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Stars and Studs [Victor + Open Later]

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 14:27
by Yekaterina Ostrovsky
The Killer sat back in her chair, drumming her fingertips together as she waited patiently for a reply to her e-mail. The auction had been a surprising amount of fun, and now it was time to make good on all transactions. She'd tossed herself up on stage on a whim, but the real event had been the purchase she'd made. After watching a few bidding wars over the male in question, Katya had decided to toss her hat into the ring. Sure, the guy was good-looking and you could see in both his attitude and the auction card he'd written that he was pretty damned close to being her type of person, but her vision had soon shifted to more of an investment-based proposition. The sheer amount of interest he'd gathered had her thoughts whirling away and soon enough, they drifted back to the conversation she and Alexei had had when the Kit Kat was still a mere idea. Yes. The occasional ladies' night for the typically gentlemen-oriented club was something that had been long decided, with specific plans to be executed in the event they put one on. And now the first one was beginning to take shape.

And so after she'd won (and of course she had, she had the cash to burn and the sort of passive ambition that saw her patience running long that night), the plans had already begun to form as a few buttons were pressed on her phone and all money transfers made. Idly, she wondered how pissed Lex would be when he found out exactly how much she'd spent. That alone brought a slow grin to her lips. New bouncers - definitely a few female ones - would need hired. Extra bartenders who didn't mind serving up "special" cocktails for those unable to imbibe the alcoholic sort. Attractive cocktail servers to keep anyone in attendance occupied when the stage was empty. Everything was quickly falling into place. Now, all that was left was to go over the details with Victor himself, and Lex - if he was willing to hear them. She had given Victor the option of meeting her there at the club, or picking the place he'd prefer - a rare concession, but one she didn't mind making.