"I what now?"
"You ******* bit me!"
"I... erm... I have no idea what you're talking about."
That's how my conversation with Dillon started this evening. Guy practically kicked me off the sofa. Obviously no-one told him you don't hit women. Jerk. In some ways I guess I deserved it, he still has my teeth marks in his neck after all. I thought feeding was supposed to be easy; boy was I ever wrong. I'd been putting off feeding because I wasn't really sure what you did. I mean he told me. He explained it. But well. Yeah. If this were an exam I'd get an F I’m sure. I thought I'd have fangs or something. You know the kind you see in the movies, all sharp and pointy. Instead I had to practically chew through his skin. No wonder he remembers. I know I need to handle the situation and I know people aren't supposed to know about us, so I do the only thing I could think to do; I dragged him to the bedroom and handcuffed him to his bed.
I know what you're thinking. Where did I get the handcuffs from? Well. They aren't mine. They are Dillon’s. As for how I know where Dillon keeps them, well I'll leave that to your imagination. I'm not one to kiss and tell. Or **** and... well you get the idea. And don’t go shaking your head or anything. Who are you to judge me? We've all done it at least once. Haven't we? I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there. Some of us more than others. I’ve noticed that it’s usually the quiet ones or the ones that look straight laced that seem to be the most depraved. Dillon’s not one of those. He’s kind of middle of the road. He’s a bit too up his own arse for my liking. Doesn’t seem to bother his groupies though, and he has a fair few of those. Lead guitarist. Singer. What woman wouldn’t a guy that knows how to put on a show and exudes confidence. Oh yeah. Right. Me. At least when it comes to Dillon. I know him too well. He doesn’t respect me in any way, shape or form but he is a friend. A good friend even.
I make sure he's secure and then I borrow his laptop and fire off a quick - if not slightly cryptic - email to Elliot asking what I should do next. Restraining him was about the only good idea I had besides killing him but that seemed a little extreme. Not to mention the fact that I’m having trouble just feeding right now. Killing someone might be a line I just can’t cross. I mean sure, we’ve all fantasised about killing someone. But that’s all it is. Thoughts. Maybe plans. Detailed plans even. But how many people actually follow through on things like that? Taking a life just isn’t something I’m prepared to do. At least not right now. Maybe even never. I like life. I like people. I’m no one of those vegan, animal rights freaks but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart.
It's not long before Elliot replies. He tells me to stay put and he'll come to me. I type out my address -well Dillon's address - and I hit send. Now to wait. What am I supposed to do to the pass the time? Dillon’s not exactly screaming the place down but lord knows how long Elliot will take to get here and I can’t keep him locked up forever. He’s not going to drop this. I know he isn’t. He’s already wondering what the **** is going on.
He's moaning more loudly in the background now and if I don’t find a way to keep him quiet he’s going to attract attention from the neighbours. They’re used to a certain level of noise from this flat but this sound is quite different. Dillon actually sounds scared. I think about it for a moment. I'm not really sure what to do with him, so I shut him up the only way I know how. Again. No judging. A woman has to do, what a woman has to do. Besides. Elliot will be here soon and then we can get this all straightened out. I hope. Dillon may be a bit of an egotistical prat and we may argue like cat and dog, but he has his moments. Usually when I'm off my nut. I wish I were drunk now. This is going to be… different. I shiver at the thought of what I'm about to do. I feel dirty. Still it's this or duct tape and if he has that, I have no idea where he keeps it.
As I kiss him he calms down. God men are easy. At least men like Dillon are. I wonder what’s taking Elliot so long and find myself stopping to look at the clock every few minutes. This doesn’t impress Dillon but I don’t really care. Dude went from scare to horny in like seconds. I should go gay. I contemplate that for a moment. Nah. Women just don’t do it for me.