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lion-hearted girl.

Posted: 01 Dec 2015, 15:12
by Zoey Jane
december 1st, 2015.
It's been a year and a half, and I've moved past the anger. It's different. It's... void. All I do these days is cry, sleep, and stare at your side of the bed.

I thought you would wait for me. I thought I could push and push and nothing would break it. I took our love for granted. I shouldn't have been so cold and so hard... I just wanted it all to stop.

I never wanted to feel this again. Like the best person in your life has died, and there's nothing you can do to fill the empty space.

Everything reminds me of you and I can't let go. I kept my ring, the necklace you gave me, and all that I could to keep you close. But you're still gone, and I'm so sorry I made you let go.

Re: lion-hearted girl.

Posted: 11 Dec 2015, 15:24
by Zoey Jane
I need a job. I need a friend. I need a safe place.

And I need to know what to do with this ring.

Re: lion-hearted girl.

Posted: 06 Feb 2016, 14:24
by Zoey Jane
I know it's passed time to get rid of these things. But whenever I try, something inside me whispers no.