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Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 19:25
by Vega
La pluma es la lengua de la mente

The pen is the tongue of the mind.

- Miguel de Cervantes

Carmen knew that she was not a real person, she was aware that she was created in the mind of a child to help her with the atrocities that were carried out against her, at such a young age. It did not matter much to her, she was Vega’s protector and had been for 18 years. She thought of herself as Vega’s the one that gave birth to, was merely something that housed Vega for nine months.

Carmen took care of the men that Vega’s mother had sold her to. There were days that she never let Vega back, as the parade of men that crossed her path were too many to count on two hands. Vega could not handle what was done to her, she was so very young and naive. Carmen’s job was to protect the delicate flower that was Vega… and she did a great job of it until HE came.

The night that Vega interfaced with Ambrose...Carmen still has not come to grips with what happened that evening. Ambrose had such a power over Vega, that Carmen was pushed back to the recesses of Vega’s mind. She was placed in a cage and it was locked...with what it seemed like hundreds of locks. Carmen screamed when he sliced into the chest of her child, she watched as he fed from her heart. if Carmen could, she would have killed the devil, herself.

Carmen felt as though she had failed her child, this night. She let someone perpetrate violence upon her..and there was nothing that Carmen could do. Over the weeks, Carmen began to realize that Vega seemed to be taking charge a bit more...that she was not called upon as much. Of course, when dealing with males, Carmen was always called upon...but really for no other reason.

Maybe as a vampire, Vega would not need her as much...maybe not at all. Surely her child is not ready to be released upon this world, yet...she is not ready or even prepared. For now, Carmen will wait, wait for the right time to prepare Vega...and prepare her she will. For this world will not take what's left of her… not this world or anyone that walks upon it.