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dancing for money {kyrian}

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 20:04
by Valentina
Peach shoes were pushing inside a small brown satchel bag as she stretched her bare toes on the wooden floor, before pushing on her white sneakers. God, they were comfy. She wiggled out of her vest top, that clung to to her chest and shimmied into a loose fitting grey jumper. Leaving her beige coloured leggings on. Valentina was ballerina, or she considered herself to be one. She was taking lessons at the University. She had moved here a year ago to begin her lessons, her parents had shoved all her savings into this opportunity for her. She loved to dance, she loved to move. It was natural to her.

“I'll see you tomorrow, Viv.”

”Bye, lovely.”

She said, throwing her hand up, her fingers stretching into a wave as she waved goodbye to her friend, the woman who had been her rock since coming here. Vivienne was like her adopted sister. They were roomies, at one point until she was able to move out. She had a part time job, waiting tables in Grosseto’s. It was usually in the evening time, Harper Rock was always much more alive at night. So, she had evening jobs. Go back to her flat in West Towers, and then go to her ballet class. It was the same day in, and day out a firm routine.

Tonight though. Was her night off and she had plans to just paint. Valentina was someone who liked to draw, and paint in her spare time. Her whole hallway was full of painted portraits, drawings of dogs. Anything that would inspire her. Val was the type of person who was creative, loved to do anything creative.

The night air was cool against Val’s flushed face, her cheeks rosy her lips full and peach. Her forest green eyes looked at moon as it rose higher and higher into the nights air. She began to make her way slowly from Newborough to Honeymead. Valentina didn't know she was going to meet a man tonight, a man that would change her life forever. She didn't know there was gangster following her, after her money – something that wouldn't end well for her.