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Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 17 Jun 2015, 13:58
by Eureka
Wearing || Setting: Sewers
Eureka was probably not aware of how awful her luck was. But then, she hadn’t been hunted down and slaughtered by those who gave a **** if she broke their law, so that was a silver lining, regardless. Eureka was actually blissfully unaware that other vampires had a better time feeding than she did. But then, other vampires probably did tear out the throats of their victims and enjoy chewing on the flesh to get every last drop of blood out of it, either. When Eureka fed, it was a messy affair, and she took her time, too. Of course it was more likely that she would be seen.
Except this time, just outside of the Cherrydale sewer entrance, she was not only seen, but attacked. Not by another vampire, but by a hunter. Her meal happened to be a hunter. What it was doing outside of the sewers, she did not know. According to Eureka, the hunters did not belong above ground. But it had happened. Not only was her meal ruined, but she had a nice big bullet wound in her gut to match her hunger. She slunk back down into the sewers, maybe to find a few rats to stave off the itch; but of course, the hunters down there were every bit as vicious as the ones upstairs.
By the end of a few hours of wandering around looking for rats, Eureka had left perhaps three dead hunters behind her, but had been forced to flee a few, too. Now, she had not just one bullet in her gut, but two. And a gouged arm to boot. She found herself a neat little niche and slid down the wall. She pulled her scraggly red hair up and knotted the stray strands into a messy bun. The redhead leaned haphazardly over herself, her black jeans torn at the knees and the heeled boots probably a really bad idea. But she had stolen them from one of her victims because they looked pretty. At least, they’d made that women look pretty, when she was alive. Not that Eureka was concerned with looking pretty, in the grand scheme of things. Her outfit was always mismatched and more often than not she wasn’t wearing enough. Like that time NIklaus had found her in her underwear after she’d wandered away from the laundromat.
Tonight, her entire outfit had been stolen from different people. The bra was taken from a prostitute that Eureka had attacked down the back of a club. The leather jacket had belonged to a girl probably Eureka’s age. Actually, Eureka had recognised her. Maybe from school. It hadn’t stopped her from tearing open the girl’s neck and taking her jacket. But there was nothing between the bra and the jacket—so Eureka had easy access to her mangled gut.
But she had to get the bullets out. She could feel them moving around in there. She hissed as she dug her dirty fingers into the holes and went fishing.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 17 Jun 2015, 14:26
by Kamikaze
The sewers were a labyrinth, as well as a haven, especially to the Shadow. With the sightings of the hunters, of the paladins, the first time, destroying them was a treat. Not even wishing to taste the blood that spilled, she dropped them as quick as she could, ignoring any wounds that she were to accumulate. They were only flesh wounds, and those would heal. If they weren't to heal as fast as she had liked, she had the means to make sure they did. Gunshots echoed through the sewers, as Kamikaze made her way through a few unsuspecting paladins, and a footsoldier, though she paused to take a few gifts, such as one of the hunter's charms, and a paladin head. Kamikaze, the active personality, found the destruction of these humans quite entertaining, though she knew to keep it down in the sewers, away from the hustle and bustle of the world above. During her hunt, she heard footsteps, slow, calculated, which she guessed to be another hunter. Dropping the head off, the Shadow slowed her own pace, silencing her steps. Lo and behold, it was indeed a footsoldier. The man was checking his gun, and ready to start his route through the sewers.
The rats had passed, one even crawling overtop Kamikaze. Her stance ready, she quickly moved in for the kill, only to see a woman against a near wall, digging into herself. A few pulls of the trigger, and she would have been the victor, but instead, she slipped back into the shadows, diverting her path toward the injured woman. She was a mess. Covered in blood. Those clothes. Kamikaze didn't know what to make of her. Vampire? With those wounds, and still carrying on like this, she hoped so. Stepping out of the shadows, she made herself known to the killer. Her own clothing was stained with blood and the other fluids that the sewers were coated with, her hair the same. She had stayed far too long in the sewers, and her appearance paid the price. Eying her, she kept a few steps back, in case she were to be attacked, hand on her blade.
Deep in tunnel, blood and bullet, hunters found, yet they live no more? They see, they spot, but.. they fumbled. Reap reward, with pain and blood. The victor still, yes?
Her voice was quiet, a hair above mumbling, her speech pattern disjointed. Eyes pierced through the shadows, locking on the damage the hunters had wrought. Her mind suddenly grew thick with the shouting of the voices, causing Kamikaze to grow still, her personalities working to filter the commotion and put everything back into order.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 19 Jun 2015, 02:57
by Eureka
Eureka should have been paying attention to her surroundings, but she was not. She was intent on finding those two bullets, lodged deep into her abdomen. Those pesky bits of metal that did not belong, and which were foreign to her body; her body, which she quite liked. It served her well. She had begun to wonder why people always insisted on covering their bodies up. Vampires especially. The elements could not touch them, and one could not die of cold. So what was the point in all those layers? Why not be free?
Regardless, Eureka wore clothes begrudgingly because that’s what society demanded of her. And she at least had enough sense left to know that if she continually walked around stark naked, she would be arrested. Or worse, thrown into a mental hospital. And that just would not do…
But she was in the sewers, now. No one came down here unless they knew what lurked in this city, right? And if someone else should happen to wander by who had no idea about vampires or hunters, then they deserved what they got, right? Maybe Eureka could eat them. She had lost a lot of blood by now and so needed to go find someone else to eat…
But only after the bullets were out.
She was only aware of another presence when the other woman spoke. Eureka’s nimble fingers paused in their shameless rummaging; what little light there was reflected in the deep blue of Eureka’s eyes as she looked up at the other. The words spoken were disjointed and sharp. Eureka’s brow furrowed.
”What the **** are you trying to say? What’s wrong with you?” she asked. She was never anything but blunt, Eureka. There was absolutely no filter. She said what she was thinking and didn’t ever see the point in doing otherwise. And, truth be told, although she might have started the night feeling absolutely fine, now she was feeling just that tiny bit irritable.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 19 Jun 2015, 12:19
by Kamikaze
Head tilting sideways, Kamikaze observed Eureka, then grinned at her questions. There was definitely something wrong, with her, with the chorus of voices within her head, with the two other personalities that snaked about. The whisperings began, when Kamikaze heard a footstep, and a familiar scent. Holding up an index finger, in a sign for Eureka to hold the thought, the Shadow pulled out her gun and fired into the shadows, until she heard something drop. Satisfied, she slipped the weapon back into its holster, then smiled. This woman was rather peculiar, Kamikaze thought. Her outfit, her attitude, the wounds, they made her unique. Flashing another fanged smile to the redhead, Kamikaze seated herself on the ground, still watching. Her speech pattern was the most disjointed of the three personalities, yes, and she was perhaps the most odd.
We hear the cries of the shadows... and they fill our mind. They sing so beautiful. Now another is but a note, dead, deceased, by our hand.
Rocking a bit, she let out something like a purr, in a rather pleasant mood at the moment. Shizuka whispered within the mind, that this woman was probably not going to understand what Kamikaze said, but the active personality didn't care. It wasn't often that she got to roam, and this day was one of those chances. In this moment, Kamikaze was free to do what she wished, and she wished to keep this injured woman company. Not many would see Kamikaze keep another company, though this was a lone person, and the sewers were not crowded. Taking a moment, the Shadow attempted a more forward approach, hoping that she would be understood better.
We are slivers of one, enriched by madness. The sewers, we hunt within, but it seems we were not alone in hunting. Kindness eludes those we hunt, you seem to share the proof.
A moment passed, as she collected more thoughts, before a rat perched atop her head. Not minding, she sat, watching Eureka, the rat sitting up, sniffing the air. As the rat caught wind of something, it left off the Shadow, scattering into the distance. It seemed Kamikaze was lost to the madness, her mind busy with the inner voices, as she grew still for a moment, before returning to reality.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 21 Jun 2015, 05:34
by Eureka
Eureka’s fingers latch onto a single cold bullet and she breathes a laugh; she almost didn’t hear the other woman’s response as she gripped tight and yanked. There, in front of her, was a crimson-covered silver bullet, dented. Eureka grinned at the thing, euphoric. She tucked it into her boot. If, one day, the red-head gained any knowledge in how to craft things, she might make all these bullets into a necklace or something. Wear them with pride, like some people wear ears. Eureka was a bit like a crow in regards to shiny things. She liked to keep them. Pretty, shiny things.
She was distracted by the other presence, however. The woman who had proceeded to sit down next to Eureka. Eureka shuffled to the side a bit. She could get up close and personal with people, but normally that kind of possessive contact was reserved for people she knew. People like Niklaus. Mainly Niklaus, really. Probably Chad, but Chad was never around. She’d actually forgotten what the guy looked like.
Eureka stared at the woman. If she really focused, she could probably figure out what the woman was trying to say. If she put the words together in the context of where they sat and what she was doing. But, Eureka wasn’t really focusing. The words still jumbled together in her mind and though they kind of made sense, they mostly didn’t.
”I think maybe you must have got shot in the head. And the bullet is still in there somewhere,” she said. Yeah. That made sense. And, speaking of bullet stuck in places…
…she squealed as she looked down and saw that her own wounds were starting to pucker and heal at the edges. But there was still a bullet in there, somewhere! She lunged, fingers curling into claws, and tore at her own skin. Flinching, of course, and twitching a little. She wasn’t completely oblivious to the pain. But she had to get that bullet out. It needed to be added to her necklace.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 22 Jun 2015, 03:54
by Kamikaze
Thinking back on all of the times she had been sent to the Shadows, Kamikaze nodded. Once or twice, she may have been shot in the head, but it was hard to remember. The bullets had more than likely gone through and through, and the wounds had long healed. Staring at Eureka, at ripping into her own flesh like that, the Shadow grew curious, the voices whispering to one another, as well as to the active personality. They felt that this girl was a bit twisted, with a sense of bloodlust. Kamikaze found the sight to be rather beautiful. Watching, hands set to her chin, she enjoyed this sight. The Shadow had never seen somebody do this before. Of course, she'd heard others do it, heard others talk of it, but never witnessed it. She'd never seen somebody dig into themselves like that. Kamikaze had always let the bullets stay within her, or her body would push them out as the flesh healed. Never, did she do this sort of self exploration.
Bullet to the brain, yes. Pow, darkness. Pow, darkness. Pow, darkness. Many many. Warm. Quick. Bullet gone. In, out. Splat! Aha!
Feeling a bit uneasy, she wasn't sure if it was the fact that she was enjoying watching this, or if something bad was coming along, or maybe it was just the voices causing her to become so mentally burdened. Attempting to focus her mind, Kamikaze spaced out, taking her time to collect her thoughts, as well as those of the others' within her head. The redhead began to intrigue her, so she started to think of probing questions to ask. The fact that asking these questions was a bit strange in this format as well as such an odd place to carry a conversation ... eluded the Shadow, to put it plainly. Steps in the distance echoed, signs of others who dwelled within the labyrinth under Harper Rock, as well as those that terrorized the denizens. A nervous trigger finger, Kamikaze was torn between firing into the shadows and beginning to rattle off the questions to Eureka, who she had not even properly introduced herself to. She'd need to remedy this! Quickly, Kamikaze stood up, then bowed.
Rudeness... No introduction. Kamikaze. Shadow. Worthingt-... No. Ueda.
Feeling a little better, Kamikaze settled, a bit giddy. She'd never done this before. In the back of her mind, the other two personalities were proud of Kamikaze being able to be so polite. Usually, she'd be quiet, with others. Hoping the other would respond with a bit about herself, Kamikaze focused, waiting. This was how people made friends, right? Shizuka reminded Kamikaze that friendship was sometimes a one way street, but did not discourage her. Kamikaze would be crushed, if she had. Just then, a cockroach sped up the Shadow's foot, and perched on her, seeking food. It didn't bother the Shadow any, as she had a deep love for the insects. Petting it a little, she let the insect continue its search, while she focused a bit on the Killer, studying her.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 02:12
by Eureka
Eureka had already decided that this other woman was insane, that something had broken inside of her head. But that didn’t much colour Eureka’s judgment. There was no ridicule from the redhead, as if she were not capable of such emotion. Animals didn’t ridicule each other, did that? They just acted on instinct, naturally. They did what they did because it was what their heart, body and brain told them to do. Eureka never really felt inferior or superior to anything. She knew when to accept when she was weaker, and she knew when to show her strength, but she never pretended to be anything she wasn’t. There were no masks. The other woman could be insane if she wanted to be. In that moment, she seemed harmless, and Eureka only interacted because it was another body with another mind who was demanding interaction.
Her fingers were deep, stuck inside of herself, when the woman stood up to introduce herself. Actually stood, for whatever reason. That much was at least clear, what her intention was. Name – Kamikaze. Path – Shadow. Worthingt? Eureka’s head snapped up and her fingers slipped. But, there it was. That second bullet. She pushed her reaction aside for just a few more seconds as her fingers flicked and stretched until the foreign object was grasped, wrenched free, and tucked into her boot with its partner. Now able to relax just a little—completely unaware of whatever other company, good or bad, might be lingering nearby—she narrowed her eyes at the other. She had settled back down and was playing friendly with a cockroach.
”Were you going to say Worthington?” she asked. Why was she even interested? Worthington may have been the name attached to her sire, but she never did see him. And no one else in the ‘family’ seemed to claim the name with any kind of pride, so why would she? She still had loyalty to her sire, but a name was just a name and it didn’t really mean anything, in the end.
”My sire has the name Worthington. I’m Eureka,” she said, holding out a hand still slick with blood for the other to shake. She, of course, could not judge a name like ‘Kamikaze’, not with a name like Eureka to claim as her own. But, again, there was no notion of judgment. Just a simple kind of acceptance. A grin-like smile broadens across Eureka’s lips; permanent fangs glint as they’re revealed to the dim light. Happy enough, even though her night so far had been filled with nothing but bad luck.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 22:36
by Kamikaze
The woman was a Worthington, then. One of Chad's brood. Kamikaze never got the chance to meet the man, but she had heard plenty of things, both good and bad. She'd heard a lot of both sides for many people, but that was besides the point. The cockroach she was befriending seemed to skitter away, until it found itself underfoot. Splat. And yet another dead insect in the sewer. More focused on Eureka, Kamikaze had a few questions that just popped into her mind, but of course she would answer Eureka's as well.
Worthington. Yes. Lineage. Kamikaze sired by Noelle. Noelle sired by Perry. Perry sired by Nicholas. Nicholas sired by Nikolae. Nikolae sired by Chad. Kamikaze no Worthington. Kamikaze is Ueda. Worthingtons distrust in past. Did not believe Kamikaze. Some hated. Some branded Kami traitor. Kamikaze no traitor. Kamikaze no liar.
Annoyed at the past, with the Worthingtons, Kamikaze closed her eyes, then felt the other two personalities attempt to calm her. The third attempted to soothe with kind words, telling her that all was well, right here, right now. Patting her sternum, repeating 'all is well' in a mantra, the scattered personality calmed, then stared at Eureka. She wondered if this woman would be so quick to judge, so quick to cast her away, as others had. Paranoia began to seep in, guided by whisperings of malicious spirits. Shaking her head violently, Kamikaze didn't want to think these things. No. No no no. Eureka was... well, she didn't know anything about Eureka, other than she was a Worthington, that she was rather holey, and that she had a very peculiar fashion, to which Kamikaze would be no judge of that. Kamikaze needed to calm herself more, still feeling agitated. Pacing a bit, she rubbed at her face, the sludge leaving dirty lines on her face.
We do good, yes. We help. Keep masquerade secret. Hush hush.
Continuing to pace, she tugged at her hair, both a sign of frustration with the vampiric community, especially the lineage, and also a sign that she was going to be okay. She had shown this with previous people, tugging her hair to calm herself.
Killed, been killed... Stabbed, shot, dismembered, burned. Healed. Heals slow. Distrust, envy, hatred... long lasting.
Giving a sigh, Kamikaze nearly frowned. She was tired of people hating her for what she had done, for her mistakes, for who she was, what she was, who she followed, who she was friends with, who she allied with. She started to think that these didn't matter... that she could go on, without having to worry what others thought. Was that why this woman was like she was? Growing even more curious, Kami sat beside Eureka, though still keeping some distance between them. Her gun sat atop her lap, an ornate gift from a woman she trusted heavily, that she could call friend. It served its purpose, dealing death. Kami also had this same purpose. She watched Eureka, then thought to herself that using fingers might be easier than with a blade. It'd give more control.
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 30 Jun 2015, 13:10
by Eureka
The pacing was lost on Eureka. Kamikaze seemed to be having some kind of nervous breakdown. A mild one, but one all the same. Eureka just watched with a tame kind of amusement, and a little curiosity. Her feet were planted square on the ground and her wrists dangled over her knees. Blood started to dry beneath the fingernails, joining the rest of the dried blood there. Some perhaps nights old. Niklaus had forced her to bathe, once. But the cleanliness hadn’t lasted long. Eureka never showered unless forced and though Niklaus took a small amount of interest, no one thus far had tried to completely tame her. Which was completely fine by Eureka. By all accounts, she was happy to be a loner. She had no idea where her childer were and though it caused a twitch of possessive regret, her attention span was lacking.
When Kamikaze started to list the names, Eureka’s eyes narrowed. None of the rang any kind of bells except for Nikolae. At this she brightened, just a little.
”The one with the temple! And the crazy chick as offspring. Uhm. Dee….dee or something? I don’t remember her name,” Eureka said, her eyes narrowed into thin air as she tried to remember. They’d only met one night, and she couldn’t even remember what had happened with the rest of it. She remembered Niklaus was there. She shrugged her shoulders.
”I only know those two and Niklaus. And Chad, obviously. But he’s fucked off,” Eureka said. She’d blunt as a hammer and swung it with as much force as she had, too. Though, her words were not spoken with any kind of bitterness. The other woman was talking about a family that Eureka didn’t know. Maybe it used to be something grand but now it was just a crumbled mess. She’d used the internet cafes to access the forum for a while, but some woman had got all uptight about a stupid ******* childish game, so Eureka didn’t check it anymore. Couldn’t be bothered. What’s the point of some stupid I want I want game if the things wanted weren’t ever actually given. And couldn’t they all just appreciate what they had anyway? Eureka didn’t want for anything. She had her life and in her opinion, it was pretty ******* awesome.
”I say let it go. All of it,” Eureka said, glancing down at her gut to make sure the skin was puckering, ready to heal. She grinned at it. See? It was healing. How ******* awesome was that?
Re: Gone Fishing | KAMIKAZE |
Posted: 07 Jul 2015, 22:17
by Kamikaze
Let it go. Let it go. Yes, Kami supposed she could agree with that. For too long now, she had harbored guilt and anger toward parties that did not necessarily cause any blame or the mistrust, though she supposed that the distrust of the Worthington line was needless, at least on a greater scale. A few steps echoed in the distance, and the Shadow pulled her gun out again and fired a few warning shots, before slipping it back, and focusing on Eureka. She was in the middle of a conversation, and she did not need the fuckery that these sewer dwelling humans provided. Waiting a few moments, to see if anybody retaliated, the Shadow sat down again, and let out a useless sigh. The woman felt there were too many in Worthington to blame, that blamed others, that pointed fingers when they were too proud or too dumb to understand it was their fault. When she had joined, there was a council, if they could even call it one. Nowadays, she didn't even keep in contact with them, having cut all ties. It was for the better, she supposed.
Let all go... Yes... Hard, yes.. fruitful maybe.
Focusing on Eureka's wounds, she smiled at it starting to heal. It was quite a scene to behold. Her own wounds would heal as well, though nowhere as quick, and she never noticed it, unless powers were used to remove the wound itself. Perhaps Eureka enjoyed watching herself heal. She couldn't say. for sure. The girl did interest her, though, in a sense, her views probably as skewed as her own. Skewed views made the world fun for Kami, personally, and she felt that maybe it was the same for Eureka. There were far too many straight-lace folk above ground, and she felt that very few were given the mental freedom to do what the not-so-straight-laced folks did.
No pain, no guilt... no ridicule.. no fear.. We seek, we hope.. Worthington shattered.. we build on own.. Ueda. Home. Blades not in back. We grow. We learn. We teach. We supervise. We collaborate. We protect. We do what we do. No lies. Nothing hidden. We true to self. We true to others. All around. All active. No disappeared.
It was an open invitation, one that she had not given before to anybody. At the time, Ueda was a lineage of one, only to Kamikaze. It gave the three personalities time to figure what they would expect from their own lineage, any rules to follow, and a bunch of other things. Perhaps Eureka would find the Ueda point of view to be something that matched her own, but Kami knew not to get ahead of herself or to expect the impossible. Done talking for now, she silenced herself, watching the woman.