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Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 12:41
by Robin Little
Just be careful and stick close to me when we do.
That was what Jameson had said, when Robin had suggested they explore the Mausoleum. The very words that were uttered, after he’d told Robin all about the zombies in the Quarantine Zone. To keep all the dead things in. Technically, Robin wasn’t going against Jameson’s wishes – not that he had to stick to Jameson’s wishes anyway. Technically, Jameson had been referring to the catacombs. Robin was now in the sewers, making his way not toward the ancient ruins, but instead toward the zone that had been cut off from the city.
Why had he never questioned its existence before? Maybe because he had other things to worry about. Being homeless, for example. Or having no cigarettes. When he had no cigarettes he felt like the world was ending. Maybe, like a lot of people, he didn’t think it was anything. A building site. Unsafe ground. Some kind of sink hole that couldn’t be fixed and couldn’t be built on.
Robin had a torch to find his way through the sewers. Sunlight poured through the manholes to light the rest of the way. He assumed he was under the right one when he could hear no signs of population up above. With his heart thundering in his chest, he climbed the ladder; he slid the manhole aside, with some grunting. And hauled himself up into what looked like a scene out of an apocalypse movie. Crumbling buildings and overgrown trees bereft of all their leaves in the cold weather. Snow covered everything, bulging piles of it beside the buildings.
Though Robin didn’t have much of a chance, in the beginning, to take in his surroundings. The first thing that he did see was the monster that Jameson had described; it was so much worse than what his subconscious had concocted. His nightmares were nothing compared to the hulking mass of flesh only feet away from Robin. He didn’t faff around—the manhole was left uncovered as Robin fell back into the soft snow, tufts of it flying this way and that as he scrambled backward, and ran for his very fragile life.
There were several mistakes that Robin made, which he later very heavily scolded himself for.
- 1. He had nothing on him but a very small hunting knife.
2. He did not dress appropriately – snow got into his clothes and he was ******* freezing.
3. In his rush to get away from hulking mass of corpses, he did not pay any attention to where the manhole was.
4. He’d slept in (for this he would blame Jameson) and had let this little jaunt until later in the afternoon.
The combination of all Robin’s faults led to one very large conclusion.
He was freezing and vulnerable in the middle of a Quarantine Zone and the sun was fast to set in Winter. The days were shorter. He had forgotten. He had paid no attention. He’d told himself he’d have a quick look, and then he would leave again. Of course, he didn’t plan on getting lost. Several times he was this close to rounding the corner to find the manhole he needed, but he was always turned around again – always avoiding the ambling corpses. How were they moving so quickly in this weather?!
Darkness was descending. He had not discovered the lobby to the flats – he hadn’t got that far. No, instead, he’d inadvertently blocked himself into a corner of the abandoned Supermarket. He had his torch, and was swearing under his breath as he dug around in his bag, into his pockets, the blood slowly draining from his face. The sun had set, and the smart idea was to call Jameson. Obviously.
But he could not find his phone.
”******* brilliant!”
Probably not the best idea to shout in a zombie infested supermarket. He hushed, as his voice echoed. He paused, stood stock still. He could hear nothing approaching, and sighed. Though he wasn’t relieved. Not by a long shot.
Re: Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 22:25
by Tate
"She's gone." They both were. The thought ran through her head as she tipped it back, glaring up at the ceiling of the crypt. Melisande. Lady. Alicia. Her friends from the past were gone and she was left with the remaining members of their family - that wasn't something that bothered her, really. Her sire was awesome and the closest thing to a brother that she'd ever had and her childe was her best friend - someone she didn't thinj she'd want to be without, but... it was just strange to think of it their departure. Of course, Alicia wasn't gone, not entirely. Tate could see her, halfway torn to pieces as she stood in the corner. She was haunting her because she had died and Tate hadn't that night. The angry ginger momentarily clenched her jaw before releasing it, standing up from the spot she had been in since her shift at the clinic had ended.
Her backside was numb and she rolled her shoulders idly before she rubbed at the spot unconsciously. How long did it take for someone to start climbing the walls? She was antsy. It had been a few days since she'd done anything but go to and back from work, not that she minded. It was amusing to watch Aksel deal with Trinity's clients on a daily basis and for the most part, Tate enjoyed being able to snap at those that stared too belong at the blonde in the evenings. Petite, she knew she didn't look as if she could throw a punch, so it was always hilarious to see her manhandle someone too rowdy right out the front door. One woman had made the comment that she looked too tiny to do such a feat, but Tate had given a wolfish smirk and made the sarcastic remark that she ate a lot of spinach.
"I'm going out." She called out to Judas and Trinity before grabbing her bag. She was low on feral blood.
"Be home later." If there was going to be a reply, she didn't wait for it as she made her way past the cameras before glancing around when she was out of the crypt. Clementine had once asked her if she ever thought of renting an apartment because of how strange it must look for someone to live in a cemetery, but it had taken her a minute to realize her thrall know realized she had one. There was just no point in going there for anything other than her plants. Just past the cemetary gates, Tate looked around once more. No one was there. Focusing, she began to run - celerity activated and she lost herself in the speed, mindful of those around her as they felt a breeze in passing.
It didn't take her long to arrive outside of the gate guarding the Quarantine Zone, avoiding the crowds as she ducked behind an alleyway a little too quickly. Her lips pressed together as she slid on ice and slammed into it, a grunt escaping through clenched teeth and as she fell back onto cement, she glared up at the darkening sky. If Trinity had witnessed it, Tate had the feeling she would have never heard the end of it.
"Just like that ******* building." She thought unhappily before she rolled into her stomach, her ungloved hands touching the ice as she pushed herself up once more and looked up at the fence.
When she tossed her bag over, it landed with a sickening
squish thanks to the fur and hides within for her rituals before she stepped a few feet back on the pavement. Her hazel green eyes lowered to the ground to search for a safe running spot and after a moment, she sprinted a short distance and put power into the jump as she effortlessly twisted in the air to land in a pile of untouched snow beside her bag. Without missing a beat, the small killer collected her bag and headed off towards the asylum, pausing in her path when she heard someone shout something behind her. She turned, her eyebrow lifting as she found herself staring up at the supermarket. Whoever it was, the voice echoed and from the pitch, she figured it was a male.
Rolling her eyes, she shook her head.
"Might as well check there first." She muttered to herself, reaching into her bag to remove her pistol and ignoring the scent of rotting meat as it rolled over her.
"I need a box to let this **** rot in some day." She thought unhappily to herself and pushed the door open to hear breathing within. Tate tilted her head and listened, cocking her gun as she walked further inside in case it was a Paladin when the sound of a pulse followed afterward. Hearing a moan and the sound of shuffling feet, she turned to see a zombie making its way in her direction and she scowled.
Re: Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 09:42
by Robin Little
As dilapidated as the building was, there was still a bell over the door. It wasn’t a healthy bell, and when the door opened there was only a slight clank rather than a clear dinga-ling. It was enough of a sound to alert Robin that he was no longer alone, however – if he’d ever been alone to begin with. He shrunk further into his corner, his eyes wide and curious as the thumping in his chest picked up its pace. Adrenaline surged through all his limbs – much like it had done for the last few hours – banishing all signs of weakness or fatigue.
There were a few things that rushed through Robin’s mind at the same time. I cannot stay in this corner all night, he reasoned with himself. But nor did he think he should move when there was clearly something going on near the front door. One of the zombies that he had avoided without being seen when he’d come into this building had turned its attention to whoever or whatever the newcomer was. Robin could tell. The moans were a clear indication of… well, something.
Were zombies really all that unfeeling? Or, like men, were they fuelled by their hunger rather than by their lust? By their… teeth and their rotted stomachs, rather than by their dicks? They were regular Tinkerbelles, capable only of containing one emotion at a time. And that emotion was hunger. A hunger so strong, it had to be an emotion. Maybe it was a lust – just a different kind of lust.
Whatever the case, Robin was grateful for the distraction. As much as his terror had him wanting to stay glued to his corner, he knew he had to keep searching for that manhole – the one that he had used to get in to this god forsaken place, and which he needed to find in order to get back out again. He’d circle the perimeter, and then work his way inward, he decided. He hadn’t done that yet. He hadn’t been thinking clearly.
With that in mind, the Writer inched out a little and peered around a set of empty shelving units. From the dim light that streamed in through the doorway, he could see a woman. A redhead, but the looks of it. A woman, who was about to go toe to toe with the zombie. Robin held his breath, and bolted for the wall along behind the registers, hoping not to be heard or seen. As soon as the battle began, if there was to be one, he would slide down that wall and toward the exit. At which point he would make his escape.
Re: Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 21:56
by Tate
She could remember the first time that she entered the quarantine zone without much thought. Alicia had so easily won their argument about whether or not to go because Tate had gotten tired of listening to her friend’s government conspiracy theories, and together, they had found a route through the sewers to get in. They had a bet going on. Alicia had bet that the military had been the cause that the people in the district had gotten ill. Tate had bet that it was a legitimate illness and that Alicia would be next. The remark had gotten her a punch in the shoulder, but she hadn’t minded it before her friend began to climb out.
It never occurred to her that they had actually put themselves in any danger as they entered the graveyard until the thing appeared, Alicia had screamed and it bit down on her throat, tearing it out. The blood had splashed across Tate’s skin as she screamed, she’d thrown her flashlight at it and its attention had went to her, and then the tiny ginger had ran. She had tripped, fallen, screamed. She’d cut her arm on a piece of broken gate – the scar still visible on a blank portion, thankfully, as she would have later been pissed off if her ink had been ruined. And then, after blacking out at some point, Tate had later awoken in the hospital.
After meeting Judas, then who was still Cai and himself, and getting turned, the petite woman had decided to become stronger – a task that was difficult, but she’d become excellent with both firearms and martial arts, and was well on her way to excelling in rituals. Because of it, Tate felt no worry as she entered the building, although she did lift her gaze to the bell and the clank automatically received a scowl. Lightly, she could hear the heartbeat off to the side and she pretended to ignore it, moving further inside before she let her bag slide off to the ground to where she would leave it beside the door. It would be easier to move around without it, really.
Tate could feel the weight of her gun and knife on her body, but left her hands free as she slipped her jacket off and waited a bit as footsteps shuffled towards her, the cloth being tossed to her bag until the zombie came into view. Heading towards it, she could feel the pull of anima moving through her muscles as she reached out to grip it by the collar and threw it into a nearby wall with a crunch resonating through the building. There was a moan, Tate waiting for it to get back up before she moved closer, her hands quickly reaching out to grasp behind its head and jaw before giving a sharp twist. At one point, she would have felt guilt, remorse, but as she collected one of the ears with her claw as her hand morphed automatically, Tate felt nothing. Letting her clawed hand return to normal, she tossed the ear back and forth in her hand for a moment before pitching it underhand in the direction where she could hear the heartbeat.
“You know, shouting out only draws attention to yourself.” The killer wiped off her hands on the black cloth of her jeans, her arms folding in front of her chest as she waited, her hazel eyes narrowing as if she were trying to see better in the poor lighting.
Re: Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 18 Mar 2015, 12:36
by Robin Little
The ear landed by Robin’s feet with slick, sticky sound and Robin cringed away from it, the expression of disgust etched very clearly into his rugged features. Not ruggedly handsome, really, but rugged like a wild mountainside. Untended to. Hair standing at odd angles and stubble that probably ought to be shaved otherwise he would soon start to look like a bit of a bum. The thick, dark-rimmed glasses were an indication that he was better-off than a bum, however. Glasses that, after this romp through zombie city, would probably be in dire need of a clean.
See, Robin hadn’t made out the door. Like someone who can’t help but watch a car crash unfold, he was glued to the spot as the girl had taken down that zombie like it was no struggle. Like it was an everyday occurrence. Here was Robin, running for his life, thinking they were death itself come to claim him, and she made it look so ******* easy. It stripped him of his masculinity, and he was forced to clear his throat. His ears burned, flushed with blood.
Except, Robin was savvy to the fact that vampires existed. Robin knew all about them, and having watched this red-head, in the light streaming through the grimy front door, tear an ear from a zombie with claws, which had then retracted, he knew without a doubt that she was not human. Not by a long shot. Which meant, perhaps, she was immune to a zombie’s bite. Robin himself was ignorant. What if it went down like it did in all those movies and shows and books? Just one bite, and he would be a zombie himself. It was within his best interests to stay away. He was not a vampire. He did not have the abilities that vampires had. There was no reason to be ashamed. Which is what he continued to tell himself.
Robin was probably in shadow, silhouetted by the light of the door that he was trying to escape through. He kept away from the open entrance, and any zombie that might come ambling toward the noise. It was otherwise quiet now, in the supermarket, aside from the thrum of his own heart which he could hear like a storm in his own ears. It was probably safer in here than it was outside. For now. Maybe. It wasn’t as if he feared getting bitten by vampires now, was it?
”I was frustrated,” he explained. Clearly. Why else would he shout?
”My phone is dead. I don’t know the way out. And I’m pretty sure I’m going to die,” he said. That was it, wasn’t it? There was a certainty there, somewhere, that he was very clearly running away from.
Re: Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 15:05
by Tate
Tate was aware of the man clearing his throat as she kept at her work, searching the zombie over for any sort of identification as strange as it sounded. She liked to know the victims of the government covering up the quarantine zone, so that she could at least give them some sort of a proper goodbye. She could have died here, like them, like Alicia. Melisande had, hadn’t she? Before she’d met Cai? The question went through her mind as she found an empty wallet with a faded picture inside it, followed by a lighter. She tested the other, tossing it aside and further into the supermarket as she found it to be useless.
The zombie had been that way for a while. She still didn’t understand who the hell thought it was a bright idea to put up an apartment building in the quarantine zone, anyway. Straightening up, Tate debated about going for the severed ear. She had actually expected him to run screaming, admittedly. Wasn’t that what any logical person would do? Scream, run and alert the authorities. She wiped her hands off on her jeans, tucking the faded picture away for later as she lifted her head and looked towards the shadows, at the silhouette as she tried to gauge his reaction.
She began to open her mouth to tell him to bring the ear over when he spoke, and she resisted the urge to snort. Frustrated? The retort she had didn't hesitate to slip past her pale lips. “Yes, because that’s entirely a valid reason to shout out in a place you don’t belong.”
She didn’t suppress the eye roll that followed her words. When he mentioned his phone being dead, she had to resist point out that the flats still ran off electricity. She was sure they had a phone in there somewhere, but this man was human. Considering he hadn’t attacked her yet, it was safe for her to assume that he wasn’t a Paladin, or if he was, that he didn’t recognize her, right?
“Well, death is inevitable. Can’t exactly say you won’t, I will too.”
Tate lifted her eyebrow, watching him. She wondered how much he had seen, what she should do. When it came to the masquerade, she was careful, but she was also just weary of Paladin. Sorcerers, she had found, could be tolerable in moderation. Then again, wasn’t everyone?
“If his phone is dead, he can’t get your picture. Unless he’s some sort of sketch artist, but even then, there’s a chance he could just get eaten out here like I did.”
Hazel eyes moved to the left, to where Alicia now stood. The once pretty woman had decided to appear at her worse, the crime scene photos that Tate had looked at while she was in the hospital. The grotesque imagery no longer phased her and Tate found herself scowling at the ghost. “Your opinion ain’t really asked for, Ali.” She shook her head and then looked back at the man. He probably was going to think she was psychotic. Fantastic. “You were the joke of the HR PD after you put in your report about a monster eating your friend.” She heard Alicia point out, to which Tate just snorted in response.
Rather than continue speaking to the man, however, she headed towards him and bent at the waist to collect her bag. She adjusted lightly to begin rifling through it, pulling out a disposable phone she’d found and ignored the amount of drying blood that clung to the underside, coating her pale fingertips as she held it out to him.
“It isn’t mine. Take it. Entrance to the sewer is only a few blocks away, just follow the buildings.”
Re: Brilliant [Open]
Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 12:04
by Robin Little
The entire situation was kind of surreal but then, knowing that vampires existed and willingly offering oneself up to be fed on wasn’t exactly kosher, either. Maybe the shock hadn’t quite set in; or maybe Robin thought that his fear was amusing. Something to be laughed at. His bad luck a simple stone to be tripped over. One of those times where you trip and you save yourself from face-planting. You think no one sees. But you don’t care if they did, because you’re laughing at yourself anyway. Because sometimes, bad luck can be funny. To some people. Robin was one of those people who thought bad luck was hilarious.
Of course, the way the red-head spoke to thin air did have Robin thinking he should back up just a little bit. Also given the fact she was probably a vampire, too. Right? It was a feeling Robin got. A sense of something different. Something not quite alive, but more alive than anything else. He tentatively reached forward to take the phone out of the girl’s hands, though he just stared at it before holding it out to give it back.
”I don’t know his number off by heart,” Robin said. Hell, he struggled to even remember his own number off by heart. Jamieson wasn’t any different. He could call some kind of directory or something, but knowing the way out was all that he needed. That was the only reason he’d have called Jamieson to begin with. To get help getting out. He cleared his throat.
”Follow the buildings?” he asked. He didn’t like to point it out, really, but as far as directions went, follow the buildings was kind of slightly very vague. ”Could you… I mean, do you mind showing me?” he asked. Maybe not the best idea to ask the crazy girl who likes to talk to invisible people to accompany him on a stroll through the city of the dead, but what other choice did he have?
And then, as an afterthought—because the words had niggled in his brain and it wouldn’t let them go—he asked: ”Where I don’t belong? What makes you say that, as if you do?”