Belonging. The word itself still sounds strange to you, but not for the reasons that they would have when you were in high school. Back then, despite being an athlete, you weren’t someone that really liked the idea of hanging out with the majority of the others in your classes and they thought you were a little strange anyway. Rather than strive to be beach blonde like the other girls, you liked adding pink or blue hair extensions in so they would stand out against your brown hair. When other girls focused on their weight, you were comfortable eating fried foods with your brothers knowing you’d work it off running, surfing or spending your time in the gym. And when you had your nose ring, you liked it despite the fact it hurt like hell the first time you had it in when your hands slipped off the bars and your face connected with the mat. Academically, you weren’t a genius, but you weren’t stupid either. You knew that you needed to be a good student to get into the University of your choice, so you studied hard.
Back then, you’d thought you’d heard it all: nerd, freak, weirdo. The strangest one you ever heard was probably freakshow. And, despite the fact you tried to let it brush it off your shoulders, you never could quite them out of your head at fourteen, fifteen and sixteen years old. Deep down, you wanted to belong and you kept making your brother help you socially. Michael never really understood it because he thought that those that were really worth it would accept you for who you were and in the end, he was truly right about it, but he helped you because he cared about you. He even made whatsherface help, although, she didn’t stay around very long after an incident in the lunch room where she would join in with her bitchy friends to harass you. It always sucked, honestly, because there were times where you would lock everyone out of your room, climb out your window and just stare down at the ocean, crying. And one thing that I really wish that we would have known back then is this:
Do you see the owl, the words being said? You should really keep them in mind, always, because that owl means a lot to you. Tytonidae has become something significant in your life. You’ll hear everything under the sun about you and your friends, your family, and because of Tytonidae, you know now that you shouldn’t let words or uncreative insults get under your skin. You’ve been called a bully, an asshole, a murderer (this one really has never bothered you, you accept it because of what happened), and the ever so clever “owl turd.” Velveteen told you in the beginning that those that don’t know us don’t matter, and she was right when she said it because you’ve learned that everyone has their own opinion of the faction that you’ve involved yourself in. And, the only opinion that matters about the faction is yours.
The masses aren’t fond of you guys because you take a firm stance in what you believe in: protecting the masquerade. When you were a little girl, your daddy used to tell you that you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet and in this case, there’s an endless supply of eggs. You do what you have to do to keep those that you love safe because in the long run, it isn’t what matters to what happens to you personally, but to them. The faction and your bloodline. You don’t want to see your friends and your family end up never coming back or being stuck under a microscope in some laboratory. You don’t want them to have to worry about being killed in their sleep by some hunter after they break into their home.
And, in some ways, you think that it’s a necessary thing for humans, too, to be protected from vampires. And, that’s not to say you’re pro-human, either. You appreciate that you were human, but you understand the difference between what you were and what you are now. Normal humans – at least not what the norm consider to be sane – don’t drink blood, they don’t have supernatural abilities, and in your case, they don’t have black blood that disappears like a shadow. And with the exception of vampirism, they don’t return when they die. And for the most part, you don’t think normal humans would be able to handle the truth of things nightmares are made out of escaping into reality.
It goes both ways, even if your reason is to selfishly keep humans ignorant about vampires to make sure your loved ones are safe. You’ve been told by those that believe humanity can handle it because they’ve fallen in love with the concept of vampires, but all you can think about is how off their lore is when you find yourself unamused watching a television screen. The masquerade is something that you think that needs to be protected, even if people form their opinions and insult and criticize you. With each insult and comment, you remember that Velveteen told you that their opinions don’t matter, that those that do appreciate us are already there.
I guess what I’m trying to sum up, really, is that you shouldn’t be concerned about what others are saying or “fitting in” because you belong somewhere that you’re happy, that you’re happy being a part of. These days, when it comes to this faction, you’ve gotten more help out of them than you ever had as a child from your mom after your dad died, as a teenager after your dad died. If people only want to see monsters that they make Tytonidae out to be, then that’s their prerogative. In a way, it makes you think about how you were taught to not judge others before you got to know them.