Candy canes and silver bells (Temperance Avila)
Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 19:07
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
(Temperance Avila): Temperance finished bringing the last christmas box in from her apartment to the one they shared in Ivy. Ten boxes total of decorations, lights, garland, ornaments, stockings. Ready to be dusted, primped, and set out for the season. The two had a lot of work ahead, but it would be done before Christmas.
(Zodiac): Outside of the Bluffs, Zodiac stacked a couple boxes onto a handcart from her mini bus and made her way down the main hall to her place. She paused at the door and hung the festive wreath up for all who walked these halls to see, then let herself in.
(Temperance Avila): As the door opened, she looked up. There were not many that had a key to the home and only one would be entering with clattering wheelcart in tow. The allurist grinned. ”Evening, darling.” She brushed dusty palms against the side of her jeans. ”I think this is all of the boxes.”
(Zodiac): ”Well hi there,” her thoughts caressed Tempy’s as she smiled. She let the cart sit and closed the door behind her. ”And I just got the new stuff over, so we should be good to go.” The gypsy approached the woman and hugged her before placing a kiss upon her cheek.
(Temperance Avila): She wrapped arms around her frame tightly for a squish. ”Fantastic. Now which should we start with. Lights, decorations, or… what time is it? Do you suppose the tree yards are still open?” With winter starting off bitter cold she had already traded in her normal dresses for a more winter-like outfit of caramel colored boots, soft denim jeans, gray star scarf, light scoop necked sweater and dress coat.
(Zodiac): A quick glance at her watch and she nodded. ”I don’t see why not. One of them should be. We can drive to several if needed. I just hope someone delivers.” The idea of the pair of them trying to wrassle a tree down from the top of the bus to carry inside was not on the list of things she could not wait to do. She adjusted her violet cloak with white fur trim and slipped the hood back over her head and grabbed her purse.
(Temperance Avila): ”Perfect.” Temperance could not image trying to haul in a tree on their own. Though their strange vampiric strength could come in handy. She grinned to herself while grabbing a warmer coat from the closet. She slipped into it’s navy blue material and fastened the belt. Her wallet and phone tucked inside its pockets. ”Do you think there is one in this town or the next over?” She had not really paid attention to any signs for Christmas tree lots as she normally used the ability of celerity to get everywhere.
(Zodiac): ”I say we try around the malls first. Usually that’s where they set up something like that. Where all the people traffic is. My best guess anyways.” The mystic slipped on her gloves and opened the door for Tempy.
(Temperance Avila): The women grinned, paused at the door and kissed Angela forehead before walking out the door. ”Honeymead Market is not far.” She added in the walk out the Ivy Bluffs building. She tucked the collar of her coat up against the back of her shorter locks to hide from the few cool breezes.
(Zodiac): She locked the door and followed. ”I am bad. I have not paid attention if anyone had a ‘tree for sale’ going on there. Been too busy in and out of the shops.” She admitted as she unlocked the mini bus and climbed in. The rebuilt relic turned over easy and purred while she put the heat up to full.
(Temperance Avila): ”Neither have I, I’ve not been shopping much to find them. I think we have everything aside from a tree?” She thought about the various boxes. ”Funny, you’d think we might have a small tree in some of those. Sooo many boxes for this time of year, but I like the festive look.”
(Zodiac): ”I’ve thought about getting a faux tree,” she admitted as she back the VW out of her parking place. ”But so much of the holidays is plastic and fake as it is without pre-decorated, pre-lit, pre-colored just open it up and plug it in trees as well. Yeah, you got to keep cleaning up around them, but at least they are real.” she turned North from the apartments and headed to the marketplace.
(Temperance Avila): She chuckled staring out the window of the van. ”To be honest, I’d not have any different than a real tree. I prefer the strong musty smell of pine. Growing up we had a few fake trees. I’d trim it with acorns from the yard and sprinkle pine incense on them. There’s nothing else like it.” She thought for a moment, ”Well and of course freshly baked Christmas sugar cookies.”
(Zodiac): ”When I was a kid, we collected pine cones. Roll them in glitter and use them as ornaments. Even the wreath I put up on the door is real.” She smiled in reflection as they drove along. ”Cookies? Agggh! Remind me to bop you later. I so loved baking things. Almost as much as eating them. Of course, I can’t do the eating part now, but the smells are to die for.”
(Temperance Avila): Laughs, ”Only if we make cookies shaped as trees with green frosting and little sugar beads! Oh look, a tree lot!” Temperance was a bit giddy now, to find their perfect tree.
(Zodiac): ”Holy crap! I drive by here twice a night and I missed that?” she turned the VW into the lot and sat the brake and looked over the rows of evergreens lined up like used cars. ”Well, we best get started then.”
(Temperance Avila): She fastened the belt on her coat and smoothed the material stepping down out of the vehicle and onto a pile of dreary earth and dead leaves. ”Sure wish we had snow though.” Temperance made way over to Zodiac and into the tree lot.
(Zodiac): ”Yes, I agree. See them all dolled up and then decide which is proper.” she slipped her arm around Tempy’s and followed her into the lot.
(Temperance Avila): ” So what kind of tree do you like and how tall? I know I like the blue spruces but also prefer pine needles that are softer and not so sharp?
(Zodiac): Personally, to the gypsy, a tree was a tree. She had always made do when growing up with what was around her, so she had never really considered the differences between types. ”Well, tall enough to look good, but not so tall we need an extension ladder to reach the top of it.”
(Temperance Avila): ”Sounds good to me.” She replied and started down the rows of the fuller trees. ”Something not tooo thin either. I love the ones we can weave the lights into and enough heavy branches for ornaments.”
(Zodiac): ”Right. A fat tree is good,” she agreed.
(Temperance Avila): She laughed. ”Okay, that one? What’s the tag say?”
(Zodiac): She inspected the tag and blinked. ”If I am reading this right, this clown wants 50 dollars for it.”
(Temperance Avila): “Only fifty?” Temperance took a step back to admire the green prickle pine branches. Weighing the smallest infraction that could drop the cost down some. They had glanced at many trees to be honest, even in passing as there were so many lined in rows, some already squished into string bags of their own with reserved tags for shoppers. The allurist knew they could get a decent sale, being this close to Christmas and this many trees left to sell. ”The branches are evenly fluffed and there are not many holes to contend with or flat sides.” She continued to inspect the tree. ” And.. less sap then some of the others we have seen. We’ve paid for relics more than this, in fact you’ve sold relics for higher.” she joked to Angela. Temperance was not adamant about ripping people off or being ripped off herself, but she knew some folks did what they did to make ends meet at their standards. ”I’m sure still we can get a deal even if a few dollars.”
(Zodiac): She nodded in understanding. ”It is a cute chubby one,” she admitted. ”And sometimes my ‘alive’ views cross into my ‘now’ views is all. Fifty bucks for a dying tree? When I was alive I would be ‘It best sing, dance and decorate itself for that kind of money’. Fifty bucks is a lot when you don’t have it.” she shrugged. ”But that was then and this is now. Let’s get it, but ask him if they deliver, please.”
(Temperance Avila): Temperance finished bringing the last christmas box in from her apartment to the one they shared in Ivy. Ten boxes total of decorations, lights, garland, ornaments, stockings. Ready to be dusted, primped, and set out for the season. The two had a lot of work ahead, but it would be done before Christmas.
(Zodiac): Outside of the Bluffs, Zodiac stacked a couple boxes onto a handcart from her mini bus and made her way down the main hall to her place. She paused at the door and hung the festive wreath up for all who walked these halls to see, then let herself in.

(Zodiac): ”Well hi there,” her thoughts caressed Tempy’s as she smiled. She let the cart sit and closed the door behind her. ”And I just got the new stuff over, so we should be good to go.” The gypsy approached the woman and hugged her before placing a kiss upon her cheek.
(Temperance Avila): She wrapped arms around her frame tightly for a squish. ”Fantastic. Now which should we start with. Lights, decorations, or… what time is it? Do you suppose the tree yards are still open?” With winter starting off bitter cold she had already traded in her normal dresses for a more winter-like outfit of caramel colored boots, soft denim jeans, gray star scarf, light scoop necked sweater and dress coat.
(Zodiac): A quick glance at her watch and she nodded. ”I don’t see why not. One of them should be. We can drive to several if needed. I just hope someone delivers.” The idea of the pair of them trying to wrassle a tree down from the top of the bus to carry inside was not on the list of things she could not wait to do. She adjusted her violet cloak with white fur trim and slipped the hood back over her head and grabbed her purse.
(Temperance Avila): ”Perfect.” Temperance could not image trying to haul in a tree on their own. Though their strange vampiric strength could come in handy. She grinned to herself while grabbing a warmer coat from the closet. She slipped into it’s navy blue material and fastened the belt. Her wallet and phone tucked inside its pockets. ”Do you think there is one in this town or the next over?” She had not really paid attention to any signs for Christmas tree lots as she normally used the ability of celerity to get everywhere.
(Zodiac): ”I say we try around the malls first. Usually that’s where they set up something like that. Where all the people traffic is. My best guess anyways.” The mystic slipped on her gloves and opened the door for Tempy.
(Temperance Avila): The women grinned, paused at the door and kissed Angela forehead before walking out the door. ”Honeymead Market is not far.” She added in the walk out the Ivy Bluffs building. She tucked the collar of her coat up against the back of her shorter locks to hide from the few cool breezes.
(Zodiac): She locked the door and followed. ”I am bad. I have not paid attention if anyone had a ‘tree for sale’ going on there. Been too busy in and out of the shops.” She admitted as she unlocked the mini bus and climbed in. The rebuilt relic turned over easy and purred while she put the heat up to full.
(Temperance Avila): ”Neither have I, I’ve not been shopping much to find them. I think we have everything aside from a tree?” She thought about the various boxes. ”Funny, you’d think we might have a small tree in some of those. Sooo many boxes for this time of year, but I like the festive look.”
(Zodiac): ”I’ve thought about getting a faux tree,” she admitted as she back the VW out of her parking place. ”But so much of the holidays is plastic and fake as it is without pre-decorated, pre-lit, pre-colored just open it up and plug it in trees as well. Yeah, you got to keep cleaning up around them, but at least they are real.” she turned North from the apartments and headed to the marketplace.
(Temperance Avila): She chuckled staring out the window of the van. ”To be honest, I’d not have any different than a real tree. I prefer the strong musty smell of pine. Growing up we had a few fake trees. I’d trim it with acorns from the yard and sprinkle pine incense on them. There’s nothing else like it.” She thought for a moment, ”Well and of course freshly baked Christmas sugar cookies.”
(Zodiac): ”When I was a kid, we collected pine cones. Roll them in glitter and use them as ornaments. Even the wreath I put up on the door is real.” She smiled in reflection as they drove along. ”Cookies? Agggh! Remind me to bop you later. I so loved baking things. Almost as much as eating them. Of course, I can’t do the eating part now, but the smells are to die for.”
(Temperance Avila): Laughs, ”Only if we make cookies shaped as trees with green frosting and little sugar beads! Oh look, a tree lot!” Temperance was a bit giddy now, to find their perfect tree.
(Zodiac): ”Holy crap! I drive by here twice a night and I missed that?” she turned the VW into the lot and sat the brake and looked over the rows of evergreens lined up like used cars. ”Well, we best get started then.”
(Temperance Avila): She fastened the belt on her coat and smoothed the material stepping down out of the vehicle and onto a pile of dreary earth and dead leaves. ”Sure wish we had snow though.” Temperance made way over to Zodiac and into the tree lot.
(Zodiac): ”Yes, I agree. See them all dolled up and then decide which is proper.” she slipped her arm around Tempy’s and followed her into the lot.
(Temperance Avila): ” So what kind of tree do you like and how tall? I know I like the blue spruces but also prefer pine needles that are softer and not so sharp?
(Zodiac): Personally, to the gypsy, a tree was a tree. She had always made do when growing up with what was around her, so she had never really considered the differences between types. ”Well, tall enough to look good, but not so tall we need an extension ladder to reach the top of it.”
(Temperance Avila): ”Sounds good to me.” She replied and started down the rows of the fuller trees. ”Something not tooo thin either. I love the ones we can weave the lights into and enough heavy branches for ornaments.”
(Zodiac): ”Right. A fat tree is good,” she agreed.
(Temperance Avila): She laughed. ”Okay, that one? What’s the tag say?”
(Zodiac): She inspected the tag and blinked. ”If I am reading this right, this clown wants 50 dollars for it.”
(Temperance Avila): “Only fifty?” Temperance took a step back to admire the green prickle pine branches. Weighing the smallest infraction that could drop the cost down some. They had glanced at many trees to be honest, even in passing as there were so many lined in rows, some already squished into string bags of their own with reserved tags for shoppers. The allurist knew they could get a decent sale, being this close to Christmas and this many trees left to sell. ”The branches are evenly fluffed and there are not many holes to contend with or flat sides.” She continued to inspect the tree. ” And.. less sap then some of the others we have seen. We’ve paid for relics more than this, in fact you’ve sold relics for higher.” she joked to Angela. Temperance was not adamant about ripping people off or being ripped off herself, but she knew some folks did what they did to make ends meet at their standards. ”I’m sure still we can get a deal even if a few dollars.”
(Zodiac): She nodded in understanding. ”It is a cute chubby one,” she admitted. ”And sometimes my ‘alive’ views cross into my ‘now’ views is all. Fifty bucks for a dying tree? When I was alive I would be ‘It best sing, dance and decorate itself for that kind of money’. Fifty bucks is a lot when you don’t have it.” she shrugged. ”But that was then and this is now. Let’s get it, but ask him if they deliver, please.”