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Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 20:37
by Victor
I'm currently watching an issue unfold amidst some folks I know and I'm so utterly confused by this nonsense that I thought I'd bring it here.
If in an RP one character is immobilized or otherwise incapable of doing things in the city, is moving them on grid acceptable? Especially if the roleplay itself is hardcore planned and the original author(and grid moving character) is deadset on how things are to play out. And in moving them on grid they set off a security camera alert to the owner of a location, is that an IC action allowed to be roleplayed by the person receiving said alert?
Is the trickle effect of this single alert ICly, which screws up an entire roleplay, amounting to any type of crossing?
Curious and confused minds would truly appreciate knowing.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:12
by Cassandra
There's no way to make grid actions match up exactly with forum RP. Grid play takes place in real-time, writing a forum RP might take weeks to months of OOC time to write as little as an hour or two of IC actions. There's no reason their grid actions couldn't have taken place after or before the period of time the RP happened, in the vast majority of cases.
If someone is telling someone else that their grid actions couldn't have happened because they were done while the player was writing an RP, that's a huge red flag that the RP is competitive instead of collaborative, which...well, I'm not gonna tell people what to do, but that sounds like a heap of bad to me.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:46
by Alexandrea
Cassandra wrote:There's no way to make grid actions match up exactly with forum RP. Grid play takes place in real-time, writing a forum RP might take weeks to months of OOC time to write as little as an hour or two of IC actions. There's no reason their grid actions couldn't have taken place after or before the period of time the RP happened, in the vast majority of cases.
If someone is telling someone else that their grid actions couldn't have happened because they were done while the player was writing an RP, that's a huge red flag that the RP is competitive instead of collaborative, which...well, I'm not gonna tell people what to do, but that sounds like a heap of bad to me.
All that. With chips. And Salsa.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:51
by Mkvenner
I'd say it depends on the RP in question? I get that the grid and RP won't match exactly all the time because of the time it takes to write a worthwhile RP but... I mean, let's say for the sake of argument and purely as an example that I write a thing where Ven, or any of my characters, dies. Permanently dies, I mean. Not SR dies. There's a funeral, he gets buried. Blah blah blah. Then without RPing his resurrection he gets caught on a security camera moving around the grid, despite being dead? Yeah, I'd say that should cause a certain amount of wtf from anyone that notices it.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:55
by Phoenix
Unless you're just not privy to the RP taking place that resulted in not-deadness.
I think it's valid - pretty much what Cassadra's player said.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:57
by Azraeth
Well I think that having a dead character versus having (for example) a character under house arrest are two different beasts entirely.
I tend to think for something that's not all permanent and the like, it would depend largely on the players involved, how much they want their character's actions to fit the grid, etc. Which is where there has to be a certain level of OOC respect between players. For example, if there's something on CrowNet that my character would feel a certain way about, I as the writer, don't have to let my character notice it. Especially if it seems like it would lead to some sort of out of character dramas or the like.
The person with the security cam would be within their rights to use that as IC information, but if the other person specifically requests for them not to, and it has no real impact on either character - I would personally probably try and work it out with them.
Now if someone's trying to pull shifty nonsense on you, that's another matter entirely.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 00:03
by Victor
Said person who owned the security camera was not a part of the RP, they brought the alert ICly to someone that is involved in the RP and in this timeline, this other person does not yet know that the character setting off the alarm is back from the dead.
They confirm the identity in shock.
Player of dead character goes into a rage and considers it crossing and something to do with IDs and other weird stuff. This character has not been moved since they were put into the ground.
What now? Is this crossing?
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 00:07
by Mkvenner
Victor wrote:Is this crossing?
They confirm the identity in shock.
Player of dead character goes into a rage and considers it crossing and something to do with IDs and other weird stuff. This character has not been moved since they were put into the ground.
Still no, just horrendously bad form.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 00:11
by Azraeth
Well I can't see as how the person who wasn't involved in the RP would know the character is dead.
Regardless, if you're writing a dead character, you should probably not be moving them - or if you do, you should probably not be doing it in someone's private property.
I think really it's still a matter to be settled between those two players, but I also really think that immediately going into 'accusation mode' as I have seen in the past is not the way to make things happen the way a person wants. If a person feels like they're being ostracized for having their character react to something and they aren't clued into all the facts about that character - chances are it's just going to make them more difficult to work with. Not less.
Re: Security Camera alerts, IC or OOC information?
Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 00:23
by Victor
Thank you. That's exactly what I felt.
Just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy.