Crisis of Faith (Astrid)
Posted: 31 Aug 2015, 13:09
-5th June, MMXV-
His feet pumped beneath him, their movement fast and quiet. The echoes off the nearby walls much more quiet they should have been, but he keep his eyes and ears alert scanning each rooftop and connected alleyway for danger. He traveled the distance of the long alley, the darkness succumbing to the street lights of the cross street. Twenty-five yards from the exit of the alley he leaped, foot pushing off the nearby wall, hand outstretched he grabbed the lower rung of a fire-escape. His body lithe but strong, he moved with the sureness of a seasoned acrobat. His momentum driving him forward, he used his grip to send him in a swinging arc up over the low railing and landing on the iron grated platform of the fire escape. He dropped to a knee and continued scanning the area, looking behind him as his head shook slightly.
"Three hundred yards." He thought aloud, but although his voice was low the surprise in it apparent to any onlooker. He looked down and noticed the dim blue glow of his freshly inked tattoos faded into obscurity. He felt the warmth of their power fade with the luminescence. He bit his lip, trying to push back the not so distant memory of the painful rite. The sing-song hymns of the Sorcerers echoed in his mind as the memory flooded back. The pinprick of the tattoos nothing more than a minor annoyance compared to the feeling of searing power that flowed into the lightly colored ink. He understood the necessity of the ritual, and he appreciated the power it gave him, but it was not without costs. Each new paladin received a standard compliment or runes, and these standard runes were enough to give each of his order the ability to hunt most of the weaker night dwellers. He was thankful though that he was granted certain concessions in the choosing of his runes. Before he was given the rite, he chose to use his additional six rune grants to supplement his natural talents. Two each of metabolism , grace , and stamina. His body now retained the ability to reach speeds, three times that of an Olympic runner (although maintaining such speeds was nearly impossible), similarly he retained roughly three times the balance and spatial awareness of the most exquisite gymnast, as well as the energy reserves to sustain such efforts. He knew his new found abilities were not without danger though, a man with too much strength could find his bones crushed under the weight, too much speed could rip muscle from bone. He blinked away the memory and faded back to reality.
He turned back to the fire-escape that he knelt on and took the slanted stairs upwards, three at a time. Reaching the top of the multistory building he strolled calmly onto the dimly lit rooftop. His brown hair fixed atop his head in a medium length, and his titanium gray eyes scanning his surroundings. His long brown jacket fluttering in the wind, draping down the length of his legs covering the light grey and loosely fitted pants. At his hips rested his twin short swords, hanging down from his brown sword belt, their slight curve and thin shape not dissimilar to the wakizashi style of ancient Japan. He carried only a single hand gun, holstered on the left of his rib cage, he disliked the weapon finding it loud and clumsy, but he dared not argue with the superiors of the order.
He continued to traverse the roof tops, even in the light of the moon he traveled in the same direction, leaping across the gaps behind buildings with ease, each step calculated and cautious. He knew who he was looking for, and the best information the order had would guide him to a general area of the city, but he was sure there was many doors to knock on before he found his target. The night was young, but he knew time was not on his side.
His feet pumped beneath him, their movement fast and quiet. The echoes off the nearby walls much more quiet they should have been, but he keep his eyes and ears alert scanning each rooftop and connected alleyway for danger. He traveled the distance of the long alley, the darkness succumbing to the street lights of the cross street. Twenty-five yards from the exit of the alley he leaped, foot pushing off the nearby wall, hand outstretched he grabbed the lower rung of a fire-escape. His body lithe but strong, he moved with the sureness of a seasoned acrobat. His momentum driving him forward, he used his grip to send him in a swinging arc up over the low railing and landing on the iron grated platform of the fire escape. He dropped to a knee and continued scanning the area, looking behind him as his head shook slightly.
"Three hundred yards." He thought aloud, but although his voice was low the surprise in it apparent to any onlooker. He looked down and noticed the dim blue glow of his freshly inked tattoos faded into obscurity. He felt the warmth of their power fade with the luminescence. He bit his lip, trying to push back the not so distant memory of the painful rite. The sing-song hymns of the Sorcerers echoed in his mind as the memory flooded back. The pinprick of the tattoos nothing more than a minor annoyance compared to the feeling of searing power that flowed into the lightly colored ink. He understood the necessity of the ritual, and he appreciated the power it gave him, but it was not without costs. Each new paladin received a standard compliment or runes, and these standard runes were enough to give each of his order the ability to hunt most of the weaker night dwellers. He was thankful though that he was granted certain concessions in the choosing of his runes. Before he was given the rite, he chose to use his additional six rune grants to supplement his natural talents. Two each of metabolism , grace , and stamina. His body now retained the ability to reach speeds, three times that of an Olympic runner (although maintaining such speeds was nearly impossible), similarly he retained roughly three times the balance and spatial awareness of the most exquisite gymnast, as well as the energy reserves to sustain such efforts. He knew his new found abilities were not without danger though, a man with too much strength could find his bones crushed under the weight, too much speed could rip muscle from bone. He blinked away the memory and faded back to reality.
He turned back to the fire-escape that he knelt on and took the slanted stairs upwards, three at a time. Reaching the top of the multistory building he strolled calmly onto the dimly lit rooftop. His brown hair fixed atop his head in a medium length, and his titanium gray eyes scanning his surroundings. His long brown jacket fluttering in the wind, draping down the length of his legs covering the light grey and loosely fitted pants. At his hips rested his twin short swords, hanging down from his brown sword belt, their slight curve and thin shape not dissimilar to the wakizashi style of ancient Japan. He carried only a single hand gun, holstered on the left of his rib cage, he disliked the weapon finding it loud and clumsy, but he dared not argue with the superiors of the order.
He continued to traverse the roof tops, even in the light of the moon he traveled in the same direction, leaping across the gaps behind buildings with ease, each step calculated and cautious. He knew who he was looking for, and the best information the order had would guide him to a general area of the city, but he was sure there was many doors to knock on before he found his target. The night was young, but he knew time was not on his side.