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Fracture Fallout (open thread)
Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 00:12
by Zodiac
OOC will be posting in the rp planning section shortly for any who'd like to add to this.
(Honeymead Market)
The normally brightly lit shop sat in semi darkness now. To the northeast, the teahouse was still up and running it's usual level of business, but the flagship of this operation sat almost as trying to hide itself. One set of recently installed steel shutters was down over the windows. Upon it hung a makeshift sign for all to read.
Inside the store, the gypsy girl turned in a small circle as her eyes looked over the barren bookcases and displays. Every scrap concerning the possibilities of the supernatural had sold out, along with various charms and wards against things outside of the ordinary. Blessing candles, inscents, you name it. If it explained or protected, it was gone. Her other shop in Veil Tower was like wised in a state of partial operations.
"This all happened yesterday?" she asked with a tone of disbelief and amazement.
"Not exactly," Jennifer, her close friend and right hand girl in running her little empire, replied as she finished breaking down empty boxes. "We had some serious runs on things during that...." she paused. "What did you call them?"
"I call them rifts. The majority say fractures. Basically the same thing."
"Yeah, those. I don't know what it was all about, but whatever was going on got a ton of people thinking beyond reality. Our website's been getting hit like mad. People in here like crazy searching for answers. Oh, and your client log is booked for the next 3 weeks. Both shops."
"Oh, it gets better. Remember the type of person you described to me once? The ones that have no business asking certain questions but when they are asking they are not going to take no for an answer? Usually have badges and firepower under their coats? Seems a lot of them want to 'consult' with you now. On what? All of this." she gestured around the room.
"This is insane." the mystic flopped into an empty chair and sighed. "So the Gov types cleaned us out?"
"No, the mad rush for info was the general population. I keep reordering, but we are not the only place getting hard hit for stuff. Our reserves are down to nill and the next shipments won't be in till next week. Orders are that backed up."
"Mater Lachrymarum! You were sure to tell them who we are?"
"They apologized to a long standing client for the delay and offered an extra 15% off our next order." Jennifer sat next to her employer and handed her a tablet showing the schedule for clients waiting to have their cards done.
"Anything else I don't want to know?"
"The bank book is looking fat right now?" Zodiac elbowed her a bit and looked over the list.
"Okay, call in the troops. There is no way I can do all of this." she sighed again. Even if she managed to get others she knew and trusted with their skills with the cards and other methods of divination on board, this was going to be insanely hectic. "What the hell has gotten into every one all of a sudden?"
"People are waking up to the fact there are actually things that go bump in the night. Look at it this way, boss. For years the majority of people thought you were a harmless lunatic at best, now they are all flocking to your door like you the Pope or something. 'She's been saying stuff like this forever-she must have the answers.' " Jennifer answered. "Hell, a few remembered when we was on TV that one time. By the way, we've been called and asked if we would do another show."
"How the hell do I have answers? Especially if I am, technically, part of the problem that has people all freaked out now?"
Jennifer did not have an answer to that question.
Re: Fracture Fallout (open thread)
Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 22:54
by Zodiac
"Yes, I am sorry, but Mistress Zodiac is not doing any interviews at this time." Jennifer hung up the phone with the right amount of disinterest for auditory effect.
Look, I understand your views and would never dismiss them offhandedly, she signed patiently for the small group of people (one among them understood ASL) who were equipped and dressed like rejects from a sci-fi convention. But trust me, in ventures more akin to the X-Files and Chariots of the Gods, I am not the point person you seek. I am sorry, but I will try to help keep you informed of things..
"If you are really looking for blood suckers, check the Government. They are loaded with them. Hey, they do nothing and keep taking money for doing it. Sounds like vampires to me."
Hairy dog people howling at the moon? Try Friday nights at 3 AM when the bars shut down. the gypsy laughed.
"Have I seen strange things in this city?" Jennifer blinked at the question.
Hey, we have it all here. We had the goddamned Batman himself here for awhile. I hear rumors of Batgirl as well. And with all the Gov types poking around now, might as well think I am in an episode of 'Agents of SHIELD' or something.
"You wanna talk about strange?"
Look, I am sure you are nice people to work with...
she texted back to the producer of the ghost hunting TV show.
But I have no interest in being a tour guide for your group. I can give you a list of supposed haunted places in Harper Rock to explore and I have no desire to be on television again. Thank you.
"You ever check out a bar called Silks?"
Not, its NOT about the money.
"Look, the police are on their way, so I suggest you take your congregation and your holy water and get out of here now!" The redhead shouted at the priest and his followers before locking the door to the store to keep them out of the building.
Am I under arrest?
"No, but..." the tall man in the black suit and sunglasses began.
Then unless you have a real reason to detain me, I will bid you a good evening then. Zodiac grabbed her purse and walked out of the police station. I will be speaking to my attorney about this.
(2:45 AM. Pandora's Box)
The doors were locked and the second steel shutter was now down blocking the entranceway. The original sign had been altered as well.
The two women sat in the back room of the now blackened store. Jennifer sipped coffee while the gypsy drank from a mug.
"Some of these offers would put some nice money in your pocket and put the shops on the map." the girl suggested.
"Oh, I have considered that, trust me." the mystic smiled a bit. "The problem is, media types are basically children. Pick one and the rest begin to cry 'why not us?' and then set out to cause you problems because you dared to say no."
"Did they really ask you stop by their temporary office? To ask you questions?"
"The Gov types? Oh yes. Sophisticated idiots. They know what they want to know, but cannot bring themselves to ask you directly so they play games to see if you will trip yourself in the process. All in the name of 'We know more than you think we know' and other childish nonsense. I answered their questions, not to their satisfaction, and when they ran out of ways to ask the same questions again I left. If this all continues they will be back. Do not let them in without a warrant and call our lawyer before unlocking the doors for them."
"What about upstairs?"
That gave the gypsy pause. The work room alone would cause issues with the lowest level of authority, let alone minions of the government. "Ask Chain and his people to set the false wall up in front of the door. As far as the Gov need to know, the upstairs is not used by us or does not exist for now. I will start cleaning up things up there in case they manage to find it."
"How long will this all last?"
"Right now, it's a fad. The Gov maybe serious, but all the others flocking in here are turning it into a freak show, so if by chance the Gov types do find something and it is discovered, they will have a media blast they truly do not want. Too many looking for the same thing they are now. May the Goddess bless the rabid legions of fandom and fanatics. They hunt us now as well, but because they are here, they are a shield of sorts."
"Oh, that's great." Jennifer smiled.
"As long as the freak show lasts, any real investigation will be shadowed and hounded. But once the crowds grow bored and start to go home, then the real problems will begin."
"So how do you keep the freak show in town?"
"Glad you asked," Zodiac picked up Jennifer's laptop and typed in a web address. A website appeared announcing itself as the home of the search for the paranormal in Harper Rock. She scrolled down two blog entries till a photo of her leaving the office of the government agents was displayed with the headline LOCAL WITCH QUESTIONED BY AUTHORITIES
"How did they get that?" Jennifer asked.
"I texted one of them and told them what was going on and waited till I knew one of them was there before I made my exit." the gypsy grinned. "I am all over this site. Making myself too public a figure to be considered anything but a local business owner being harassed for no reason or a simple witch being questioned."
"Hide in plain sight," Jennifer laughed.
"Has worked for us so far. Is also why I am turning down the media types and dropping clues to small fries like this. The little guys are the real people, despite their insanity on things, and they control the court of public opinion. The media will make or break you, depending on how the wind is blowing and can be bought off by the government, but not the average citizen."