Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780)
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Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780) »

The grey plumes of smoke twisted like an ethereal dragon into the air. The cigarette was held between two thin fingers; the evidence of a long and difficult day. The other hand clenched into a fist, squeezing out the cold that clung at his bare flesh. Beneath the starched white of his open Howie coat, his dark street clothes made his slight frame melt into an ambiguous blackness. He watched the smoke drift into the darkness of the sky with empty eyes – only 6pm and already looking like midnight. Bringing the cigarette to his lips again, he breathed in, paused, then casually exhaled a great cloud of smoke. He groaned, looking out to the horizon stained by city lights. It was pretty early still, but he’d felt like he was walking with iron boots on. His energy seemed to pool around his toes, draining the colour right out of him. He knew it was probably a bad idea to be smoking on the grounds of work like this, but it was pretty quiet around lately – save for the increased security, which was partly the cause of all the silence – and a part of him just didn’t give a damn, worrying too much about other things.

In the meantime Adrian finished what was left of the cigarette before tossing the remains onto the ground. He stomped on the struggling embers, pressing it down into the damp soil; grey smoke spewing past the sides of his boot. He could dimly hear the sounds of an approaching stranger, but he was too lost in his own head to really pay attention to it. Not to say that his body, on some instinctual level, didn't do so for him. Without realizing it, Adrian slid his hand quietly into the pocket of his coat, fingers gripping around cold metal; he had a penchant for taking items outside of the laboratory. It wasn't until he was addressed that he took the time to turn his green eyes on the newest intruder in his life.

“Hey there, can I borrow a cigarette?” the man asked, his accent sounding American.

Not really wanting to answer him – partly because the question was trivial – Adrian took his time in looking the other man over. He was taller than Adrian by about three inches and, despite the same starched coat covering him, Adrian could tell this man had an average, if not athletic build. The way he held himself suggested he had confidence, and he certainly had the looks to back it up. His hair reminded Adrian of the smoke from his cigarettes and his eyes – a clear ocean blue – told Adrian to be on guard. This man may have been older than him by a few years, but it was hard to tell. Caucasians did not tend to cling to youth quite as easily as he had done – no one had ever guessed his age correctly.

“So, can I?” the man asked once more when they were but a few feet apart.

Adrian failed to answer him in words, but passed the man a cigarette. If he was to say something, it would likely be an insult: one does not borrow a cigarette after all. Adrian felt it was better to keep his acerbic, perhaps racist, comments to himself.

“Thank you.”

The man didn’t waste any time in lighting the cigarette and breathing in the toxic gases; something that the two scientists should have known better than to do. Adrian eyed the other man warily, feeling somewhat imprisoned by his presence. It was as though this man had purposefully positioned himself between Adrian and the route back into the building. Adrian shifted to where he’d originally been facing and where the other man was currently looking: past the chain link fence and into the city beyond.

“You’re new here,” Adrian said after some silence; his voice a natural, deep baritone.

The man nodded his head slowly. “That’s right. I take it you actually work here?”


“For how long?”

“Two years.”

“Just after you graduated then?”

Adrian smirked to himself. “No.”


Another uncomfortable moment of silent rushed in.

“So,” the man said. “What department are you in?”


“Is that so? Does that mean you’ve had personal contact with the latest specimens?”

Two green eyes flicked across to the older gentleman. He wasn’t sure he trusted this stranger’s questions, let alone how interested he seemed in the answer. There had been a lot of controversy surrounding reporters and the government lately, reports of the dead returning to life, people going missing… Adrian had experienced some strange happenings himself, but knew it was far safer for him to play dumb than to reveal whatever little he knew. Adrian had been in Harper Rock for little over two years, so he knew to be wary of new faces. He decided it was better to say nothing and feigned checking a watch he didn’t own just for an excuse to leave.

“I should get back to work actually,” Adrian told him.

The man gave a wave after Adrian had slipped around him; Adrian smiled vacantly and headed toward the building. After an hour at his desk, he’d forgotten all about the strange man and little more than an hour after that he was ready to finish up for the night. With hands dug deep into the pockets of his over coat and head down to avoid much of the icy air, Adrian marched out into the streets in the direction of home. There was little need to pause and smell the roses – such things would be sleeping in this hour – and he certainly didn’t want to draw attention to himself. Being still rather early and with clubs, bars and restaurants receiving their regular influx of custom, Adrian felt fairly safe walking on his own. It was only when he reached the quieter backstreets that he started to worry and pick up the pace.

Adrian was light and nimble on his feet, but every step was too careful, making him flinch at the slightest sound. When a sharp clang echoed out of the alleyway across the street, it tore his attention away from the path ahead. It was probably nothing, just a cat knocking over a garbage can, but the distraction had cost him. Adrian was plucked from the open streets with such powerful arms that it made him feel like a mouse to an owl. One arm tightened around his throat, trapping his windpipe between bicep and forearm; the wool of his attacker’s jumper scratched like metal on his skin. Even if he were the type to shout or scream, he couldn’t, he could barely catch his breath.

Tension sang along his spine, but Adrian remained calm – as calm as he could, considering. The pressure lifted as his aggressor shifted to run a hand along Adrian’s sides and over his pockets; like he was searching for something. Although he’d never been mugged before, this did not feel like such an incident. The attacker – most definitely a man judging by the size and strength of him – moved with purpose and as he focused on looking for that specific something, Adrian did his best to absorb what little information was available to him.

Despite the veiling darkness, it became immediately obvious that he’d been dragged into an alleyway. On one side of the building a ladder leading to a fire escape hung loosely in the air as if awaiting the next daring plunge to freedom, below, a row of trash bins lined the slick wall that made up the rest of what was visible. On the other side, graffiti stained the old brickwork of a building. The air brought new scents; the vinegary scent of cologne and the char and tang of tobacco. Adrian frowned, and then came the sound of footsteps, quick and somewhat clumsy, edging closer and closer to the alley’s narrow mouth. This could be really good or really, really bad…
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Nirmala (DELETED 5886)
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Nirmala (DELETED 5886) »

"I guess we'll just have to see, huh?"

"But you still haven't told me what it means," insisted the hockey center. He was named Robert, something she had learned earlier in the night when he'd sent her a drink from the bar that she refused to drink. It was laughable for someone to accept drinks from a stranger. Rape date drugs, among other things, made her extremely cautious in those regards despite her outwardly appearance of being carefree and neglectful of her own security.

Nirmala Adriyanti laughed. It was a melodious sound. Maybe her singing voice would never earn her a spot on the Billboard top 100, but if there were charts for the pleasantries of laughing, surely her name would have popped up once or twice, repeatedly even, for its sweet sweet sound. Full of life and fervor. It carried her close to his face. Or maybe that was him, seeing as how he had reached out and pulled he from the small of her back into his lap. She allowed the motion, but there was no extra cushiony goodness given on her part. The young woman could plat the role of flirtatious dame well enough, though.

"I will tell you what it means." She pulled back for a moment, making it look as if she had perhaps changed her mind last minute on some devilish whim, and yet right back in she moved. For the kill, surely. Her lips caught the breath of the man she'd only met a few hours before and twisted it about in her own lungs to supply him a response. "It means...You can see me in your dreams."

Laughter ensued anew. As she danced her way from the golden-haired man and the crowded table of his fellow self-proclaimed sons of Adonis, otherwise referred to as his teammates, she wondered how he could possibly think he was getting lucky tonight. As if she could believe such a thing. She was no simple-minded female driven solely by the pummel of a heart in her chest at the sight of any muscle-wielding man. No, she desired more. Above all, she desired culture, and none of those narcissistic simpletons had a lick of it. The Canadians might have praised the art of shooting around a tiny little black piece of hardened rubber, but there were things more incredible in life than that, and Nirmala was the sort of person who would seek those things out.

"She got you right good, man."

"Oh shut up, Derrick," said her lover-wannabe as he pushed in irritation at his friend's shoulder.

"And after all that romantic build-up you did. Bummer." Better luck next time, and with someone who might actually fall for his suave cheap talk.

The conversation faded to black in her mind as deft feet carried her across the shadowy room, everything from dodging drunken bodies to chairs carelessly shoved out at the most inconvenient time to trays of appetizers and alcohol seeming to float from the kitchen to their destined party. It looked like a good time to get back to the university grounds. By now her smothering hall neighbor should have retired to bed. He was always so serious about keeping a strict sleeping routine. While she could understand the benefits, it just wasn't a practical application in her eyes. But the knowledge of his quirky habit did come in handy when she wanted to just avoid him altogether. Like tonight. There were only so many times she could politely explain the reasons she wasn't interested in being in a physical relationship with him before the levee finally broke.

In a weird way she was sort of grateful for her almost stalker that lived two doors down. If it wasn't for his incessant need to try and bed her in spite of her aforementioned countless rejectory conversations with him, she probably would have stayed in writing emails to her mother instead of getting out for some much needed fun. The emails were going to get written either way; it was just something she did on a daily basis. An almost daily basis anyway. But getting out to explore the city was exciting. How could one not know about the place they lived? She had to get out and get down and dirty with the locals in all of their favorite hangouts in order to feel like she was actually experiencing something specific to that region.

So she danced for a while longer, only partially oblivious to the eyes stuck on her body. They'd better stare while they could, because once she stepped outside it was nothing but layer after layer over her limber frame. She hadn't been born to survive in the cold, and while it didn't always affect her right away, she knew better than to go out in below freezing temperatures wearing a typical Ardiyanti wardrobe. Belly shirts, dresses with no backs, gladiator sandals, silk skirts. It was a Canadian winter nightmare. So to compromise, she was usually seen toting around a messenger bag that screamed hippie, stuffed with extra layers of whatever she thought she might need. Tonight she had been smart enough to stick to the stereotypical bohemian princess thing, armed for cold weather, of course.

When she made it past the door and back out into the chilled night air, a gloved hand that neglected the fingers pulled up a heavy grey scarf to her mouth. A trick she learned her first night here. It was so much easier to breath when such cold air was filtered through already warm breath; didn't hurt the throat as much.

She walked aimlessly down the streets, guided by nothing more than her own adventurous craving for something exciting. It would take her a few minutes to even the reach the station and the thought of having to sit on a cold metal bench while she waited for the next round to take her back to Newborough was unappealing. If she was going to be cold she was going to be cold while doing something that wasn't boring. That was what set her to walking down block after block. Then it happened.

Nirmala froze at the sound of something clattering nearby. The sound had slammed into the quiet around this part of the city and shattered it much in the same way it had destroyed her happy thoughts. All at once the woman had been switched into some giddy little girl high on life's slummy offerings to an alert vigilante. The rumors here, she was more than certain, were anything but rumors. It was time to be on guard. No, she thought, it was time to figure out what had caused that noise. It didn't sound like the accident of a rustling stray. There were no voices arguing over the frost that lapped at her knuckles. Without thinking, her feet stepped. Again and again. Nirmala was checking every alleyway she came across.

In the depths of her shouldered bag, that shrill little ringtone designated for her mother alerted anyone and everyone in the area to her position as she stepped into the opening of the next alley on the block. Every detail about her was hidden in black with the streetlight from across the asphalt aiming at her back. The electronic diddy was ignored, though some part of her deep inside was subconsciously raging at such horrible timing. She squinted. There were people down there. Or maybe just one person. It was hard to tell and she didn't want to sound stupid by asking something like that. With one foot forward, Nir called out carefully to the shapes in the dark.

"Is everything okay down there?"
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Tiamat »

Long black hair cascaded down slender shoulders. A zipped up leather coat covered a lace crop top. A small diamond pendant hung from her neck, and her diamond engagement ring adorned her finger. Black leather pants covering toned legs, and a pair of heeled boots rounded out the rest of Tiamat’s attire. She wore just enough make up to make her black eyes stand out. Her lips were painted in a light pink hue.
Joe was off gathering more pieces for experimentation in the ganglands, the dog was back in the apartment, and Tiamat had nothing else to do while she waited for some other deliveries, mainly a collection of box jellies. She had been debating gathering some of more venomous snakes, but finding a supplier who didn’t ask questions had been proving more difficult than first anticipated. So for the time being, she made due with her current set of envenomed nail polishes. Tonight though, she opted for a normal store bought brand of pink polish to fit her lipstick.

The cold air felt good as Tiamat took a stroll down various city streets. She needed a slight break from her every day activities. She was selling her custom made guns, driving the IT department in businesses nuts, or working the books at the restaurant. Tonight, she was going for a walk. She wanted to clear her head. Especially after the party that she had been talked into going to some time back. That was a disaster, and a reminder why she never bothered to do anything but work.

She wove through the meager crowds of people that were traveling from one bar to another in search of a constant state of drunkenness. She used to the bar hopping thing, however that got old quickly. There’s only so many young drunks that one could deal with. Also, she had plans to attend to. Plans which got sidetracked at the request of her fiancée. The world was spinning into a new year, and that meant a new chance.

She passed by an alley and heard what sounded like a scuffle. She paused briefly observe what appeared to be a mugging. A phone went off in the distance she glanced over to the shadows and raised an eyebrow before blatantly ignoring the form and voice in the shadows. She did a quick check to ensure that both Chaos and Discord were stowed on her person. With a slight smirk she headed off to the alley where the two men were.

“Hello boys, I know I’m intruding on your intimate time, wouldn’t it be far more to play with me, than what you’re currently doing now,” she whispered out as her slender fingers slowly unzipped her black jacket. A sensual looking action, that served to allow an easier access to the pair of small arms hidden in the custom holsters within her coat.
Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780)
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780) »

The grip on his neck tightened. With the assistance of some forearm, he was nearly lifted to his toes. From this he could tell that his assailant was taller than him and agitated by the sudden company of footsteps, not to mention the sound of a mobile phone. The man’s feet shuffled back shortly, dragging Adrian back with him as he took in the appearance of one stranger and then another in the maw of the alleyway. Adrian had noticed them too, despite his head being forced back over the attacker’s shoulder. He couldn’t get a good look though. His eyes narrowed, vainly attempting to bolster the information provided by his ears as they both spoke – apparently oblivious to each other – but all he could make out was an odd blot of darkness where the strangers were. He wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the ouroboros shape writhing in the darkness up ahead, but his instincts told him that there were two people now and that regardless of their presence, he was still in immediate danger.

The man’s movements became more desperate upon seeing the intruders in the maw of the alleyway and his actions quickened. Probably deciding that anything was better than nothing, he dipped a forceful hand into Adrian’s trouser pocket and made a grab for his phone. Adrian remained in place, deep rooted in place. His fingers twitched lazily one at a time; it started on his right pinkie and followed along the trail to his left. The countdown to the fallout had begun. Adrian didn’t know what to expect, but he felt the man’s heart beating sharply against his chest like a woodpecker drilling for food. Adrian found himself losing his temper with his attacker, deciding that now was just as good as any time for him to make a bold move. With the man distracted, it didn’t take much to wedge both of his arms at an angle in between them, and by the time his attacker knew what was happening, Adrian had managed to slip free. He might have been out of contact with the other man, but that didn’t mean that he was out of danger.

Fearing that Adrian, or perhaps the two strangers ahead might make a move toward him, the man gave Adrian a shove. He staggered forward, forgetting his balance, stumbling awkwardly into the path of the strangers. His attacker, meanwhile, was making a run for it in the opposite direction.
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Nirmala (DELETED 5886)
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Nirmala (DELETED 5886) »

First and foremost, Nirmala was left blinking at the strange woman who just waltzed up in front of her like she owned the place. It was possible she knew one of the men, more the likely the guy getting mugged. Or was he getting...actually, it was hard for Nir to get a clear picture on just what was happening, and with the arrival of this not-so-suave lady it was getting harder and harder to understand the situation. But luck seemed to be on her side somewhat as the victim was thrust forward toward the pavement. Her eyes darted across the scene in an attempt to gather much useful information as she could. Silhouettes, voice descriptions, anything at all that would help. Even knowing the clothing they had on could be a cue, the way they moved their bodies. But she didn't have much time, because as the man who was mugged began to stumble forward, his attacker decided to take his chance fleeing. She could only hope that this other person would run off to grab him. She seemed like the type that liked to get into fights anyway. Nirmala, on the other hand, had something else to worry about.

As quickly as her body would allow her to, the dancer darted forward across the asphalt and reached out to grab the man that had been in the middle of ....whatever had just happened. She patted him carefully, checking for any serious injuries, doing the same observational overlook she had done only seconds before. He was stunning visually, something that took her off balance for a second. "Are you hurt? Do- do you know that man?" Her shoulder dropped forward in a rush so that her bag flopped to the ground. She started rummaging about for her cell phone, glad to have it now. "I should call the police. Is that okay with you?" She wasn't sure she wanted to call them, what with the possibility of this being more than just a human on human assault, but if this guy was one of those who didn't know any better, calling the police would be the most normal and expected thing in the world to do. Her fingers had the numbers punched in on the screen, ready to go if he gave the signal for it.

Still down on her knees next to the man, she looked up at the other female, head tilting in curiosity.
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Tiamat »

The larger man took off down the alley at a full run. A sigh escaped the lips of the raven-haired woman as her hand removed her pistol from its holster. Engraved down the length of the dark barrel was one word, “Discord.” Tiamat turned to the back of the would-be robber and raised her arm, aiming Discord at him. There was a flash of light from the end of the muzzle as the sound thunder split the alley way’s silence. A Scream quickly followed as the man fell to the ground clutching at his right leg.

“Well, I really need to practice again,” Tiamat purred as she slowly walked to her victim, “I was aiming for your spine my dear.” She knelt down next. She slowly ran her finger tips up the man’s thigh to the bullet wound before pressing a painted finger into the hole near his knee. The man let out another blood curdling scream as the woman played with his wound. “P…p…please Lady, don’t hurt me no more,” he stammered out through his pain.

“Well, well, you’ve heard that song have you?” She smiled slightly as she dug at the bullet wound harder. She couldn’t help but grin at the man’s screams. She looked at his tear stained face and smiled warmly at him. “You poor, poor thing has the pain become too much for you?” Tiamat pulled her finger from the bullet wound slowly. “Shall I ease your pain my dear,” she questioned before her blood soaked finger painted her lips crimson. She leaned down and gently placed a kiss on the man’s forehead before standing to her feet and pointing the gun. Three consecutive shots rang out in the night as the man twitched with each impact.

Tiamat turned away from the man as he lay in a pool of his blood, slowly dying. She slowly approached the pair on the ground. She replaced Discord back into its holster and zipped her jacket back up. The light from the street caused her normally black eyes to appear silver. She cast a glance back then returned her gaze to the others. “You could call the police if you wish, I don’t see our new friend being all that chatty though.”
Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780)
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780) »

Adrian wasn’t expecting to meet the ground because he was working out his own balance. He skipped forward, trying to get his footing, thrusting one leg out and leaving the other a step behind and swinging his weight to help him come to a stop. His actions were intercepted, however, by one of the strangers. Adrian didn’t fight her off – he’d quickly learned that these two strangers were female and rather doubted that they meant him any harm. The woman that moved toward him seemed gentle, catching him as if he was something precious. Since she’d helped him to avoid meeting the floor, he looked up to her and gave her a slight smile as well as a firm nod of gratitude. Long brown hair poured over her features, dulled already by the light streaming in behind her, but he could see compassion in her eyes nevertheless. She patted him down to check for injuries and he almost laughed at her, taking hold of her wrists softly to look into deep brown eyes with a smile.

“I’m fine,” he told her in a low ethereal voice, but she didn’t seem convinced.

The woman reached into her bag for her phone, telling him she was going to call the police and asking him again if he was hurt. Adrian would have answered her, but he was struck by lightning. Light and sound perforated his senses and he flinched, turning his back toward it and creating a shelter over the woman which had helped him. When he felt confident that they weren’t the ones under fire, dazzled green eyes searched the darkness for a sign of what had happened. The other woman, he had noted fairly instantaneously, had taken off. He heard her footsteps moving away from them, in the direction of his attacker. There were some strange sounds as well then, something akin to screaming, which caused him to throw a look over his shoulder. Adrian saw a body on the ground, the sounds of a man screaming started to make sense, and even if he couldn’t see what the other woman was up to, he knew he didn’t like it. Turning his attention back to the first stranger, he wore a stern look and gripped her arm.

“We should—,” he began, but stopped.

Logically speaking, he couldn’t be certain that these women weren’t connected. If he expressed his suspicions to the one, maybe he would be at equal risk of receiving a bullet. Adrian removed his hands from her and stepped back to create some distance. He wasn’t about to do something stupid and bolt. Three more shots rang in the night and Adrian did his best not to show his disgust, making his features turn cold and doll-like. When the second woman returned, Adrian avoided eye contact, but looked her over; disguising the action with a push of jet black hair over his ear. He noted some features, things he could use in case he needed to make some kind of a statement later, but he didn’t want to make it look obvious. Her gloating did nothing positive for his impression of her and since it seemed she was addressing the other female, Adrian neglected to make a comment.
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Nirmala (DELETED 5886)
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Nirmala (DELETED 5886) »

A quick look to the hands holding her wrists and Nirmala blinked, eyes shifting rather abruptly between the pair of hands and this man's face. It was the way he treated her so carefully even going through an attack the way he just had that made her heart beat in a different way, if only for a second. It really had nothing at all to do with those pretty green eyes or the delicate features she saw there. He said he was fine, but shouldn't she be sure? Maybe he was in shock and didn't know how he really felt. She almost felt guilty for thinking that he might not be able to take care of himself, because she would have been angry for someone else to treat her that way.

Nevertheless, she had the numbers ready to go. But her fingers slipped away, phone falling out of her hand and onto the pavement, nestled seamlessly in the strap of her bag, hidden there. She herself seemed cradled against this person she only just met, though to say they had met was really stretching it. For half a second she seemed scared that if she opened her eyes there would be nothing but a bright light telling her that the end of days had finally come, she was no longer on Earth but in the after life. But with a heartbeat as strong and loud and stubborn as hers, there was no way she couldn't crack those dark eyes open and peek out from under the cover of her would-be hero. It wasn't them that were under fire, but that didn't make the situation any less dire. The screaming was of pain, of someone being tortured, of brutality on exhibition, and adrenaline was working its way up through her veins slowly.

It wasn't her fault that she gave a start as the man beside her took a grip much more firm than his previous one. “We should—" He had stopped. She agreed wholeheartedly on the fact that they needed to get out of there as fast as they could, but before Nirmala could urge the man to finish putting his thought into words or even utter an opinion of her own, he was creating space between their bodies. That was more of an acceptable and understandable reaction than his previous gentle nature toward her, but somehow it left the woman with a confused look, albeit one that didn't last long seeing as how confusion morphed into trepidation rather quickly as the nearly-emptied streets echoed with gunfire once more. It was like metal being slammed down over and over from a trash compactor, and she thanked her stars they were outside for it. The gun's owner was already on her way back, no doubt to claim some sort of appreciation for saving the night, or worse she thought.

As she approached, Nirmala pushed herself up onto her feet into a stance that clearly said she was more than just a music major at Harper Rock University. Perception in full swing, those silver eyes didn't get past her. Everything about this other female was one huge red flag. From her pompous self-confidence and lack of restraint to her belittling aura, something seemed to scream to Nir to get ready to fight. Or run, but she tended to ignore that part of the survival saying. And let's face it, what idiot would just walk up and shoot someone in front of two other people that they didn't even know? Psychopath was pretty high on the list of things this lady could have been.

"I guess he can't really say much now that you've went and killed him." Honestly there was a sort of challenge in her tone. She was almost daring the woman to try and justify that man's murder. Whether he had attacked someone or not, it was hardly her place to dish out justice. "Whether I call the police or not, someone will find his body. And then what?"

Not one to back down, the Indonesian woman stood her ground, waiting to see what would happen next. Little did any of them know that those three numbers she had punched in on her phone had went through and connected when her fingers slipped before. Still tucked away under the strap of her bag, just under her feet as they stood at shoulder length apart, the line had connected to the local police station and everything they said was being heard.
DB: Myk
Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780)
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Re: Stacked Rubbish and Dim [Open]

Post by Adrian Yoshida (DELETED 5780) »

As the females engaged in combative communication, Adrian decided that this would be his cue to leave them. He’d had enough violence for one night and certainly didn’t want to be on the receiving end of a bullet like the previous male. Granted, Adrian hadn’t done anything to deserve being shot, but he hadn’t believed his attacker had deserved to die either. This woman clearly didn’t value life, judging petty crimes to be worthy of torture and death. Perhaps slipping away from her wasn’t the best idea in light of the evidence before him, but neither could Adrian justify standing around waiting to be pulled on a crime of her imagining. When the woman beside him began to talk about police, Adrian knew that this would be his perfect opportunity to escape. That volatile word in such a volatile situation was sure to keep them both distracted, so Adrian – slowly but surely – began to move out of the darkness of the alleyway. Being not far from the entrance, it only took a few backward steps for him to break back into the streets and at that point he turned the corner swiftly and made a bolt for it.

Of course it wasn’t his best plan, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Running from the scene of a crime, indeed running from a gun-toting psychopath, wasn’t an inspired idea, but it was all he could do. He couldn’t engage with these women and he wasn’t about to. Despite his training in self-defence, Adrian didn’t like violence. Even when the man had been squeezing the life out of him, Adrian had done little to respond. He didn’t feel like he was in danger until the two women had shown their faces and since he still felt that way, he felt he had to make a run for it. Adrian didn’t know how far he was going to get before the crazy woman was on his tail or had started shooting at him, but he made it to the end of the street before he stopped. Guilt settled on top of his lungs making it difficult to catch his breath and he turned back to face the way he’d came to assess the situation. He felt awful, like he was about to vomit. He arched over to try and catch his breath, to still the awful churning in his stomach. Tears were threatening the corners of his eyes and he looked up through the haze to the streets ahead of him.

“****,” he wheezed through gritted teeth.

Adrian had realised what he’d done too late. He had left the lady – who seemed innocent in hindsight –to fend for herself against the gun-toting psycho. But what could he do about it now? He’d already made his choice and had scarpered like a coward... Sure, he didn’t know what each woman’s intentions truly was, but was that really a good reason to leave them to settle their differences alone? Adrian took a deep breath and stood straight once more. He hadn’t decided to go back exactly and neither had he decided to continue running. The only plan that would possibly relieve his guilt and keep him bullet-free seemed to be to contact the authorities himself. Adrian reached inside his trouser pocket for his phone, but quickly came up empty. Frowning at the worsening predicament, it became obvious that the man must have taken it or it had been lost to the alleyway in the struggle. Again, Adrian didn’t know what to do. Should he leave his phone in the hands of a murdered man, leading the authorities to him? Should he go back for his phone and risk leaving his prints on the murdered man and risk putting himself back in the path of bullets? Indecision turned his legs to stone…
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