusing on his computer and decides to bide his time. When he sees an opportunity to pickpocket her he will take it. Until then, its back to trying to become a decent hacker Marcus thinks as he goes back to focusing on his computer.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 22:12
by CharlotteC
Charlie had been well into her second hack when she got that feeling, you know that feeling you get, the feeling that is telling you that someone is watching you? Well, that was the feeling she was getting, and yet, she didn't really respond to it. As an allurist she constantly had people watching her, looking at her, staring at her... she was used to the attention by now and knew how to work around it and how to use it to her advantage. She could sweet talk with the best of them now, had been able to for years.

Still, the feeling of the gaze on her called her attention. Her fingers continued to fly over the keys, and then, she stopped. She sat back and lifted her triple chocolate muffin and began to break off bite size pieces, popping them in her mouth as she let her gaze rest on the screen, as if she were watching something but at the same time her photographic memory was coming into play. With her wider view on the room, she was able to take in everything in her peripheral vision and then mentally explore each part of it. A lot of the people in the cafe were doing their own things, working on programs or hacking or stealing information. Yet there was one guy who seemed all the more interested in her than she normally attracted. She popped another piece of her muffin into her mouth and then set it down on the edge of the table so that she could get to work on more things.

As she worked on a needed script for something she needed to make, she used her mental access to the internet to hack into the CCV of the cafe. That way she could keep an eye on the guy that was keeping an eye on her. Watching the watcher. Charlie licked her lower lip for a moment and continued to type up the script, working on the code, getting in just right because she wanted to make some good quality stuff. As she was working, her mind was still hacking and at the same time working over the 'photos' she had captured, checking out more of the guy without even looking directly at him. Things about his appearance made her wonder about what was going on in his life. There was something that made her wonder... made her remember... her first day that she had come here.

That's when things fell into place for her mentally. She smiled at the screen and decided to put her theory to the test. She stood in that moment, and lifted her arms high over her head, her eyes closed, her head moving from one side to the other as she stretched out. And then she started to make her way towards the counter again, looking at the candy that was being sold. Clearly Charlie was letting her sweet tooth flag fly today, but mentally, she was watching the guy from the cameras as well as keeping an eye on him through the reflection of the glass counter. She wanted to see what he would do, but something told her, she knew what he was going to do... both choices. He could go for what she had in her pockets, which actually wasn't much except what she had already stolen, or he could go for what she left on the desk which was only her coffee and muffin. Either option would prove her theory if he went for them.

It was a waiting game right now.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 23:39
by Marcus Donald Valentine (DELETED 7799)
Marcus started to grind his teeth as he failed his own training program again. He decided to take a break and begin searching for a job again. Hopefully something would open up and at least give him some cash as opposed to his meager attempts now. He again began to mentally curse his ex-girlfriend for getting him into this situation. After filling out an application for some diner Marcus notice from the edge of his site that woman standing up and stretching.

Marcus tried not to stare too much but he had to admit she was very attractive. He felt a bit ashamed that not only was he planning to steal from her but was checking her out. In his defense he wondered who stretches like that in public though, he didn't even buy it himself. In the middle of this thought he saw her walk towards the counter, leaving both her computer and the food she had on her desk unattended. This was an opening. An easy one.

Marcus quickly logged out of his computer and picked up his bag. He didn't plan on sticking around after this. He knew she probably had more valuable goods in her pocket but he wasn't confident enough to not get caught. However, he decided he could probably pretend he was hitting on her. He was often told he was naturally charming and had always been able talk his way out of situations similar to this. Marcus began to walk towards the woman and was planning on brushing up against her with her backpack, hopefully the slight nudge from his bag will distract her from noticing his fingers slipping into her coat pocket.

As he approached he noticed her staring at the candy bar and mentally prepared himself to start up a conversation if needed. Maybe pretend to be a sweet tooth enthusiast himself or maybe some lame but cheesy line about how she is sweet enough. With these two options in mind he is close enough behind her to enact his plan. He brushes up against her and quickly slip your hand into her coat pocket and feel what feels like some kind of large electronic and some make up. In that split second you decide to be bold and attempt to pull out the electronic device and quickly stuff it into your pocket without looking at what it is. That can be done later. You quickly pretend to have a misstep and turn to the woman.

"I'm really sorry about that, miss." Marcus says to her flashing a smile at her, hoping she simply ignores him as most tend to do or quickly mutter a dismissive response. If so, he is already lined up to make bee line to the exit and out into the cold and harsh night.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 00:26
by CharlotteC
She continued to play like she was just looking at the candy, watching his reflection. He seemed like he was wondering if he should do what he was thinking about, or at least how he was going to do it. Charlie felt the brush of his bag and in that moment, her head shook just a little. What was it about her that she was recently bombarded with little thieves trying to pick her pockets nightly. Just like she did with the last person to stick their hand in her pockets, she reached back and wrapped her hand around his wrist. The kind of grip that was to tight to escape easily but not so tight that it hurt, and the strike was viper quick.

"I seem to be finding a lot of you lil thieves this week." She said with a slight laugh. Despite the fact that her words might have sounded like she was upset, she really wasn't in the least. Her chocolate eyes glittered with amusement and she stood straight as she looked at him. "Not that I can throw stones..." She said as she held up a watch with her other hand. "You're new here though, I can tell." She said as she looked him over. He was cute and she had to admit, he had tried his best. Unfortunately, his best wasn't good enough for her dexterity and speed. "I'm Charlie." She said and then released him, but not before putting herself between him and the door.

After all, she may not be one to get violent against people, but she wasn't going to let him get away with her stuff. Especially since she had another little thief that she caught the night before waiting for some much needed gear to help her break into the buildings far easier without getting caught. Though, she had to admit, the law seemed pretty lax on humans when they got caught in this city, and both of the thieves she had caught and been human. Perhaps it was because she herself read as human now, having spent way too much time with them in her job she suspected, but the human thieves seemed to like her as their mark now.

Perhaps she would start a faction of thieves... she knew there was a guild for them, but she didn't know if they were active anymore and if they were if they were kind to humans. At least she knew she was kind to humans and would never harm them... unless they wanted her too... or pushed her to do it like hunters and paladins once did.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 01:25
by Marcus Donald Valentine (DELETED 7799)
Marcus's heart skipped a beat when he felt a hand on his wrist. He quickly attempted to pull back but the grip was like iron. It took another moment for him to realize the person who held him was his mark. Marcus stared into her eyes to see what seemed to be a glint of amusement. Her words were somewhat harsh and made him realize he was out of his league with this woman. He wondered what she meant when she said she couldn't throw stones herself. Her comment about his status as a non-local made him wonder how out of place he was. After hearing her introduce herself she releases him and as he eyes the exit she is in his path. She is in complete control right now.

Marcus sighs and then puts on a charming smile, getting ready to talk his way out of this. "Nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm Marcus." Marcus tries to come up with some excuse but realizes there's no logical excuse for him. "It seems you got me. How about I apologize, and we just forget this little incident. I know you have every right to turn me in but how about we just work something out?" He offers in a pleasant tone thinking of what he could possibly offer Charlie. He could offer his hacking skills, though that isn't much but she doesn't know that, or offer to do some kind of favor for her. Marcus can't make a scene in his only regular joint after all. He doubts she will make a scene either and wants to deal with him personally for some reason. She is really cute as he takes this chance to properly take a look at her up close and he regrets the situation he is in now. Though thinking of how his last relationship has landed him here that isn't exactly on the forefront of his priorities.

Marcus realizes this is his first real interaction with anyone since arriving in town. When did he become such a loner he wondered. Probably when he realized he was now homeless and alone in the middle of a harsh winter. He continues to play it cool and hopes Charlie will just let him go. What could she possibly do to him anyway, she doesn't seem to dangerous. Which suits him just fine, violence should always be a last resort in any situation.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 21:24
by CharlotteC
Charlie gave a bit of a smile as she listened to him. He had the skills needed to be a pretty good conman if he were trained up just a bit more. He was sweet too... something that didn't always fly well in this city. Still as she stood back a little more to take in the appearance of the male before her once again, she nodded a bit and spoke "Well, I don't forget... ever... however, apology accepted." Then she leaned in and said in a more quiet tone that was meant only for him "Especially since I was testing you." She then took her step back again and smiled a more Cheshire cat grin.

"There is one thing you don't have to worry about with me, is me turning you in. If I turned you in, I'd have to turn myself in." She said with a soft laugh and then slid her hands into her pockets, a thing that was meant to protect anything that he might try to go for again from being picked up. "I get the feeling though that you are new to the city. Am I right, Marcus?" She asked, she pretty much could tell a new person just from seeing them by now, but he seemed to hold one or two of the qualities she had when she first came to the city. This endeared him to her and she really loved helping those that seemed so much like she had been.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 22:31
by Marcus Donald Valentine (DELETED 7799)
Marcus wasn't too surprised that she forgave him, after all she was obviously in control at the moment. Why aggravate or threaten him now. However, when she suddenly started to lean in he got a whiff of vanilla. Marcus loved vanilla and took in another whiff of her scent before registering what she said. She had tested him. She then stepped back taking her sweet aroma with her.

Marcus was interested in this. Did she know he was a theif? How could she have? He wasn't that obvious otherwise he would be nice and warm in a cozy cell. Hey, that doesn't sound so bad. Her mentioning that she would have to join him in jail made him imagine her in a cell with him. He quickly dismissed these thoughts and realize she was waiting for his answer.

"Yeah, I'm relatively new to Harper Rock. That obvious?" Marcus asks with a smirk. He was liking Charlie so far, she didn't rat him out, she was a thief herself, and she was cute. Er, scratch that last thought he told himself. His tendencies to seek out a partner seemed to not be dampened by his last sour relationship. "So, did I pass this test? Do I get a reward if I did?" Marcus asks in a slightly cheeky tone hoping to test how far he could push Charlie.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 22:50
by CharlotteC
At his first question, she gave a nod and smiled a bit and then motioned with her head that he should join her back where she had been sitting. With her path, standing in an area like this without doing anything was likely to draw the wrong kind of attention and that was something that neither of them wanted. Then he was asking about her test and if he had passed. In a way, he had, and in another, he hadn't. His attempt on her was the pass, but the fact that she had felt it, been ready for it, and caught him in the attempt meant that he had failed.

"Well, that depends on your perspective I guess. You took the bait, and then the bait bit back." She teased and winked to him before she continued on with what she was going to say "At the same time, I think I could help you." She said and then sat down at the computer she had been at before, using her foot to push the empty chair beside hers out for him before she picked up her coffer and took a sip of it. "I've lived here for three years, lots of people come and go, there are some though, that come for reasons unknown and for even more unknown reasons stay. Usually, the main reason they stay is that they don't have a place to go back too. The other is that they are running from someone."

She continued to watch him and see what he would do, after all, she was no longer blocking his path, he could ditch her. He could join her and chat. He could attempt to kill her but that wouldn't work. A human? Against a vampire? Yeah, hunters got in a good shot every now and then, but at the same time, they had to hunt in huge packs to bring down a single vampire. "Tell me what your story is?" She asked as she looked up at him and sipped her drink again.

Re: Those who can ((Marcus DV))

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 01:21
by Marcus Donald Valentine (DELETED 7799)
Marcus decided to follow Charlie's lead and start heading toward the computer she was working on previously. He couldn't quite explain what made him follow her even though now was his chance to make a quick exit. The path to the door was clear and no she couldn't stop him without making a scene. He decided it was for several reasons. The first being she didn't rat him out, the second being she seemed to be a fellow, if not superior, thief, and third was the way she winked at him with that last comment. Maybe she was a biter. Stop, this is not the time for such thoughts.

Marcus sat in the chair offered beside her, listening to her short monologue with interest and wondering how she could possibly help him. Marcus was smiling in an amused way by the end of her explanation for why people came and stuck around. None of them were exactly what happened to him except for maybe having no where to go back to. Marcus remained silent for a good minute after she asked what his story was. He didn't know Charlie very well but had no reason besides paranoia to lie to her. She seemed trustworthy enough at the moment, though only time would tell what she would be to him.

"My story isn't anything special. Followed my high school sweetheart out here for her career, she leaves a few weeks early to get settled in, and when I finally get off the bus here I receive a text about how she didn't care about me anymore and found another man or whatever." Marcus tells growing sadder as he tells his story. "Guess I should have seen this coming, there were obvious signs. But what can I say, I've always been a bit of a sucker for a pretty face. I'm still here aren't I?" Marcus flashes a forced smile at Charlie. He was never very good at hiding his emotions and was obviously still hurt about this subject. "Enough about me though, what about you? Why are you doing this? I'm sure it's not just because you saw a poor but cute guy checking you out and it turned out he want to stick his hand in your pockets." Marcus asks with a smirk, hoping to get some insight into Charlies motives. Not very subtle but he was doubted that Charlie would appreciate anything but the truth right now and a little flirting tended to do wonders when trying to get info from women. At least from his experience.