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The Freak Show

Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 03:08
by Sepsis
How she loved Hallowe’en. All Hallow’s Eve, as she preferred to call it, the first day of Allhallowtide, part of the Truduum of All Hallows. Early believers knew that it was the day the Veil thinned betweens those who walked the mortal realm, and the Shadow World, and donned masks or costumes to disguise themselves from the spirits of the dead. It was now a tradition warped by time, as many were, and had changed into an evening of cheap costumes, and enough sugar to buy pools for every pampered dentist’s wife around the country. She knew better…just because people no longer believed in the supernatural, the unknown existed just the same.

Sepsis was almost sure the newest of her Progeny, Tobais, would come to the event that she was preparing for the Kindred of Harper Rock, but her first made, Lacrimosa was not to be seen anywhere, and Sepsis hoped for her swift and safe return. Precautions for the event would be taken of course, to prevent those who should not witness the displays. She had no desire to return to the Fade quite so soon, and each trip through the Veil disturbed her in ways others were fortunate not to experience. The dead could speak to her, and when she passed to their side…it could be most unpleasant. She shuddered slightly, and shook the thought off before it could be allowed to consume her.

Sepsis had sent her other employee, a human woman named Delilah Tate, home with pay for the week. She supposed the woman deserved a vacation, or at least the labour rules said she did, and in truth, was an easy way to disguise why she was closing her store, Gimble’s Prosthetics, for the week. She needed time to set up the exhibits after all, and could not afford the woman discover something that she should not. Delilah had just completed her training, and was amazingly not as annoying as she found many humans to be. It would be an inconvenience is nothing else, to have to hire another person for the day shift.

Moving to the front of the store, she flicked the lock, securing her door from any late night mall shoppers, and placed the sign she had prepared earlier, in the window.

*Closed for the Holiday. Happy Hallowe’en!*

Drawing both the heavy window blinds, Sepsis made her way to the front office, grabbing the box dropped off by the local courier earlier in the evening. Inside lay thick black parchment for the invitations she would be preparing for all Kindred and supernatural, non-human, creatures across Harper Rock. Precautions were already in play to prevent any humans from entering, and she herself would be guarding the door. There would be no mistakes made as to who was granted access on the evening of the event.

Pushing any worry from her mind for the moment, Sepsis focused on the task at hand. She truly hoped all would enjoy the evening she was preparing…it wasn’t every night one attended a proper Freak Show after all.

Re: The Freak Show

Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 03:15
by Sepsis
(OOC: Due to the nature of this story, this invitation is to be extended IC to only the non human creatures of Harper Rock…vampyres in particular. It is a special event post, and my character would not intentionally jeopardize the Masquerade. It is, with her in game skills, theoretically possible for her to ensure that no humans enter her property for this event, as she does have the Appraisal skill. Please enjoy the Show!)

The Invitation

*The following invitation has appeared, by what may be perceived by some as to be unknown magick, to all Kindred and supernatural, non human creatures of Harper Rock.*

You have been cordially invited to attend:

-The Freak Show-

Hallowe’en Night
Thirteen exhibits
Of Horror and Macabre

Located at Gimble’s Prosthetic’s
12, 3 Redwood, 2nd Floor, 8th Dimension Mall

~Invitation must be presented for entry~

Re: The Freak Show

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 00:10
by Sepsis

Before the Event

Everything would be perfect. She was sure of it. The last few days had been spent fastidiously preparing for this evening. An evening of enchantment, and bloody delight. If nothing else, she hoped her guests would appreciate the effort she had made to provide truly breath taking, and original displays.

Early in the evening, after rising, and so as to maintain her image of a respectable shop owner, she had spent time standing outside her store, handing out candy to the children towed about by soccer moms in search of plastic fangs and princess tiaras. Along with the candy, Sepsis had of course included advertising for Gimble’s in their candy bags, along with a catchy poem she had penned herself.

This time it comes,
But once a year;
A thinning of the veil,
One night full of fear.

The goblins and ghouls,
And the witches with black spells;
Open the gates to a place;
Known as Hell.

The screams of terror,
The children full of fright,
Make a musical symphony;
To a demons delight.

The magic, the thrills;
A voodoo doll or three,
The howling of werewolves,
The moon a guide for thee.

Hide under your beds,
And shut the doors tight,
For the vampires are prowling;
On this glorious Hallowe’en night!

Happy Hallowe’en!

The mall had finally cleared out, and now all that remained, was to wait for her guests to arrive. If she wasn’t mistaken, she thought she saw the first one approaching now…

(OOC: To be continued...tomorrow :D)

Re: The Freak Show

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 14:22
by Sepsis
(OOC: Due to the nature of this story, the invitations for this event have extended IC to only the non human creatures of Harper Rock…vampyres in particular. It is a special event post, and my character would not intentionally jeopardize the Masquerade. It is, with her in game skills, theoretically possible for her to ensure that no humans enter her property for this event, as she does have the Appraisal skill. Please enjoy the Show! P.S.-As a bonus, Gimble's has been decorated for this event, to claim your free prosthetic, CrowNet me with the the number of pumpkins that are placed in the 'G'.)

The Event

Upon entering Gimble’s for this evenings event, one may note that the over head lights have been turned off, and instead soft glowing lanterns have been placed around each of the displays, bringing what one may perceive to be a spookier feel to the atmosphere. The floor has been covered in straw, and any door that
may lead to another room of the store has been closed and seemingly securely locked. Before one can take more than a few steps amongst the displays, the proprietress greets you.

“Ah welcome, welcome…and Happy Hallowe’en!” Sepsis says, and all but bounces before you, apparently eager to begin. “I trust you didn’t have any difficulties getting here this evening?” The pyress offers you a brilliant smile, not entirely focusing on any reply you may give, and instead motions you to follow her. “I must thank you for coming…I was afraid no one would find their invitations..” Sepsis trails off and flashes you another smile before continuing. “But, there is much to see, and no time like the present to begin!” The pyress clasps her hands together briefly before spreading them out before her, demonstrating one of her best ‘Vanna White’ poses to you.

If one were to follow the direction of her hands, they would see an upright iron maiden, seemingly modified from its original design. This particular maiden, has been altered so as to collect its occupants blood in a fair sized reserve tank sitting at its side. Upon closer inspection, one may note that a faucet, similar to cold water dispenser one may find on a refrigerator is located at the front of the maiden. They might also see a pair of very live human eyes, peering out at you, seemingly frightned out of their wits. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Sepsis coos to you. “The first of tonight’s thirteen exhibits of horror and macabre…’The Modern Maiden’…a delightful upgrade to a classical favourite!” The pyress reaches to pick take a paper cup from a small table in front of the maiden, and pushes the lever, allowing a stream of hot, fresh blood to fill the cup. Bringing the cup to her lips, she drinks, and turns to wink at you. “Nothing like a snack on the run!” She motions to the table, offering you your own sample, before crumpling the paper cup in her hands, and tossing it into the small garbage pail below the table.

In the next window, sits a man bedecked in garb that would be appropriate at a theatre or opera. Fittingly enough, a plaque attached to the front of the glass reads ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. Much like Gaston Leroux’s phantom, Erik, one may note when the man removes his elaborate face mask for his audience. His face…eyeless, lipless, turns in your direction, the flesh withered and shrunken, yellowed as if by long age. The gaping mouth stretches into a cruel mockery of what one may believe is an attempt to smile politely, before the mask covers the hideous sight once more. “Thank you, Sir.” The pyress tells the man in a cordial tone. Sepsis offers you an apologetic shrug of her shoulders, and turns from the exhibit.

“Shall we continue?” The pyress turns and pauses to look over her shoulder at you, urging you on. Stopping in front of the next exhibit, one might see a small sign that bearing the inscription ‘Bob’ on it. ‘Bob’, is an elderly man, with skin so stretchy looking, that it appears to hang off him in folds. “Now here is a true original Freak Show classic….the elastic skin man!” Sepsis laughs in child like glee, and as if on cue, Bob lifts a boney hand, grabbing a fold of skin from the back of his neck, pulling it over his head like a hood. “I know, I know…” the pyress admits to you in a slightly guilty tone, “Not exactly scary, but definitely an oddity to be admired…” Sepsis turns, winking at you before continuing. “Besides, with enough encouragement, Bob here can pack himself up like a big skin sandwich!” The pyress laughs, and gestures for you to follow her to the next set of displays.

The pyress pauses in front of the next display that she leads you to, watching for a time before speaking, and shuddering every so often as if in disgust. Before the viewer sits an enormous feast table, heavily laden with human food of every kind. It is not the food that Sepsis is now watching, her lip curling, but the massive red
haired woman at the table. One may note the woman’s skin resembles lumps of cottage cheese, which is not surprising considering the enormous size of her.
“Meet Lily…close to 600 pounds she is now..” Sepsis’s face bears an expression of revulsion as she speaks to you, watching the obese woman engulf a chicken leg like her life depended on it. “It takes a medical hydraulic patient lifter to move her around now.” Sepsis shudders once again and continues. “A perfect example of the excesses of mankind. Eternally driven to consume. Driven to have what they don’t need…” The pyress trails off, shaking her head as she does. “Come, let us move along.”

The next display your odd hostess has led onlookers to, is at the extreme opposite spectrum of the previous display. This particular feast table is empty, save a single apple in front of a pale skinned, painfully bone thin woman, with hair as black as night, who looks away from the apple. If one looks close enough they may see that the woman’s eyes appear to be full of tears, as though the mere temptation of having food within reach is too much for her to bear. The temptation however would be difficult for her to give into however, as the woman’s lips have been stitched shut, seemingly by hand. Sepsis turns to you, an oddly sympathetic look upon her face. “This is Maggie. She hasn’t eaten for as long as I’ve had her…almost two months now. One month ago, I found her stitching her mouth closed. I did attempt to talk her out of it, but in the end, it was easier just to let her have her way.” Sepsis reaches out to push the apple closer to Maggie, but the woman merely turned as far away from the piece of fruit as she could without moving from her seat. “How strange it is to see humans punish themselves. So short are their lives, and filled with enough pain as it is without inflicting more upon themselves.” Motioning for you to follow, the pyress guides you to the next of the evenings delights.

One may note a smile has spread across Sepsis’s face as you approach the next display. Placed upon a small pedestal, and defying every law of nature one may believe, is a bubbling tank, with multitudes of pulsating, multi-coloured fiber optic style wires leading into it. Inside the tank, and connected to each of these wires, is a severed, but very live severed human head. “Isn’t he beautiful?” Sepsis purrs towards you. Raising one finger, one may observe as the pyress moves her hand back and forth, causing the eyes of the severed head, which one may notice are a chocolate brown, to move simultaneously. The head however, takes no notice of the slight colour changes in its bubbly setting as the wires connecting to it, pulse. “A present he was…the dear Doctor Meadows whom will we meet shortly, brought him to me.” Letting her hand fall back to her side, Sepsis gives you wry grin. “Childish? Definitely! But, who hasn’t wanted a pet head at least once in their life?” Cackling, the pyress skips to the next exhibit, leaving you to follow in her wake.

Turning towards you, Sepsis delivers another one of her stunning smiles to you, her dichromatic eyes lighting up with apparent positive delight. “Little did I know, when I first spoke of this man, that he actually lived.” The pyress chuckles, seemingly at some private joke which she does not share with you. Leaning up against the display glass, one may note the intensity in which she watches the scene before you. If one looks, they may see a medical doctor, dressed in full scrubs, absolutely focused on the operation he appears to be in the middle of. If one were to look carefully however, past the doctors hands which are now rooting around inside the patients abdominal area, they might notice that this very much awake. “Look at him work...” Sepsis whispers, almost as if to herself. “He’s taught me so very much, and his creative brilliance is simply to die for!” Your hostess turns to face you once more and continues. “The next three exhibits are a truly special feature. Presents from Doctor Meadows. You see, a proper Freak Show, is a ten in one, similar to the side shows…but for something as special as Hallowe’en…” They pyress laughs, and raises one arm to motion towards the next display.

“Meet the twins! To the left, is Iris, to the right, Melody.” Sepsis waves in a friendly manner to the display, and points towards you. Upon looking, one would see a woman, or more precisely, two women, sitting together on a small love seat. It appears as though the two women have been surgically grafted to each other, and now share a single set of lungs. The one your hostess has identified as Melody, an albino skinned woman with the long silver white hair, raises her hand briefly before allowing it to fall back to her side. Iris, a coloured woman with skin as dark as a midnight shadow, merely looks away. “Bah..they’re being spoil sports right now,” Sepsis explains to you. “I wouldn’t let them watch the Kardashians marathon this evening.” The pyress before you squeals in positive delight. “Why they watch such trash, I’ll never understand.” One may notice that both women have now turned their heads in Sepsis’s direction, and are scowling at her. With Sepsis still laughing, you are led further into the Show.

“Ah…the second of Doctor Meadow’s creations.” Sepsis pauses, grimacing for a moment. “The human centipede.” Your hostess shudders slightly and whispers conspiratorially to you, “I would never want to be the middle pede…” If one were to observe what is behind the glass, they would see there is in fact, a three pede, human centipede. All men they are, with jock like builds and golden hair. Upon close inspection, one might be sharp enough to notice that not only does this specimen resemble something straight out of the movie ‘The Human Centipede’, but that these pedes, are in fact triplets. “Doctor Meadows told me that he found them at a local college. They were not being good boys, and he decided to give them a lesson they would have been better off not having to learn.” Sepsis snarls a bit, before calming herself. “I never did like men who abused women.” Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Sepsis turns her back to the display, as if eager to move away.

The next display Sepsis presents, and the last of Doctor Meadow’s creation, one may notice appears different right away. The front of this glass display has buttons and levers on it, similar to an old school video game machine. This is no Pacman however…this is a human marionette. The pyress brightens visibly as she stops before the next display, her eyes as bright as any child’s would be on Christmas Day. “Meet Christabelle...” Sepsis beams as she speaks. “She is my favourite of all Doctor Meadow’s creations you know.” Your hostess reaches to move one of the joysticks, and the marionette moves her arm. If the viewer would to inspect what lay beyond the display glass, they would find a dark haired woman dressed in a ballerina’s tutu. Satin slippers have been properly laced to her feet, and a small silver tiara has been placed upon her head. Further viewing would show that every joint on the woman has been connected to long thin wires that hang from the ceiling above her, and it appears that the woman is unable to move under her own volition at all. “Watch this!” Sepsis exclaims happily, and moves the levers in what appears to be a complex pattern. As she does, Christabelle pirouettes, much more smoothly than one may have expected. Stepping back after executing this fantastic move, Sepsis offers for you to have a turn before moving on.

An expression of sheer terror crosses Sepsis’s face as you approach the next exhibit, and the pyress keeps her distance from the glass a bit. “Look at them...” Your hostess frowns.All runny nosed, and sticky fingered…and the older ones…the attitude on them makes me want to run to the Fade just to get away.” One may note that Sepsis takes another step away as she speaks, as though getting to close is contagious. Behind the glass, sit several bawling toddlers, and two very moody looking teenagers dressed emo style. “They complain about everything .” Sepsis expresses to you in an exasperated tone. “No worries though, the young ones will go back to the orphanage I borrowed them from, and never remember a thing. The older ones however…” Sepsis trails off, murmuring something about veal and baby cows under her breath. Turning to sneer at the children once more, the pyress wanders in the direction of the next window.

“Here we have something special indeed.” Sepsis exclaims as she stops in front of the next exhibit. “Real cannibals, from Papua New Guinea. They are from the Korowai and Kombai tribes…better known as the tree people.” Sepsis raises a hand to wave at one of the men who have noticed her, and he nods once before focusing once again on his task. Should one look, they will notice three dark skinned men, all of mid-sized statue with lean, hard muscles. Each of the men wears what appears to be hand crafted necklaces, seemingly made from bone, as well as a long rough looking rope circling their waists several times. Tucked into these ropes, are crude, but very sharp looking knives. Besides what resembles human finger bones threaded through each mans septum, they wear not a stitch. Your hostess points, and speaks again.Looks like it’s dinner time!” The pyress laughs, drawing your attention to the various severed limbs that each man holds. The cannibal who had waved to Sepsis previously looks up again to see her watching him, and takes a large bite out of the arm he is ravaging, grinning as he does. “No table manners, that’s for sure!” Sepsis cackles, and turns to walk towards the back of the shop, beckoning you to follow.

Your hostess leads you to the back of her shoppe, pausing but for a moment in order to place her palm upon a scanner, which in turn, unlocks the door before her. “Don’t be afraid…” Sepsis coos to you in a soft tone. “I am not going to make you one of my dollies.” Breaking out in a fit of maniacal giggles, the pyress pushes open the door, and slips inside, waiting for you to follow. As you enter the room, one may note that your hostess has donned a pair of rubber gloves, and is flipping on lights as she walks further into what appears to be an operating room. “For the Grand Finale of the evening, I must take my place amongst the Freaks.” Sepsis focus on you intently now, and continues. "I bring to you the secret of Gimble’s, the reason my prosthetics are so very realistic…let me show you.”

“I learned this trade from a man named Stanley Gimble, the same man that I have named this establishment after. A genius he was in some ways, but terribly human in others.” The pyress laughs, and then crosses the room, returning with a hospital bed bearing a human male. “Let me out of here you crazy nut!” The man cries out in a desperate voice. Sepsis’s head turns, quick as a viper, and she growls at the man, her fangs flashing. “Shut up…now.” Lifting a needle your hostess has produced one may watch as Sepsis quickly plunges it into the man’s thigh, causing his pleading to trail off. “Ah…that’s better.” The pyress grins at you, and begins her work.

“First…the amputation.” One may observe as the would be surgeon lifts a pink 'Hello Kitty' scalpel from a nearby tray filled with surgical tools to begin her work. Slicing the skin in a flap fashion, one may watch as she swaps her knife for a clamp, closing off all the blood vessels before swapping back to the scalpel and slicing through the tendon, allowing it to retract. Switching tools again, Sepsis picks up a laser cutter, severing the bone. The man on the table groans as this happens, but the pyress does not look up from her work. Working quickly with needle and thread, your hostess stitches, closing off veins and folding the flap of skin over the stub she has just made. Smiling to herself, the pyress stands up straight, holding the freshly amputated finger out towards you in the palm of her hand. “Now for stage two.”

Walking over to a long work table, Sepsis drops the finger into a jar of cleaning solution, turning it slightly pink as the remaining blood leaches out of the digit. On the table, are several containers of various sizes. Picking up a smaller one, Sepsis quickly mixes what appears to be silicone moldmaking rubber, and fills the container half way. One may observe as Sepsis now reaches once again for the finger, pulling it out of the water, and patting it dry, before carefully brushing the finger with vasoline. Setting the finger in the half full container, she now fills it, and turns her focus back to you. “Now since I don’t like to rush my work, but I very much wanted to show you the whole process, I have prepared the next steps in advance.” The pyress graces you with a dazzling smile, and focuses your attention to a mold that one may assume has been properly set. Gently breaking open the container, Sepsis removes some other poor souls finger, showing you the detail in which the mold itself contains. “It’s all about the details.” Sepsis drawls. “I use the highest quality of sheet thermoplastic of course. Nothing less will due for my clientele.” Swapping for a completed cast, Sepsis opens this one as well, but withdraws a completed prosthetic finger. “A bit of trimming, some fitting, and..voila! The masterpiece has been completed.”

Bowing, as if a conductor in an orchestra, your hostess catches you eye again, grinning from ear to ear. “I do hope that you enjoyed the show, I am most gracious that you came.” The proprietress now leads you out of the surgery, and back out into the stores show room, relocking the door behind her. “Please feel free to peruse the displays at your leisure now, and make sure to stop by the gift counter! The lovely Zodiac was most graciously donated some wonderful artifacts you may enjoy as well. Old time bone saws, a delightful spring loaded wooden ‘man bit’, and even an ancient prosthetic toe, found in a tomb in Thebes!” Sepsis laughs once more at the mention of the toe.

Spreading her arms out widely, Sepsis offers you one last brilliant smile, bowing slightly. “Happy Hallowe’en, dear Creature of the Night. I thank sincerely you for coming.” Making her way back to the front door to await her next guest, Sepsis leaves you to explore at your leisure.

Re: The Freak Show

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 18:17
by TobaisCorbin (DELETED 5748)
Tobais knocks softly on the door of the shop that his beloved sire owned, she had insisted he leave while she set up her displays and guests. Were to door to be opened he hands her the invitation wtih a loving smile before leaning in and placing a gently kiss on the corner of her mouth.

'The place looks simply amazing" He says walking in and following her around the displays and various attractions. He gratefully takes the sample and drinks deeply before running a hand over the iron maiden "Did you make this..or did you modify an existing maiden? It looks nicely aged" He stops to examine the fine workmanship for a while before realizing he is being left behind and scuttles after his sire.

When the stop before the man Tobais internally kicks himself for never having seen the play, he did appreciate the man's presence though. He had an air about him that put even him on edge, for the time being he stuck close to Sepsis as they walk to the next display. When he sees Bob he chuckles warmly and leans against her watching the man do fascinating things with himself. "How i would love to hear his story some time, what a tale it may be" He says enjoying the display greatly.

When he reaches the next display he holds a hand to his throat and frowns ", disgusting" He looks away thanking his lucky stars he was unable to eat. When the reached the next table he goes to the side that the woman was on and looks her in the face curiously, his eyes twinkling with such curiosity that he dare not speak of it. He mutters quietly to her whispering a few short things in her ear before standing and nodding to her with a smile, he insists on staying a while longer to watch her before continuing the tour.

He does not overly react in much of a way until they reach the twins, he bows to them deeply and flashes them an oddly handsome smile before standing up fully "How charming!" He squeals with delight and he watches them for a moment before handing one of them a small electronic device that had a television connect he had gotten from his dinner. "Do not let my beloved sire keep you from your television" He says with a nod before joining his sire to examine the rest of the display.

Upon hearing the three humans had abused women his joyful mood drops like a stone and his cold heartless gaze looks over the being with indifference. "They do not deserve such a merciful fate as this, not for the sickening things they had done to the fair haired gender. The man stands quietly before the display, his eyes flashing in silent rage for some time before his beloved sire actually has to pull him onward to the next display.

Upon reaching it he smiles ever so contently and waits in patience with baited breath, when at last he is permitted at the controls he tries them out, at first she is twitchy, stiff. However in little time she is dancing to a tune Tobais hums, the tune itself was incredibly strange and haunting. After a while he sings a strange tune in tune to her haunting dance.

"Grinning down through the gates
Watch the night suffocate
All the light as it smothers the sun
I can tell by the moon
You'll be joining me soon
As a guest in my fortress of fun!

And I can't wait to see you
And once again free you
Released from your humourless air
Someday I will replace
That big frown on your face
With a smile and a murderous glare

We are two of a kind
Violent, unsound of mind
You're the yin to my yang, can't you see?
And if I were to leave
You would grumble and grieve
Face it, Love...
You'd be lost without me!
You'd be lost (You'd be lost)
You'd be lost (You'd be lost)
Face it, Love...
You'd be lost without me!"

Upon the finish of his song and her dance he bows to her and she "does" the same. "Thank you for letting me have this dance milady" He turns back to sepsis and takes her hand "Not one of my sing, some internet folks came up with it, i just stole it for our dance" He says with a chuckle.

He gives little reaction to the teenagers except an air of distaste, he refuses to look at the toddlers at all. However when he sees the tribesman and hears they are real his eyes light up and he presses himself against the glass of the display watching in fascination, He prattles on to Sepsis about various factoids and useless information he knew about the tribes and their ways. "How ive always wanted to see them in person, what a stunning chance!"

He stops her at the freezer and smiles. "I would love to see you work, truly i would but he only has so many gifts to give, i will catch the show when you show a group slightly larger than my humble self"