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The Sky is falling-(Please PM for details)
Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 14:02
by Dulce Periculum
The receiver to the executive desk phone settled back into the base where it was resting prior to the bisque hand picking it up. Almond shaped eyes surrounded by a blue-black silken frame took a glance to the left then back to the right. A french manicured nail tapped in a random soft click at the phone before the petite white linen clad body lifted from the Chippendale chair beneath it. The hiss of imported nylon followed the movements of Sada Abe as she left her employers office. A lift of a tiny wrist revealed a diamond encrusted watch and the time of the face sent the one viewing it into a building frown. It was this type of news that would be something she rather not deliver. Dulce Periculum was about to have her world rocked in the one way she appreciated least of all.
“I have a message.” Sada stepped inside the island kitchen of Dragon Gate Inn where the statuesque blonde was standing with a handful of papers and the cooler door open. “So you have a minute? It should be done in private.”
Sada rarely stepped away from the icy blues that were pinned on her. The chill of their focus was like ice hooking into her shoulders and keeping her still. The fine features of the bewitched human stayed unimpressed as her heels turned and her feet carried her towards the bar.She predicted that she was about to get a freeze down for suggesting where to take a conversation without first revealing the content to her. If she made it to the bar she was going to pour herself a nice stiff drink. She would need it for what she was about to drop in her mistress’ lap. Make that two drinks. One for her and one for the female she heard moving in closer while she rounded the bar and reached for a glass.
“This had better be good, Sada.” The papers settled on the surface of the bar and the long fingers that held them pressed down at the edge clearly ready to move at any moment. “I have a lot to catch up on and…” Her rarely heard voice paused as a crystal glass full of amber liquor was gliding towards her. “I hardly have the time to sit and drink with you.”
“Drink.” Sada brought the glass that matched the one offered to her employer to her lips and swallowed down the whiskey as if it was cool water on an exceptionally hot day.
“I do not have time for the dramatics. Message?” It wasn’t a question by any means. Her tone was all demand and was clearly unamused when Sada set the empty glass back down on the bar between them.
“I just answered a call in your office while I was updating the invoices you asked me to take care of.” Sada was reaching for the black label bottle when she felt the weight of it seem far heavier than it was before.
“Stop. Speak. Now.” Each word was enunciated with expectation.
”Ms. Moneypenny ring any bells?” Sada stood there looking up at her towering boss who looked like she was slapped in the face as soon as the name was spoken.
Dulce would have been less surprised if the floors above them lifted up and came to a rest two blocks down. No wonder her personal assistant asked her to step over to the bar for some privacy. Her eyes didn’t blink. She waited to see if there was a break in the woman's demeanor she was looking down at. The very one who just so happened to be holding the bottle of whiskey as if would be needed.
“Maybe. I have seen a Bond movie or two. Don’t be ridiculous.” The tone of her voice was less confident than before.
“How about Warren Sutton?” Sada’s voice was softer and almost cracked into silence when she said the name.
The lean hand of a killer slid across the hard surface beneath it and the pale fingers curled around the glass still waiting to be consumed. Slowly the sparkling crystal rim met a set of unusually thick natural lips. They parted just enough to allow the much needed liquor to burn a trail down Dulce Periculum’s throat.
Re: The Sky is falling-(Please PM for details)
Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 18:37
by Roderic
"I don't know how people can watch this garbage. I feel my brain rotting inside my head." I mutter at the guy on the couch in his living room before picking up his hands, using one to grab the remote, and using the other to turn the television power button off on that remote. He won't miss anything important. Not now.
I take the slumped body and move it off the couch to the floor that's been covered in plastic. He's not dead yet-but he will be. He's just unconscious at the moment. I can't leave any serious evidence in his home. Just another guy who disappeared. Maybe he skipped town. Or maybe he has become one of those things that stalk the night-that everyone laughs at in uncertainty when someone says something like that. Or maybe he really is dead. I won't let the cops get any head start on what actually happened to Thomas Brueller in the Wickbridge district. They'll need to work for it.
It's been months since my hands have been dirty and it's not done me any good. My delivery might be lacking, but not my follow through. I have no real plans for this guy, other than ending his life. I might use his flesh for something. New boots for someone? Maybe not. Canadian winters were long and cold. I'll figure it out later. No sense in internally debating about what to do with the guy while he's in his house. While he isn't dead. I wrap him up like a Christmas present, careful to make sure he doesn't touch me before I teleport the two of us to my new place of business-the one I bought of Jules a few months ago and put him in the back room.
The place is going to be remodeled for my next business endeavor. A ruse of sorts. It's been in my head for months-but I've yet to follow through with it. **** my old man for shaking my life up when Aliyah called him into town. I'm still not happy with her-but I didn't expect her to disappear off the face of the earth either. She's on my list. After this guy.
I put him in a chair; much like one you see in a geriatrics unit. The kind that's plastic, leans back and kicks your feet up. A geri-chair I think they're called. Something like that. He starts to move and groan and I walk back to another chair and sit back in it. "Hey, Thomas." I say calmly as I nod at him, the guy still coming to. "I've been watching you a long time, man. Ever just meet someone and you think to yourself, 'the world would be a better place without people like him around?'" His head snaps up and Thomas glares at me. What the **** you want, you piece of ****? The macho act. I expected as much.
"Your life." I tell him, my eyes holding a glint of excitement as I push off the chair's arms and appear in front of him with a large leap off that chair. In a swift and fluid motion, a scalpel is grabbed and comes across his throat cleanly, watching him bleed out. His blood; his human blood does nothing for me. I'm not even interested in trying to taste it-it's just not as appealing as my wife's is. His blood flows fast down his chest and to the plastic that's still under him and collects in a plastic basin I had at the bottom of the chair. But I'm still not satisfied. I grab a larger knife; or rather a saw and start sawing his chest apart. That's as good as any place to start.
Re: The Sky is falling-(Please PM for details)
Posted: 17 Oct 2015, 10:46
by Dulce Periculum
Several hours later the silence in the office was nearly deafening. The call that Sada dutifully answered was traced back to Warren Sutton's office. Dulce had figured out that much. Now what was she going to do with it? A twitch of a lip on the tall blonde currently holding down the Chippendale office chair was the only physical movement within the four walls for over an hour. Before that it was her hand sending out a text. The reply from Hantu Raya was that he was all but eyeballs deep in business that could not be left. It came down to this unexpected matter was one of those messy loose ends she needed to tie up years ago. Now it was to the point it would soon be on her front doorstep if she let it go any longer. She knew what was expected of her and didn’t need the reminder. It was her issue to deal with.
It was bad enough Warren Sutton knew who he was looking for and where to find her. It was her error in leaving him behind to figure it out. Now that he had that much to go on nothing currently stopped him from utilizing that information. It was too god damned bad because she wouldn't have it.
The chair rolled back and the black Giuseppe Zanotti Coline Cutout Canvas And Leather Ankle Boots went with the long stride carrying them. It took longer to say the style and the name of designer of her cotoure shoes than it did for her to reach the door of her office and pull it open. With the sound of the door opening Sada was like the lunch special menu downstairs. Gone. History. Breezing by the hip high iron table a single finger hooked the key ring that held the key to her freedom for the remaining hours of darkness. She was going to be heading out of town and it was time to pack up and get ready. She had two more text left out there unanswered. Hopefully both would reply. The cellphone history of recent sent messages was proof.
Roderic-You said if I ever needed something to let you know. Now I am. I need a favor that involves a skill you have and seem to enjoy. Travel may be included. Are you interested?-
Zodiac-Ms.Moneypenny seems to have left Professor BoringinBed Guess who she went to see? He is getting far too close for comfort.
Re: The Sky is falling-(Please PM for details)
Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 23:02
by Zodiac
Zodiac had been walking the short distance between her home and her shop when the text arrived. When she read it with her thoughts, she paused in the park and sat on a bench. It wasn't odd to get an occasional text from Dulce, but they were usually simple things. Hello, how are you. we need to catch up, etc, but this was far more than a simple courtesy text. The implications of it made her pause in her tracks. This went all the way back to the beginning of the odd friendship between herself and the frozen allurist.
It had all began with a box of toys the (then) young vampire had stolen from an office building one dark night. In naivety, she ripped open the box expecting to find gifts from some office worker for their child, but instead found a blackmail box that had been assembled with care. It held proof or perversions of several prominent business types that used to be in control of things in this town. Notes, transactions, receipts, video footage, and the items some of them used including one red latex cat suit. The owner of the box had gone to great lengths to make sure they had people firmly under their thumb. If any of this was to fall in the hands of the press, careers would be over and lives destroyed.
Being what she was, she tried to play hand that fortune had dropped in her lap, only to find the one she was trying to extort money from was no fool and the mystic was suddenly on the defense when Dulce (she had no clue the woman she had met once before in passing was the one she was challenging) began to push back. They had played a grand game of cat and mouse. Neither ever having the true upper hand in the matter and finally a stalemate was reached and a understanding was born. Zodiac often wondered if Dulce had ever dreamed the gypsy could even have half the pluck and guts it took to try to play such a game as this back then. It wasn't until Zo made good on her threat and sacrificed a couple of the smaller targets to the press that the pair finally ended the game.
"Never threaten to do something you will not do," she thought to herself. At the time she imagined the allurist would kill her for showing she meant business. Two major firms had huge internal upheavals as proof some of their executives was being blackmailed and turning over things to persons unknown. If she remembered right, one ended up in jail while the others left town quickly. It was quite the spectacle on the TV news shows for a couple days.
But the one who was originally doing the blackmailing and the mystery person who leaked the information were never found out.
It was how two people from totally different ends of life, and after life, became friends.
She knew who Ms.Moneypenny and Professor BoringinBed were. Moneypenny was the one who was holding the toy box for Dulce and the woman's rather kinky lifestyle with the Professor was the proof Dulce had on her. So she had moved on to bigger (and perhaps) kinkier fish?
There was only one 'He' the girl could think of that would give her friend any reason to be concerned. The few times herself and Dulce had talked and the allurist trusted her enough to discuss bits of her past there was only one person that fit the bill. Dulce had told Zo once the matter was taken care of, but apparently not as permanently as she would have liked it to be.
"Oh how fate conspires to screw us raw and bloody when we least expect it," she sighed. The Penny woman and Him. Together. Great.
She lit a cigarette and looked at her iPhone. To any who was passing by, the girl looked like she was reading a text, but if any happened to view the screen, they would see words appearing without help from the girl's fingers or voice.
Oh Gretta, my sweet Gretta. It appears the cosmos and Fate is determined to force you to play this situation out if you wish to or not. But have no fear, Bettie will be at your side if I can help you in this matter. You thought I was a pain in your *** when we was fighting over the box? Imagine what I can do to them in the name of helping someone I care for? Let me know what you need and it shall be yours, dear.
With a push of her telepathic powers, she send the text along to Dulce as she sat and finished her smoke.
Re: The Sky is falling-(Please PM for details)
Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 19:01
by Roderic
My hands are full of a left lung when my phone goes off. I ignore it for the time being because I've almost got the lung out. What will I do with it? I don't know yet, but they do come in a pair, so the other will have to come out too. You can't gift someone one lung gift. It's just flat out wrong. Though I'll have to do some re-sizing of the right one because the left lung is smaller than the right because you're heart is in that area too. I'll never forget the time I learned that. I was seventeen and I thought something was wrong with the guy. Until I popped open my first legitimate anatomy book and found out a lot of interesting things about the body.
With the smaller of the two lungs on a metal table, I wipe my hands on my jeans and read the message. I'm not someone that's usually surprised, but this surprises me. It's from Dulce. We're in the same faction, but it's not like either one of us have ever gone out of our way to seek the other one out. I'll talk to her in the group setting and she'll talk to me, but I think she gets that I'm just not the social type. I read the message and nod my head. I did say that and I meant it.
"We'll finish this later." I tell the guy before walking out of the room and closing the door behind me. I'm in. Tell me where to meet and I'll be there in half an hour. It was short, but longer than normal for someone like me. But still said enough to let her know I was down with helping her with whatever problem that ailed her. But first, I needed to clean up a few things. So I tucked the phone away in my jeans, moved to a small utility closet in the store and wash my arms and hands clean, paying extra special attention to my fingernails and washing under them. I don't care about the rest of me. To not have any blood on me might seem out of place, so the jeans stay. I grab my leather coat and head out of the store once my hands are dried and pluck a cigarette out of the pack. I light it and wait outside the mall, waiting for Dulce to make the next move.