Some may say she is happy while others could imply she is mentally unstable. The smiles are real or the kind of smiles one would find on a madwoman. Delusions of intellect, or a conduit to old and ancient wisdom. Paragon or whore? If one would ask, she would simply shrug her shoulders and continue to dance along. Such questions are too trivial for her to waste thought on. Focus was reserved for the important things. The serious things. Love and happiness and success.
And sometimes, on cold, blind hatred as well.
She was upset. That was putting it mildly, of course. Within the last year she had done her best to pull away and work in the more private sector of things. No bounty hunts or anything of that nature. Her reasons were her own. Some speculated, of course. Most would have it all wrong. Some could never let things go. Oh no. Despite the fact she was practically a hermit, some still felt they had to demand their pound of flesh for the past.
Sad creatures they are.
She told no one of these things. Unlike others who strut so large and proud, then go running for help the first time their nose is slapped, she kept it all to herself. Seeing how far some were willing to take things, and once one would cross that final line her real work would begin again. Candles would be lit and the incense boiled with a dark, pungent aroma as it filled the air. Her alter sitting ready as she stepped naked within her pentacle and closed the circle behind her.
'Lilith-Goddess-Mother of the Night Children-Mater Lacrimarum, your daughter and servant calls unto you. Defiler-despoiler-usurper-coward. A child of yours mocks your servant' her thoughts cried out to the night as she began to dance. The razor edged claws upon her fingertips slashing at her own flesh as she paused at points along the borders of her pentacle and let her own blood consecrate the patterns she had painstakingly laid out so that her physical as well as mental essence cried out as one.
Her hands passed over small items that laid in wait as she stood before braizer that glowed hot and belched out dark smoke. Such insignificant things a simple act of sleight of hand captured with ease from others, only to be stored away for moments like this. Such innocent things of simplicity that, if in the proper hands, could be far more dangerous than any blade or weapon. So she had been taught.
'Let their resolve wither, their strength falter, as you move you attention to them…' she thought as the bits of hair and clothing she had taken from her victim fell into the burning embers.
'Let their words turn to ashes, let their warnings and messages falter when needed the most…' she crooned on as notes written in her target's hand joined the burning. ' Bring forth the darkness to blind and confuse them. Send forth yourself to set your hands against them. Let their weapons falter, their aim be unpure, their armor shatter and break with the touch of your finger…'
Her dancing grew more frantic as she felt the energy growing now around her. Her claws continuing to encourage her own blood to slip free of herself. A type of frenzy consumed her now as she felt herself un focusing from the world she dwelled in and began to reach out beyond. Pausing only to feed the hungry flames more items, she whirled about. Several dollars she had taken from her victim's pocket joined the contents of the brazier. 'No bribe or payment shall give them refuge or aid in this night. Their money and powers worthless as you stride to claim them as your own. Lowborn or royalty-neither shall help them in convincing others to protect them from your anger. Their charms and sweet words shall be as ashes to the ears they beg of. Strengthen the hands of your faithful! Guide them as they do your justice! Guide them to wisdom, to understanding. Guide them into pure pain.' mentally she was screaming as she danced. ' Mater Lacrimarum of the depths, grant your child's request. This one who has dared, let them be your guest!'
Suddenly, Zodiac froze in mid step and stood waiting. Her senses reaching out to see if she had been heard or not. Eventually, a soft rumble of thunder was heard in the night, and she leaned back against her altar and relaxed. Was it a coming storm or an answer from beyond? She could not say but she took it as a sign she had been heard. Her body slick with blood and sweat as she ached in so many ways now from her devotions.
'Thank you, thank you, dear Mother,' her thoughts reached out as she closed her eyes and rested. The last of the items turning to ashes in the fire now. She stood watching for a time before she collapsed onto the floor and began to laugh. She laid back in the drying pools of her own blood and looked up into the darkness with eyes aglow with red feral fire. Cackling in madness now and convinced her issues would soon be solved.
"Hail to the queen of rare delights." she purred in her thoughts as her tongue ran over her fangs.
Bad night. (one shot)
- Zodiac
- Registered User
- Posts: 1987
- Joined: 02 Aug 2011, 22:23
- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
- Location: The Pandora Project
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Bad night. (one shot)
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.