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To New Aquaintances

Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 08:26
by Klara
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
* Klara was glad the bar was empty, she ordered a bottle of tequila and sat and chugged it. She didn't want to feel anything. She would not be second in her marriage. ******* idiots both of them. Klara sat and drank until she passed out at the bar

* TheDraconis walks into the bar, as he looks around; spotting only one woman there, he comes to a stool a few down from her ordering himself a whiskey on the rocks

* Klara heard someone come in her head on the bar, she raised a bleary eye looking at him responding in very slurred speech "Who are you? You're new aren't you?

* TheDraconis looks over to the woman and just nods his head silently. As the whiskey is put in front of him, he picks it up and takes a slow drink. No emotion crossed his face. It never did, that was part of the training. He sat there solemnly while he drank trying to run things over in his mind.

* Klara sat up, her head resting on her hand "You a mute or something?

* TheDraconis looks back over to the woman as he sets his glass down, turning his body in a quarter turn he shakes his head. "Nye I'm no mute. Just don't talk much." Nodding to her, he turns back to the bar looking at his glass.

* Klara chuckled moving closer to the man pushing her hair out of her face ordering him another drinking deciding that a whole bottle of tequila was enough for one evening and ordered water for herself. "I'm normally not drunk, I rarely get drunk but my husband and I seem to be in the process of splitting up so I think I deserve it." *She sat up and extended her hand*, Klara Cross...well hell I don't know what my last name is, and what's yours?

* TheDraconis looks back at the woman as she starts to move closer. He raises his brow at the bottle of tequila she ordered and waves it away. "Well Cross should you really be here if your marriage is falling apart?" He takes her hand and nods to her. "They call me Dragon." That was all the information that he was going to part with at the time being. As he looks her over he shakes his head. "Have you no Decorum Cross?"

* Klara raised an eyebrow and smirked "Well a big **** you to you too!” Her words slurred as she tried to control herself a bit "Normally I am complete composed and socially acceptable but my husband seems to think that his friend who happens to be a woman, who both say they don't have feelings for one another has treated her more of a wife than me. My marriage is all but done. He needs time to "think" *She does hair quotes with her fingers* so he can decide if he wants to be with me or not. He already has my ring and I'm not holding my breath that he shows up. Amazing how bitches in this city lie and men are dumb enough to believe it all. So excuse me if was just trying to forget. I'm really going to regret this in the morning."

Re: To New Aquaintances

Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 16:11
by TheDraconis (DELETED 5860)
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

* TheDraconis grunts at her outburst. He turns to her full on this time and watches her as she rants now. The corner of his mouth barely comes up in a sneer but he controls it as she rants on. Once she completes her rant, he shakes his head at her. "You want me to believe that some **** is hornin' in on your marriage and you sit here getting your *** drunk? Instead of taking her out back and putting her down like the dog begging for scraps she is. Sounds like you are rather weak to me. Sounds to me like you can't do whats necessary in the situation." Pulling his glass around he finishes the drink off and places it upside down on the bar. "Cross you need some bones in that back of yours. Either quit wallowing and move on to the next mission or finish what been started and put the ***** down."

* Klara blinked hard trying to focus, her hand going for her sword she carried on her back, she stood pressing it to his chest "I'm not weak you egotistical asshole, it's complicated. You just can't go killing anybody, her family would try and defend her and kill me though if a get info I'm waiting on I just may do it anyways, as far as him, I'm giving him time to figure out what the hell he wants. I'm beginning to not care anymore, why should I? He doesn't. All words no do.

* TheDraconis watches her, as she was unsteady on her feet. He glances down at the sword now pressed to his chest and lets a slight unnoticed grin pass his lips. "Aye there is a fire in you isn't there? If it’s so complicated then uncomplicated it. And who the hell gives a flying rats *** what he wants? Did I ask what anyone wanted? You finally got a few bones back there but you back down because of her family? If she is such a home, wrecking whore as you say she is then the family is probably better off ain't they? You deal with them after you complete your objectives. One at a time."

* Klara smirked "In time you'll learn it's not that easy but I can do one better. We break up they'll get together and it won't last and everyone will think they cheated though he says they never had sex. So either way they both are screwed.

* TheDraconis nods to her slowly. "Then I return to my question earlier. Why are you wallowing here instead of moving on?"

* Klara blinked "Damn do you know my sire or something, you sound like him." *She looked down more softly putting her sword away* Because I feel worthless and alone

* TheDraconis blinks at the word sire not really understanding it. He stands up and pats the woman’s cheek in what he thought was gentle. "Cross I don't know what you’re talking about or why you carry a sword and its none of my damn business. I will see you around the bend sometime though, hopefully next time you won't be stark raving drunk and can hold a proper conversation." Giving her a nod, he turns around looking over the bar once more before walking out.

* Klara looks at him oddly something about him struck a chord with her; she was too drunk to know and too drunk to figure it out. She could respect a man like that. She paid the bartender and teleported to her home, making sure she had gone to the right apartment she sat on the couch thinking through a lot of things. Drinking definitely was not work it.