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Harper Rock University

Posted: 25 Sep 2015, 10:02
by Deagan (DELETED 7215)
I was thinking it would be really cool to see HCU developed as a larger component of the game, both as a potential employer for us academic types, but also have a grid function, where someone could pay money to enroll as a student and earn additional proficiency updates. It makes perfect sense from a game mechanics standpoint, because uni is where you would go IRL to gain proficiency in a lot of those areas. If you wanted to make it a little more complex than just trading money for proficiency , there could be a time component, where you would have to be enrolled at the university for a certain amount of time and pay your tuition before earning the proficiency, just like how you get pxp over time.

Maybe I'm the only one interested in this, and it's easy to suggest when you don't have to program it, but it just makes so much sense from a game perspective that its hard for me to let go of the idea.

Going back to the employment part, would it be possible eventually to develop public sector jobs that were controlled by the devs, so for instance working for the university but also maybe even being something like a postal worker or a cop?

Ok, I'm done.
