Battered Belongings [Jesse Fforde]
Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 06:52
<Grey> Five nights. It had been five nights since Grey had walked away from Jesse in the garden. It had been three nights where she felt like the noose around her neck was slipping tighter and tighter. The rope of the inevitable failures were starting to chafe her skin. Funny, how one realizes that they don’t need oxygen to survive. Their world slowly begins to implode. It becomes filled with harsh expectations and damnation. The torture could be endless for someone that didn’t need to survive on the typical concepts of a human’s existence.[Backdated to July 3, 2015]
“Goodnight Brock.” Grey called over her shoulder, face dirty and smeared. Not with sweat, of course. No. Dead people did not sweat. Where her face throbbed from the hot oil that had oozed out between a broken line, she ignored the pain. Her heart was hurting inside her chest. It was nothing compared to the pain inside of her chest.
She had been fighting the urge to run for days.
Get up.
You are ******* worthless.
She was a sinner. She was a woman who was the biggest hypocrite.
No one will ever want you.
She was a *****. She was damned.
She narrowed her eyes, stepping onto the escalator with those dirty work boots. The world around her blurred as she struggled to keep her tears at bay. Fruitless. Effortless. Emotional torture. Grey’s skin slithered. She could feel the remnants of long ago touches from a cruel woman who had stolen her childhood and replaced it with cold hate.
I hate you. I hate you! You don’t deserve ****. Miserable little wench. Stop crying!
She tossed her head back, in the middle of a deserted street, and laughed. The mechanic laughed. It was a deep, guttural stir within the hollowest part of her soul. Tears burned her eyes and the lump of emotion seemed to be lodged between two wraps of the non-existent rope at her neck. She was choking on the past and the present.
You will never be like Velveteen.
Maybe, just maybe… She had finally lost it. It had been weeks since she lost that important connection to Jesse’s touch. Denied something that had kept her centered, Grey’s axis was tilted. For a woman that craved touch, she certainly didn’t share it with many people. In fact, that was her problem all along. She didn’t give anyone much. She didn’t give them the time of day they deserved to even attempt to get to know her.
You are worthless. So ******* worthless. That’s why everyone leaves you!
She barely had made it to Andras functions, accepted into an overwhelming swarm of family under the knowledge that she was Jesse’s girlfriend; she couldn’t even function like a civil human being. Because, in truth, she wasn’t. She was a monster. She was a vampire. She was a recently turned vampire - no, novice. Fucked in the head and was trying to choke down the changes in her life with a smile on her face and a simple nod of her head that everything was just fine.
Fine. Fine was the ultimate female code that everything was fucked. It was a word used to placate the person who asked what was wrong. Because on the surface, everything looked alright. But, inside, everything was a mess. Grey was a mess. She was drowning in emotions she couldn’t even make sense of. The scales had tipped as soon as she was taken into the bosom of this Night World.
Not wanting to go home, Grey slipped into the sewers. Water sloshed around her feet. She didn’t care anymore. She drew whatever attention she could muster. Her skin was pale, but not gone of its barely there pink blush. The heat prickling her skin from the Paladin’s bullets was a welcoming warmth. The burn was something that made her feel. It made sense. Because if someone got shot with a bullet, that was supposed to hurt. Right?
Grey’s eyebrows drew together, as if she was questioning this pain within her chest. She lifted her gun, that BFG made by Brock. It was made to help defend herself against her words to Micah. Against the words that had gotten her removed from Andras. Family couldn’t say anything.
Family had to smile and play nice. Grey had certainly opened her mouth and bit off more than she could chew. An apology wasn’t enough, and it was only after the heat of the moment that she recognized the blown gasket that no longer would make the engine run. A hand went to her lower back, rubbing at the blood that dampened the shirt and reminded her of the wound she sustained that lead to damages irreparable.
Jesse and Grey had created a monster together. It was discovered only when Grey had bled a different color than red upon inspection.
She sucked in a deep breath, the gun hanging in her grip as she had traveled through the sewers to her typical exit close to Veil Towers. The weight of the world held her down, grounded in realization that she did not even know how to function as a family member. Swallowing the blood that crept up her throat, the abdominal wound of the latest bullet no doubt ruptured something inside of her.
She was ******* broken in so many more ways than one.
Jesse had been upset with her. He had been frustrated at her that she told him she ‘understood’ that he had Sired again. He wanted to be happy. He Sired others to make himself happy. True… It wasn’t about being enough for him. Right? He had reiterated in that quick conversation that it wasn’t about being enough. Her chin turned. The steps of her boots were ingrained as if they had their own memory of where her home was. She looked to the right. Eyes were blistered as she could see Larch Court in the distance.
She turned into Veil Towers. There was no smile at the doorman. She didn’t even remember the elevator ride up or the frown of the occupants as they noticed blood on the backside of that white t-shirt.
She didn’t care.
Like a robot, she pulled her keys out of her pocket. Gulping within that noose around her neck, Grey struggled to take in a human’s breath in a dead body. The door was shut behind her, but not locked. She went to the fridge. Thirsty. Her vision grayed at the edges, blurred until she gripped the glass with two hands and choked down as many blood packets until her stomach revolted. The last couple gulps had sputtered up and out, spewed across the upper cabinets and backsplash of the sink.
Now look at that ******* mess.
You are such a God damn waste of my time.
The burning of her throat that ran up to her left cheek and across the bridge of her nose had flesh peeled away, the blisters puffing into swollen skin as the process of healing started rapidly. Blood replaced, she crushed the glass in her hands. The sound of her mother’s voice in her ears grating across her nerves just as Jesse’s outraged cry that he just wanted to be happy.
Why couldn’t she be happy?
As the glass splintered and a large jagged piece pierced the meat of her left thumb, like miniature dagger, Grey almost felt the relief. There was something different to focus on. With the shards of glass littering and sticking to her bloodied skin, she looked down at her grip now twisted into fists. Why couldn’t she function like a normal ******* person?!
She pulled the large shard of glass out of her hand. She walked to the bedroom. She sank down into the dark corner. No, not on the bed that hadn’t been touched in days. The sheets that were on it were the last that she and Jesse had slept on. The comforter had been pulled up. The pillows had been fluffed night after night. She didn’t run her fingers across his side, though. No. She didn’t want to bloody that memory.
Instead, she eased herself down the wall. Tucked into the corner, she had locked herself out of the closet days ago. No. No shelter for her. No reprieve. She had been a bad girl. She didn’t get the comfort of the closet when she had hurt someone so close to her. So she sank down onto the floor, with her knees brought up against her chest and she started to drag the sharp glass up and down her flesh.
Over and over again, she made those slits in her skin.
As the skin on her face and neck healed from those blister burns, the skin smoothing over into a pale pink, the knicks in her flesh started to take a longer time to heal. Blood dripped. Blood oozed. And her thoughts sank onto Jesse. Onto the feel of spilling the blood. Onto the cuts. Onto the way her skin was sliced open and how it was a different kind of pain.
The red of her alarm clock blinked against the dark wall opposite. The crisp little red dots reminding her that time continued on as she gripped that shard tighter.
The anguish in her chest seemed to dissipate as the pain became physical now.
A pain that she could stand.
<Jesse Fforde> The past week had been different. Unusual, strange. Jesse has learned a lot in the past week, and feels as if he’s been unfairly distracted. Not unfair on himself, but unfair on others.
He’d spent at least two nights with Clover. He lifts his hand to his cheek now, as if he might still feel the angry welt of her slap, but there’s nothing there. Just stubble and smooth skin underneath. There’s no lingering hurt, except all those accusations and revelations. But it had been different. Unusual. His progeny had that metaphorical knife stuck up against his soft underbelly but it hadn’t been malicious. It’s been a night since his second encounter with Clover and he’s had time to think about it. He’d laid on his back in one of the bunks at Larch Court after waking, his hands on his chest as he stared at the ceiling. Thinking. He tries not to do too much thinking, these days, because it just leads to traps. Snarls and tangles that he struggles to get free of. These days, he’s regressed to that younger man who forged onward and didn’t think about his actions. The one who turned a blind eye to consequences in order to move on to the next thing. The next cliff. The next adrenaline rush.
That’s what he’s been missing. The adrenaline rush. It’s why he sires, or so he tells himself. There are numerous reasons why he tells himself and others that he sires; but it makes sense, doesn’t it? That after he’s sired he’s able to relax and when he hasn’t, when he doesn’t, he feels the distinct urge to create some kind of chaos. To create something. Anything.
But, he’d realised his error; asking Clover to let it all out. He was a hypocrite, asking her to do something that he himself does not do. He hides it, pushes it down and back, bottles it. As he lays there, it’s as if he can feel the world turning on its axis. He can feel it moving around him in all its glory; a huge planet and he just a tiny part of it. He is nothing special. He is no God. In the end, he really has no more wisdom than anyone else. But as that world turns on its axis, he realises that things have to change. He can’t keep going the way he’s going. The path will only lead to a dead end. A boring dead end with no light or colour. And it might not be so easy to back track. Does he really want to live that kind of life, anyway?
The future is a yawning, gaping possibility in front of him. There are plenty of threats there, too--things that he knows he must do that terrify him, but he’s going to do them anyway. Come hell or high weather, he’s going to forge onward, like he always has. Like he should have been doing all along.If he doesn’t keep moving he’ll end up like he did in that garden, five nights prior; stuck and tangles in vicious vines that won’t let him go.
He needs to make mistakes and laugh when he’s caught. He needs to feel the fire licking at his feet and the knives pressing against his skin. He needs to make the earth rumble around him. Because he needs to feel alive. Here they are in a world where they can die and come back to life, but what risks does he ever take? None. Nothing.
He doesn’t know how long he lays there, calm but for the storm slowly brewing in his core. It’s been there since the night before; stirred and fuelled by Clover’s fury. When he feels the sharp pain in his hand, his brow furrows in confusion. He’d been unfocused. His vision blurs until he blinks, lifting his hand to look at it. It’s fine, even though it feels like something sharp has lodged beneath the surface of his skin.
After a minute or so, the pain intensifies. Grows. Spreads. Jesse remains confused only for another twenty seconds. He knows what it is, then. That strange sensation, as if someone’s poking at a voodoo doll and making him hurt. Except he knows that there is a voodoo doll. A living one. He and she are tethered, connected like a ship and dock, or an anchor sunk deep into the furious ocean. Miles of rope could separate them, but they are still connected. The distance between them had only increased as each night passed and Jesse did not see her. The garage side of Gresse’s remained empty, even when he went to work on some tattoos, distracting himself with the walk-ins. This place he had constructed so that they could always be together, and yet her loyalties still seem to lie with Brock. With Auto Doc. Gresse’s is a failure, he thinks. A place that he’d been excited about, thrilled, that he’d thrown everything into, but no one else feels the same. Not even the Gre half of the building’s name has any interest in staying there.
Stubborn anger is what it was, when he knows she was probably just avoiding him, just as he’d been avoiding the apartment. Stubbornly waiting for her to come to him. Stubbornly hoping to lure her out. And now this. This. What is she doing?
Jesse hisses as he swings his legs from the bunk and drops to the ground. He pulls on a plain shirt and a pair of jeans over his boxer-briefs. He hastily pulls shoes onto his feet and slams through the front door of Larch Court. It’s a short walk to Veil Towers, and he’s crashing through the door of the apartment ten minutes--fifteen at the most--after the phantom pain in his hand had begun.
First, he smells the blood. Not Grey’s, not yet. But the blood splattered over the kitchen cabinets. Stale and old blood. His nostrils flare and his hands clench. There’s shattered glass, too. And then he can smell it. Beneath the blood on the cabinets, Grey’s blood. Drops of it, on the floor. A trail that he follows through to the bedroom, where the scent is stronger. The strongest thing in the room, and despite everything, it stirs a bestial hunger in Jesse. When he sees her, with that shard of glass and her skin maimed and torn, he throws his hands up into the air.
“What the **** are you doing? Why are you doing that?!” he shouts. He doesn’t think about it. He should feel concern; which he does, but it’s overwhelmed by frustration. The same frustration he’s been feeling for weeks, months, with Grey. Right now, he feels like he knows more about Clover than he does about Grey, for all that Grey actually opens up to him. Or maybe he does know all there is to know about Grey there’s nothing that can be done.
He lurches forward, wrenching the shard of glass from Grey. He doesn’t throw it away. Just holds it tight in his palm as he backs up again.
“Get up, Grey. Please just get out of the corner…” he says. It’s become habit, finding her curled up in some corner, or in a ball on the bed, her back to him. She’s never happy, these days. Ever. And he feels like he’s failed her, somehow.
<Grey> Her skin burned. Her skin hurt. The nerve endings were firing and she could revel in the sensations that were supposed to be there. If one got cut, it was supposed to hurt. If one got hit, it was supposed to hurt. If one died, it was supposed to hurt. Or… Was it?
She died. She died and it only hurt for a few moments. The headache was severe and the aura had clung to objects for hours. She had remembered the weakened feeling of her muscles and the way her stomach churned. That was all quantitative. It was all on purpose. She hurt because she had been made into more of a monster. Forever. Eternity as a killer.
And she sat there, licking her lower lip. Grey licked off the old, stale blood and did not even manage to grimace at the taste of it. Instead, everything had turned gray in her view. Everything had died. Unlike Jesse’s charisma, like the plants that had been drawn to him, so had Grey. When others were repulsed by his pure demeanor, Grey had been intrigued.
She poked the bear.
She antagonized the giant.
She fell in love with her beast.
And she had died for him.
But, in a way, Grey was already dead. She had no family left to speak of. The only member that she had … loved … was her father that had been taken from her too soon. Her mother, no. No, Grey could not even call that woman a mother anymore. That pure hatred didn’t even deserve a title let alone to exist in a world.
Nature versus nurture, and Grey had barely been able to escape with her wit and her sense of humor. She had a few battered belongings that she traveled with. They were all inside that ugly, over-the-shoulder, olive green bag. It had a few rumpled pictures of her father and one small black and white family portrait. It had a money clip with initials and a few spare hundred dollars. There was a small box, it contained letters. Letters that she never shared and tiny little trinkets that were once important to her as a child.
She didn’t want Jesse here. She didn’t hurt herself to bring him to her. She wouldn’t play the victim card, even if she was one. She wouldn’t bring him into the dark chaos of her mind, beaten down by old memories and hateful words. “I don’t want you here. I didn’t ask for you. I didn’t send any calls for help. Did you get anything from me that said I needed your HELP?!”
She screamed it at him. At the same time, she recoiled further into that corner. Her face was dotted and smeared with blood. “Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me. Oh God… Don’t touch me. I’m so dirty. I break everything. You. I broke you. They were right, you know. I changed you. I’m sorry. I’m worthless. Terrible. I just… I just suck everything from you. No good. I’m no good.”
Grey gasped, her chin jerking up to look at Jesse. She saw him. She grimaced as she saw the anger and the pure frustration on his face. She gulped down the sob that wanted to just rumble up from her throat. She pulled her hands in front of her, as if she were protecting her face and hiding from him at the same time. Blood dripped down the cuts. Slashes, jabs, deep lacerations into her muscles that flayed open the skin for sometimes inches at a time.
“Don’t look at me. I’m ugly. I’m HIDEOUS!”
“Leave me alone. Go away! You don’t get to see me like this. I’m NOT your PROBLEM!” She screamed. She screamed it so loud and so hard that her entire body shook. Rage. Angry rage that had been bottled up inside of her. Fists formed, blood oozed down to drip off her elbows as she kept her face hidden behind those forearms.
<Jesse Fforde> It crosses Jesse’s mind to give Grey a taste of her own medicine. To walk away, just as she always walks away, these days. But this is more than he’s got from her in a long time, and he almost laughs. What a pair! What a self-destructive pair! All of them. Except, where he and Clover have discovered that they each prefer to destroy the world around them in their fury, Grey had turned that fury on herself. She’s destroying herself, rather than everything she owns, and everything she has. Though with each word she screams, Jesse feels her hacking away at that bond that joins them, trying to sever it completely.
At least, that’s what it feels like.
He tosses the shard of glass aside and again steps forward. Where Grey is trying to hide, he doesn’t let her. Strong hands slip in beneath her arms, pulling her up. Trying to get her to stand and to stop hiding. Trying to get her out into the middle of the room. Maybe this isn’t how he should go about it. Maybe he should get down on his haunches and try to coax her out with reassurance. Reassurance hasn’t worked in the past, though, so why should it work now? No words will act as bandaids over this.
“We’re supposed to be getting married, Grey! You ARE my problem. Just like I’m your ******* problem. ‘Til death do us part, right? You don’t get to hide from me! Quit ******* hiding from me!” he shouts. Again, there’s that urge to laugh. The themes continue to recur. He himself had been accused of hiding, recently. Except he’d never hidden from Grey. Ever. Grey has seen him at his worst. She’s seen him when all he’d wanted to do was die. She’d been there when he’d felt the urge to sink beneath the water of the bathtub to drown everything out. She’s always there when he comes home and needs to vent, to scream and yell about how he’d felt wrongly done by.
“I’m already ******* broken, Grey. I always have been. You didn’t change anything. It’s always been there, beneath the surface. If you’re the one who’s made me understand that I have the ability to give more of a **** than I thought, if you’re the one who’s helped me to realise that this family, such as it is, is what’s helping to fill that godawful black-hole of a void that’s been there for decades, I don’t see the ******* harm in that. Do you?! Am I broken to you, Grey? Is that what you’re saying? No! Why are you doing this? Why are you so ******* unhappy?!”
He’s angry. He’s furious. He doesn’t know what the **** to do with her. He gestures wildly at thin air and paces the room. But he doesn’t leave, like she wants him to. Hell, no. Not when he’s finally getting something out of her.
<Grey> Anger. Rage. Sorrow. Unknown fear. They all seem to wrap around her and tighten the noose around her neck. She had curled herself into that corner of her new refuge and when Jesse had stepped into her safety zone, she let out a scream.
Yes. A scream. When she felt the air shift and the world tilt again as he pulled her up. Underneath her arms where she hadn’t cut yet. Where she hadn’t slid the glass to mar skin there. His precious portrait. His canvas. She was drawing on it herself by each blood smearing across her flesh. And she wanted to kick out. She wanted to hit at him. And for a blanketed moment she forgot where she was. She forgot who it was that was grabbing at her.
Her mother’s hold was tight. It hurt, just like Jesse’s did in that moment. He put all his fury into his iron clad grip and though she couldn’t appreciate it in that moment; something inside her broke even further. “Daddy!”
“Help me!” She screamed out. She had tossed her head back to fight old demons and to drop into that ball that she had long since developed in reaction to hits and kicks that had broken bones and hurt emotions. Pride? There was no pride. His voice rips her into the present once more. Now, she had gotten as far as the middle of the room, but with her hitting at him the entire way. She tried to shove free of him. Even her immortal strength was not a match for his. Her intentions weren’t to damage - no, it was pure self defense.
“Please… Please don’t hate me.” The past and the present were clashing together. Memories and tirades stamping themselves on her brain. She choked down a cough. She sucked down another breath, bloodied hands slick and making it difficult to get a good grab in until he backed away and started pacing. “Happiness… What is that?”
Grey asked in earnest. She wasn’t sure. She didn’t know.
Happiness was living to survive another day. It was a decent meal. It was a cup of coffee. It was a good book.
That’s what it was.
She shifted, sinking down onto her *** with her legs curled underneath her. “You left. Just like she said you would. You left. And I couldn’t breathe.” It was proverbial… But that meant she was right. And Grey couldn’t swallow that.
<Jesse Fforde> It had something to do with Grey’s past. Jesse knows that now, with her odd screaming. Daddy. He isn’t her Daddy! And she’s struggled against him so vehemently, as if he was going to hurt her. And that hurt more than anything else; that Grey would ever think that Jesse would hurt her. When had he ever, and why would he start now?
He wants to kill her mother. He’d asked her before, whether that’s what she wanted him to do and she said no. But he’s starting to think that’s the only way she’ll be able to move forward, if she can just somehow let go. Let the **** go of everything that’s dragging her down.
Jesse chokes on his laugh as it rips from his throat; incredulity, first, that she should accuse him of leaving. But he chokes because of the previous question, that had only just sunk in. She asked what happiness was. There’s his answer. She hasn’t been happy at all. All those times he’d thought that she was. He’d wanted her to go back to the way she was, which is selfish. But that’s a theme, too, lately. Jesse and his selfishness. But now, he’s wondering if he does want her to go back. No. Not if that was just a mask.
“I didn’t leave!” he shouts. He keeps his distance from Grey, now. The way she’d screamed at him as if he were the worst thing that could have happened to her, right now. It hurts. But this isn’t about him. Not now. It’s about her.
“You left! You walked away! You’ve been at home, and I’ve been at home, but you haven’t been at work. And YOU were the one who walked away. Have you never been happy, Grey? Not once? Ever? What are we? What is this if you’re not happy? Why would you agree to get bound to me if you’re not ******* happy?” he asks. He doesn’t understand.
“She? Your mother? She doesn’t ******* know me she doesn’t have a say in this. None. She never said I would leave you. Not me. She’s not here and she has no ******* clue!” he’s still angry. Though he has stopped pacing. He now stands still, staring down at Grey. Wondering if there will be any answers or just more obscurity.
<Grey> Bombardment. So many questions. Her mind reels and she feels like she is going to be sick. Her skin prickles. It is a painful realization that she had just again, unintentionally hurt someone that she loved. She shifted. Turning onto her hands and knees she crawled away from him. She left the middle of the room where he had dragged her to with an agonizingly slow scrape of denim against carpet. Her bullet wound at her back had healed, leaving a bit of a bruise to the healing flesh there at her right flank. Once again, almost in truth, like a wounded animal - she slathered herself up against the wall. She put her back to it for an invisible support as if she was used to barely holding herself up after an attack.
As he laughs, Grey stares at him blankly. She had been… happy with him. She looked at him as if she were trying to calculate that happiness with him. The need to have him. The rationalization to cling to him. As her mind swarmed, she felt her body’s adrenaline starting to dwindle. The pain became a dull, constant ache that had her muscles and her arms jerking as she folded them across her chest.
“Just wanted your respect. Just wanted you to talk to me. If I’m supposed to mean something to you, why don’t I know what’s going on inside your head? You want mine? You want my past? You want my current state of ******* confusion? How is this…
I wake up. I go to work. Brock called and asked for help. I came home. I slept. I missed you. I picked up the phone a hundred times to tell you I was sorry. And then, I stopped myself. Sorry for what? Sorry for asking you to tell me when you wanted to Sire someone? No. Sorry for letting you enjoy yourself and do what I know you felt you needed to do? No. I was angry that you couldn’t confide in me. And then I realized, maybe you didn’t want to. Maybe that was your own way of going about and dealing with what a **** up I am.”
She shifted, sliding onto her *** instead of the soles of her feet. She was tired after all and her energy was draining. “I… I was a child who got straight A’s because if I didn’t, my mother broke bones. I was a teenager who didn’t play in sports or participate in the drama club because I was feeding my mother’s bad habits. I was her outlet. Her anger. Her pain. Worthless. ******* worthless. Only thing I was to her was a reminder of the life she could have had if my dad didn’t die young. She broke my pride. She cut me down so little that it wasn’t until one of her junky pimps thought he’d get payment from me.”
She twisted, pulling at her t-shirt. She shoved her arms inside, hiding those wounds from his eyes. “I moved. I ran. I existed. From one place to another. Scared to death she’d find me. I could snap her neck right now. But, I still hear her. I hear her voice. Her malice. Her disdain. I hear her anger. I hear her rage. She’s right. She is right, you know. I was never supposed to amount to anything. And you broke that mold in me. I fell for you. I fell hard and fast and I didn’t know what I was doing.”
It was Grey’s turn to laugh now. To let her head fall back against the wall. Her eyes closed. She couldn’t look at Jesse in that moment. No. She smiled. “I remember our first kiss. The taste of your lips. The first bikeride you gave me. I loved the wind in my hair. I remember you would take me to any restaurant or diner or ice cream stand I pointed out. And our adventure in the store. You scared me, Jesse. You scared me, but in a good way. And then I meant more to you. And it was real. So real. And I got lost somewhere along the way. I was just this carefree girl with the only goal to save up money so I could have a little spending money before I stuck my thumb out at the next eighteen wheeler.”
She choked down a gulp. Her shirt started to become soaked in blood. “**** got real. I started feeling things when you turned me. Things I didn’t understand. Emotions… People overwhelmed me. I could hear my mother’s … thoughts. It almost wasn’t even her voice. It wasn’t even her memories I had of her. The venom was real. It hurt. You hurt. I could feel everything, Jesse. I didn’t understand it. I didn’t know how to make it better. I was drowning.”
With a deep breath, she took refuge against the wall now, muscles lax. “I am sorry. You said to stop apologizing. Habit. It’s habit. The hurt is habit. But happiness… I am happy with you. You make me feel those butterflies in my stomach and my chest tighten. I need you. And I hate when you are upset with me.
<Jesse Fforde> Jesse’s response to Grey’s first revelations is drowned in the rest of it. As she slips down the wall and sits down, Jesse sits down, too. Cross-legged in the middle of the floor, still at a distance. Their wounds in the past had been healed temporarily with physical contact, and he doesn’t want to do that, this time. He wants to get to the bottom of everything. It’s been a week for getting to the bottom of everything. He’s not going to stop here.
“Yes, I know,” he says. More harsh than it needs to be, but he’s not going to coddle this time. He’s done coddling. It doesn’t seem to matter how often he repeats things, Grey never gets it. She might say she does in that moment, but she retreats again into self-loathing and despair, accusing him of things so he has to go on and repeat everything again. Sooner or later, he feels like he won’t repeat it anymore. How can he help Grey when she does nothing to help herself?
“You hate when I’m upset with you. You hate it when I’m not with you. You’re a depressed mess whenever I’m not at your side and you can’t stand gatherings because you want me to yourself. So are you really happy or is it just a bandaid? Something that makes you feel a little better but as soon as it’s gone, you’re a mess again? I can’t feel guilty whenever I have other things to do or other people to see. I can’t live like that, Grey, and I can’t stand coming home all the time to find you’ve been crying or… ******* cutting yourself,” he says.
“I confide in you! I confide only in you. You hear everything. You know everything. There’s not a thing in my head that you don’t know. I don’t tell you when I’m going to sire someone because I don’t ******* know that myself! I don’t wake up thinking I’m going to sire someone. It happens on a whim, in the moment, spontaneously. You KNOW this. You KNOW I always want to! Always. It’s always there. So don’t go throwing this on me, Grey. Don’t blame me. My not confiding in you before I turn someone has nothing to do with how I feel about you. You just can’t let go of your past! Let her find you. Let your mother track you down. Better yet! We’ll go track her down. If you don’t come with me, I’ll do it myself. I’ll drag her back here. You need to quit listening to her, or what you think is her, because that’s your past and it doesn’t ******* matter anymore,” he says. His voice cracks somewhere in the middle, lost.
But will it do any good, all this talk? They’ve talked like this before. But here they are again, back in the same place. What good does it ever really do, in the end?
<Grey> She listens to him. As he speaks, Grey can only know that there are truth to his words. She does want him only to herself. And she knows that such a want is stupid. The possessive instinct within her had long been dormant. Or, in fact, it had only been obvious to a few things and by far, Jesse was no thing. He was a person. He was a magnificent man that had given her quite literally the shirt off of his back to provide for her at the beginning of their relationship.
And this was how she thanked him? By being miserable, Grey couldn’t understand it. She sucked down a deep breath, tasting her own blood and the remnants of what she had sucked down from that last blood pack. “Gatherings make me… Uncomfortable. It’s not always because I want you alone. But, I do. I do want you alone. I need you. I can’t not have you. When I’m not with you, I feel that ache deep inside. You are all that I have, Jesse. You are the only one that cares enough to try to understand.”
They had this discussion before. Grey had a plethora of insecurities. There was no socialization for had as a child or in school. She sucked down a breath and let her head fall to rest against the tops of her knees. To have anyone see her like this would be a huge embarrassment to Jesse.
Grey closes her eyes again in that slow blink and she can almost see the gangly, ugly outline of what her mother used to look like. It had been a few years since that stern, repulsive woman had pointed her finger at Grey and landed a few solid kicks into her gut. Could this all be fixed by death? Or was Grey really just a fucked up head case now that she had a ‘life’ and a ‘routine’ and someone to call her fiance and a family of her own that she barely even touched base with.
Because she was afraid that they would see how awful of a person she really was. Because she was afraid that she had nothing to offer any of them. Because she was afraid they’d see her for what she was; a woman who was most certainly lost in this new world. “I did it because… It took the focus off of the pain I was feeling inside.” She whispered, her words filling the dark, black space of the room.
<Jesse Fforde> “Why? You say you’re hurting because you think I think you’re a **** up. That I left you, and walked away from you,” he says. Yes, that’s the answer she had given. She was cutting herself because she thought she was ugly, that she wasn’t worth his time. The pressure is there. He is all that she has. Everything he does affects her. Her life is there in his hands to do with as he pleases. He shouts and she apologises. And there she goes again, apologising, and he shakes his head. He roughly pushes his fingers through his hair and tries to reason with himself before he reasons with Grey. If he can even do that.
“Why do you suddenly depend on me so much? You were independent before you met me and you took care of yourself just fine. Shout at me. Throw things at me. You’ve done that before! I didn’t come to you for five days. A week. You were angry with me but you just walked away. Don’t! Hunt me down. Slap me. Kick me between the ******* legs, Grey. I could have, you know,” he says. He clears his throat, and rolls his shoulders. No, he shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be using this information on a gamble. On a hope that she’ll react the way he wants her to. No, he can’t. He can’t bring that up, yet. He shakes his head again.
“No one cares enough to try to understand me either, but what the **** does that matter? You can still try to enjoy their company, get to know them. How do you ever give anyone the chance to get to know you enough to want to understand? You keep everyone at arm’s length, of course they’re not going to try getting any closer. You feel pain because of something I did so slash me with the ******* glass, not yourself! That’s ******* idiotic!” he shouts. All of this because she assumed he wasn’t confiding in her because he didn’t want to. When all she had to do was confront him about it, and she wouldn’t be feeling this way. Right?
But Jesse’s starting to think it isn’t just about him. It’s far deeper than that. Grey’s secrets are her secrets, but he’s going to rip them open. He wants to find them, pull them up out of the ground. Bring that past back to her so that she can cut it down to size.
<Grey> She hurts. She’s hurting right now. She’s feeling the pressure of her skin tightening and the pain of her arms trying to heal. Her skin stretched and itched. Her fingers clenched together tightly into fists that she held close to her throat underneath her t-shirt. Jesse wanted answers. He deserved to have them. It seemed all so silly when he laid it out in words. When feelings weren’t wrapped around the truth that came across his lips.
“Physical pain was all I used to know. I didn’t have to deal with emotional pain. There was no emotions in the house I lived in. Everything was pushed deep. There were no tears. There was no anger. There was no heated arguments. If I said something, anything, the wrong way… I would get backhanded. I’m used to retaliation. When I voiced my opinion and anger at Micah, I thought I would surely die.”
They both did, to be honest. Grey pulled up her big girl panties, stuffed her attitude deep, and faced the man that she had bitten with venom. That seemed to of been the beginning of the most recent end to her antics. To her anger. To the way she had to shelve her feelings and be a supportive front. And yet, when Jesse spoke to her about being more of a calming presence instead of harsh - she didn’t know what to do.
She had pissed off Clover in a few sentences and sent Kenlie into a fury of irritation over what was going on with Victor and Velveteen weeks ago. No, months. It had been that long now, Grey was sure. She was trapped in this bubble of expectations and feelings and Grey sort of took each as a layer and a mask. Her nostrils flared as he made any sort of reference to extracurricular activities. “You just said I was independent. Five days. It was a long time. I figured you were mad at me. You… Were angry with me. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to grab you when you went back to the garden, but you already had your hands in the dirt.”
She bit her lower lip. She sank her teeth deep into that morsel as she opened those eyes and landed them upon her lover’s face. Dark eyes that were suddenly bright in the reflected light of the redness of the room. The alarm clock still blinked, making it’s presence known as they sat against opposite walls of each other.
“Why cut you when I was the problem? When I don’t have the answer for you. When I am the one that questioned you. When I am the one that was so unhappy. Not you. I left you that night because you turned away from me. Because… I thought you needed a little bit of space from me. From my expectations of … talking. But you are right. You didn’t know. And that was your answer.” She said quietly, as if there was a finality to her words that could not be argued with.
<Jesse Fforde> “Not everything is always going to be peaches and cream. We’re going to disagree with each other about things. I’ll do things that you hate and vice versa. No couple ever likes everything about each other, and the differences are what makes things interesting. But if I ever have a problem with you, if you’re going to take it this badly--” he says, gesturing to the blood that soaks Grey’s shirt, and which is smeared in different places around the room “--then it’s… it’s not ******* fair, is it? You questioned me. You wanted to talk. You turned away before I did, but that’s besides the point. I turned away. If you wanted to keep talking, you make me,” he says. This all seems like common sense to him. If there’s something Grey’s done that he doesn’t like, he confronts her about it. Just like he’s doing right now. He doesn’t like the way she cuts herself but he’s not going to turn and walk away. Not again.
“You wanted to hurt me, so ******* hurt me. Do it, if it’s going to make you feel better. I’m a big boy, Grey. I can handle it. Or do you do this on purpose? Is this your way of hurting me? You hurt yourself instead because you think it’s going to make a bigger difference?” he asks. He almost feels as if they’re going around in circles and none of this is going to make nay kind of difference. These aren’t solutions, just jagged words that don’t mean much, in the end. Telling Grey to do something a particular way is only a way to try to control her, and it’s something she should rail against. No one should submit themselves to being controlled.
But Jesse’s not thinking properly right now. His thoughts are all mixed up with the last few nights, and the new things that he had learned about himself. There’s a control that he wants to let go of, and he’s being selfish, here with Grey. He wants her to join him. He doesn’t want her to be upset, or sad. He doesn’t want her to hurt. Surely he’s said it before, though? Get angry, rather than sad?
If it’s habit, of course she’s not going to be able to just stop. It’s a habit that needs to be broken, be erasure of the past.
“How do I find her? Give me a hint. How do we get her to come to you? You can cut her instead. Would you do that? Would that give you some kind of relief? Cut the woman who’s fault it is, that you always think you’re the problem…”
<Grey> “You do not talk back. You do not raise your voice. You do not touch what is not yours. You do not ask questions. You are to be seen and not heard. You are to do what I say if you know what is good for you.” Grey recited the rules. The creed. The code to live by in the house with that monstrosity of a mother. Going against the grain. She was going against the grain with everything she had been taught where Jesse was concerned. She clenched her fists tightly together underneath that t-shirt. Nails were digging in hard to the backs of her hands. She was wringing them. Slithering wet, slick and sticky skin together. Blood coated, cut flesh that reminded her as the tender wounds healed that she … healed.
As her skin itched and the temperature in the room felt warm, Grey’s eyes seemed to fade for a moment as she remembered the past. He wanted to have her scream at him? He wanted her to talk back to him? He wanted her to push and punch and kick and yell and demand his attentions? She almost could not comprehend the differences.
She yelled at Micah. There was passion and protection and look at the way that had ended. Of course, though, Micah was not her lover by any means. No, in the briefest and most factual of descriptions, Micah was more like that father figure. He was the man that had helped Grey out and had encouraged her in the Quarantine Zone as she was only strong enough to pulverize Zombies.
“Not a bigger difference. No difference. I don’t have to focus on the pain here.” She said quietly, coming to answer Jesse’s question. Soon, her arms were once more inside the holes of her t-shirt and she was motioning to her chest. She gathered a shaky breath and bit on her lower lip. She chewed it, mercilessly for a moment. “It doesn’t hurt so much here when I can hurt here.” Again, Grey pressed a hand to her heart. To where that organ used to beat and then motioned to her arms. To her back where the bullet holes still bled a little bit. Dried blood was caked on her flank and she ignored the urge to itch the slowly healing wounds.
“I don’t want to see her. I don’t want to know if she’s still alive. I tried to burn down the house I grew up in so I wouldn’t have to know. I don’t want to know. All she ever wanted me for was a trust fund. Was for money. Money, Jesse.” Grey’s voice was devastated. So many emotions were displayed within that word that the woman sitting before him looked hollow. She looked like he had first found her, the loss in her eyes but a smile on her face. Young and naive, but in truth so very old.
“We are in Canada. I lived in West Virginia. I’ve been all up and down the seaboard. Maybe… Maybe if we took out an ad. An engagement ad? Or if they flashed my face on the news for some reason. Mother was always watching the news when she wasn’t stoned or too drunk to realize what time it was.” Did she want her mother dead? Did she want to cut her? Did she want to hurt her?
She wanted her tortured.
Part of her wanted to inflict as much pain upon the woman as she had upon her.
Was that the strength that Jesse was looking for in her?
She shifted, cold and tired. Sore and too bloody to care, Grey closed her eyes once more against the wall. Even with Jesse there. Even with his disdain at her presence… It comforted her.
<Jesse Fforde> At first Jesse thinks Grey is talking to him. His head cocks to the side, until he catches that tone; that tone anyone gets when they’re repeating something someone else has said. The frown furrows his brow and he listens, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and one hand wrapped around the opposite wrist. The urge is there to do what he always does; to pick her up and take her to the bathroom. To clean her up. To reassure her that things are different now. But how many times does he have to tell her? How many times does he have to repeat this process to get Grey to understand that he is not like her mother, and that everything her mother tried to instil is a lie?
Something else has to happen. Something has to give. Something explosive and violent. Something to shake Grey’s foundations more than Jesse himself ever has. Grey constantly admits that she does not feel like she is enough, or good enough. And in that moment, Jesse feels the same. He is not enough for Grey. She might think that he is, but if she cannot let go of her past and take hold of the future with new sight, then he is not enough. He has changed nothing for her. Something else has to be done.
Grey says she doesn’t want to see her mother, but then gives Jesse the information that he needs. He leans forward, on his hands and knees as he crawls that little bit closer. As he hovers in front of Grey, he licks his lips and gets that gleam in eye. He doesn’t touch her.
“And the pain you feel there,” he says, pointing to Grey’s chest, to her heart, “is all a misconception because of her. Have you believed nothing I have ever told you? All those times I told you I wouldn’t leave and yet you still think I will,” he says, quietly. Still angry. Not coddling, this time. It’s not a repeat, but an accusation.
“Clover kissed me. I could have kissed her back. I could have well and truly left you. I could have but I didn’t and I won’t, unless you continue to choose to have no ******* faith in me,” he says. It’s not something he’d planned to say. As soon as it’s out of his mouth he is horrified, but he can’t deny it. He has to choose to have hope that she’s willing to fight for what she wants. And that’s why he says it.
“You may not want to see her Grey, but we are going to find her and we--you--are going to rip her to shreds. If that’s what it takes,” he says, calculating and cold.
<Grey> Hatred. Pure rage. Sorrow. She could feel the twisting within her chest and it caused her the most excruciating pain. It caused the sweet hissing anxiety across her nerves. It felt like her skin continued to crawl at the thought of her mother. At the past. At the pain that she seemed to drown within. It was a vicious cycle and she didn’t know how to break free of it. Death? Even death couldn’t give her the bliss of an unknowing afterlife. Instead, she seemed to wallow in the horror of a past that she had so effectively blocked off as a young woman.
The dam had been broken when she had been cast into the coolness of the moon. Her chin, still tilted down and eyes that were now looking at the carpet seemed to glow with a fury of irritation. Jesse pushed. His gentle nudges had turned to perpetual shoves in the direction of getting over the loss of her childhood.
But in truth, was it just that? She had a bounty on her head. She had a unclaimed dowry and a mother that couldn’t touch it because it belonged to her no good, run away daughter. The longer that Grey sat there, the more the muscles in her jaw clenched. The mechanic barely realized that Jesse had come closer to her. He seemed so cautious, careful not to offer his physical reassurance to his hard, chilling words.
“I don’t think you will leave. I didn’t…” She snapped her eyes up to him, the pale and blood smeared face seemed to bloom into a broader contrast. Whatever blood she had left within her flesh seemed to drain right before Jesse’s eyes in a blink of his bright blue eyes. She stayed still. Deathly still. Clover had kissed him?
Did she just hear him right? Did he just sit across from her and admit that another woman had laid her lips upon his? She seemed to pull herself upright, the mental shields slamming down against the sudden physical sensation of her heart pounding within her chest. The realization that he had just confessed to her an indecency had her blood, half foriegn that night, pumping hard through her system. “You ******* ********.” Her breath was harsh, words uttered with a stark realization that perhaps that was why he kept his sudden distance from her.
All systems go.
“I’m going to rip YOU to shreds! And her!” She let out a scream that seemed to go with the sudden pure hatred of a woman that had called her a ***** to Jesse, yet couldn’t call her such a thing to her own face. The way her heart twisted in her chest wasn’t even cognizant of the way her brain burned with fury as she lashed out at the man she loves.
Her hand cracked him across the face before she even realized she moved. The sharp sound of Grey slapping the tacky, bloodied palm across his cheek was only moments before her hands shoved him. She sent him backwards with all her might. “You are MINE!”